Maya's POV
"Stop that!"
"I don't like it!"
"I don't care! Stop being such a baby Arcane; stand still and try it on! Dressing you is worse than dressing the kids! And they have the ability to turn into wet noodles whenever I try!"
"Is it really necessary? It feels like you're trying to hang me!"
"Oh, stop the whining! It's just a tie!"
"From what I've seen, nobody dresses up with something tied around their neck if they're not going to hang! This is unnatural! Do you even think she will do it this time?"
I paused, let my hands fall, and watched with a plain face as Arcane ripped that poor tie off him like a burning curse etching on his skin. I wanted to yell at him, and I wanted to hit him, but I knew it wasn't fair. He was right, after all.
It had been over two years already, and three times Eir and the Dragon had prepared for the Royal mating ritual, and every time she had found a reason to back out of it.
There was no longer any doubt that they were mates, and they had mated, of course, but the official ritual was yet to be held.
Amon was of royalty and, with it, followed a string of traditions, rules, and expectations. I knew this, and Eir knew this. I knew she loved him with all her heart, but she could not let her quest go. She had searched for her sister, high and low, so certain she had to be here in this world. But each time she thought she had a clue, a little breadcrumb to follow led her to a dead end.
Nothing. No sister, nothing.
I've tried countless times telling her she might be in the human world, even tried hinting that there might not be a sister at all. However, Eir was adamant. She knew there was a lost sister out there, a sister she felt a burning need to find, and as of now, it led to a stop in her own life and joy.
Obsessed, stressed, and with a growing darkness inside her, I even started to worry about her. Not only that, but she refused to acknowledge how on edge Drifta was, not to mention Atlas.
Initially, it was only her eyes shifting without Eir noticing, but then it happened more and more. It helped when she realized she had to shift more often to let her run free, but it only resulted in her shifting to roam the forests to search in wolf form and draining them both while Atlas desperately followed to keep them close.
They are both changing, and eighter are willing to accept the reason for it. Amon would never force Eir, but Eir is too blind to see how she hurts him and Drifta and eventually herself.
"I am sorry, my little spider, that was unnecessary of me!"
Arcane's warm hands pressed on my shoulder as his warm breath fanned my neck. Taking a deep breath, I spun around and squinted my eyes at that sweet-talking little devil.
"Spider? Really?"
"Of course! Why not? They are beautiful, strong, mythical, and deadly. Just like you, my dear!"
"You forgot creepy, disgusting, and horrifying little creatures!"
I huffed back. His eyes widened in horror as I tied the tie back around his neck. I really can't understand this man's reaction to a simple little piece of fabric. Smiling to myself, I imagined how horrified he would be if he ever had to wear a human suit. The poor, bear-sized man would probably fall to his knees, begging for his life.
"Come on, it is just a tie. You can take it off after the ceremony, and yes. I am positive this will be the day! She can't run from this anymore, and both beasts need to be marked and connected to one another is tearing them apart, human and beasts. Eir knows this; she doesn't like to admit it, but she knows. She will not let that happen! So, suck it up, put on a smile, and let's go before we are too late! I'm heading over to Eir, but I swear to Odin if I see you out there without the tie! I will make you suffer! Do we understand each other, dear?"
I granted him the same look I gave the kids when they were about to misbehave or had stretched my patience too long and walked away before he could muster up a half ass answer. Almost ran out the door, cursing under my breath, and continued running when I saw the sun had almost disappeared behind the mountains.
Great, now I'm late!
Laughter and friendly chatter filled the space between the small wooden houses and open spaces all around the vast field. People from near and far had gathered here today, and there was so much joy and happiness, hope and positivity I almost forgot my fear. I forgot the fear of this not ending well, for what it would do to Eir and Amon, their reputation, and their health.
It had taken much convincing and promised to make this happen again. But they had all met up for us again- almost all. Bear shifters, the cocky cat shifters, slender-legged lionesses, the Viking pack, and even mermaids, and water shifters were here tonight. The only ones we had not seen or heard from was the Fay. Judging from Amon and Atlas's reaction, it might be for the best anyway! It would not help the dragon`s reputation if the first royal mating ceremony ended in a blood bath.
Still power walking, stressing, I grabbed the door and flung it up, only to have Eir run straight into me.
"What!? What do you think you are doing?"
Eir looked flustered, eyes wide like I caught her red-handed, and I let it all sink in. Clenched my teeth and firmly pushed her back into the house, and closed the door behind me.
"What? Eir!"
"Nothing, I should. I mean, I was just checking if...you know and..."
"Stop it, you can't just leave! "
"I'm not leaving, Maya! come on!"
"No, don't you Maya me! Where is your dress? Why are you not ready? What the hell were you thinking, Eir? Everyone is waiting for you; Amon is waiting for you!"
Eir slumped down on the little bed standing in the corner of the room, and she looked so defeated. Her head hung low, staring at her own hands while plucking at her nails. And when she spoke, her voice sounded like a low whisper, and she never looked up to meet my gaze.
"I feel like I'm giving up on her if I do this."
"You are not, and nobody said you had to stop searching for her. But you have to slow down. Be smarter about it, and remember you are supposed to live a life besides all this. You don't even know if she's here or back on earth. Heck, if she is indeed real, you don't even know if she knows about you, wants to meet you, or if she's even alive!"
"She is! I know she is; I can feel it!"
"But can you feel how everything else around you is falling apart?"
"Maya, don't be so dramatic! You know that is not true!"
"Oh really? So how about me? Do you even know how my life is at the moment? My kids? Do you even remember what they look like? And what about your brother, father, and this pack? This pack is your pack, your family, and your home, and what about Amon? And Atlas? No, no, you don't. So put that dress on now! Let us go out there and have a freaking awesome time! NOW EIR!"
I had mixed feelings watching her change into her beautiful dress, handpicked for this ceremony. A white flowing dress, the trail covered with small reflecting stones making the dress look like beautiful, new snow, sparkling in the bright sun as the fabric moved around her. She was stunning, like the most beautiful bride I've ever seen. Because that is what I saw, Eir in a magical white wedding dress. Of course, weddings are not a thing here. Not in the same way we both grew up with, anyway.
"Eir...You need to make a decision."
Her eyes found mine, and my chest started to hurt. I felt bad for her, scared of her choice, and dreaded what I would say. It did, however not change the fact that this needed to be said now.
"If you don't want this, you need to tell Amon. Let him go instead of stringing him along like this."
A deep growl vibrated up her throat, and her eyes shifted back and forth, a fight between human and beast. Quickly lifted my palms up towards her, trying to defuse the situation before Drifta snapped.
"I am only saying this you are doing now is hurting him. Either you want this, or you don't, and it is about time you word this to him. To all of us. "
The air between us felt thick and filled with tension. But just as Eir opened her mouth, the door behind me slammed up, and a voice shouted.
"They are here! They Fay are here! You won't believe this!!"