I slowly walked into my work place with my head down, trying to avoid the curious gaze of my co workers, I usually had a reputation of being the most punctual employee, but Lisa and Jeremiah just had to ruin my streak. I walked into my office and took a seat, I did not even care to pull the blinds up, I was a having a banging headache because of the stupid drug, Lisa used on me.

I sighed as I opened my files and got straight to work. I was a journalist for a very reputable media comapany, The news Co, and I was not the best at my job but I was still managable,I remeber one time when I slapped a client who I was interviewing in the face because she was such a bitch, but I ended up sleeping in jail for the night, luckily she did not press charges, or the time a client said something innapropriate and I mistakenly published the article without cutting it out. I should have been fired, but my boss let me off because he had some relations to the Taleson family. With all that had taken place, it would not be long before they finallt fire me. It was not like I wanted to be a journalist in the first place, ever since I was little, I always waned to be an actress and a musician, and my parents promised me that they would make my dreame come through, that was why they created they entertainment company.But my uncle buried my dream. I remeber that day, I still saw Lisa as a friend when I told her that I wanted to be an actress, but she just wanted what I wanted. So she convinced her parents in supporting her to become an actress, and my uncle came to me and told me that he would not support me if I tried becoming one.

Just as I was lost in thought, my door swung open, and the devil herself walked in, she was wearing a seven inch higheels on a monday morning and I was pretty sure she had no where to be.

"Sorry to interrupt your work Lizzy" She said sarcastically as she majestically sat down on the chair with a smug look on her face, she looked around the office with a digusted look.

"Wow cousin, this is where you work? This place does not fit your status" She said with smug smile, and I just faked a smile, I did not want her to have the satisfaction of being able to rile me up.

Just as I was about to reply her, I saw my co workers looking at us through my open door with curiosity, there were all probably wondering why the A list actress, Lisa Greene would come to my office, little did they know that she was my backstabbing cousin.

I stood up and closed the door before I went back to my seat.

"What do you want?" I asked calmly, even though my blood was boiling, I was filled with anger at the thought of what she wanted to do to me yesterday.And she still had the guts to show her face.

"You are a very lucky person Lizz, even with a very strong aphrodisiac in your body, you still managed to escape" she smiled and I wondered what she had under her sleeves, should she not be angry that her plan failed.

"What did I ever do to you Lisa, I have always compromised for you, every single f*cking time and you still had the guts to cast your dirty evil eye on my parents company, what the hell is wrong with you?" I asked as I stood up angrilly, I could not hold my anger anymore, because of her ,I was humiliated and had a one night stand with a stranger luckily he was an handsome one.

"What is wrong with me?" She said while standing up and giving me a mocking gaze.

"What is wrong with me is that I just hate you Eliza, I hate you so much I want you to live a life worst than death. I want everything you have, I want you to revel at my feet" she answered with a crazy look in her eyes making me to reel back in shock, I knew Lisa had problems with me, but it was then I relalized that it was way deeper than I thought.

"I have never done anything wrong to you Lisa, you are a devil" I said .

"You have never done anything wrong? So bold of you to say my dear cousin Lizzy, when your parents were alive, you always looked down on me, because you had more money, always gave me your left over clothes, shoes and bags like I was a begger, you thought that I would forget didnt you? But i never freaking did" She said craziy and my eyes just grew wider, all those times I gave her my stuff, I did it out of love and mosty because she asked, who knew that she was habouring a deep hatred for me. She was indeed crazy.

"Lisa, are you okay? A normal human being would know that I gave you all those things out of love, and I never looked down on you, but now I do, you are a stupid and pathetic asshole, goodluck in hell" I said while greeting my teeth in anger.

"Well I know I am going to hell, but I want to drag you down with me. You think that you are safe because you escaped yesterday, sorry you tell you but I will keep on trying everyway to make your life miserable, I will not let you know peace." She smiled inncoently, her usual innocnet smile she used top decieve her fans, Jeremiah and every single person, but me.

"Anyhoo, all gist aside" she laughed like we were having a nice conversation, as if she did not just threaten me seconds ago.

"Daddy has agreed to get me and Jerry baby engaged, our engagement ceremony is next week,you know I did not want to invite you at first because your stupid ugly face manages to ruin my good mood all the time, but I think seeing me get engaged to Jeremiah who was once your fiance, it would cause a great deal of pain to you, right?" She said with her soft innocent voice, but I could only slowly raise up my hands and point at the door.

"Leave my office, now" I told her.

"Okay, okay, no need to be hostile, I was about to leave anyways" She said as she put on her limited edition sunglasses and strutted out of my office while leaving the door wide open. I saw as my co workers gathered around her with books in their hands while asking for her authograph and she smiled warmly at them saying nice words, in contrast to the threat she gave me not quite long.

I closed the door and sat down on my chair letting out a frustrated sigh, I tried my best to not let the situation to have a hold on me but deep down I knew that I just wanted to cry.

Just as I was about to get to work again, my manager, Luke walked in . I was immediately alert because the only reason Luke usually came to my office was when I causeed some type of trouble.

"I did not do anything, I swear" I said immediately while he sighed with a smile. Luke and I where cool, he was cool to everyone,but he always turned into a monster, anytime I got in trouble because of my clients or article.

"I did not say anything about you being in trouble" he laughed.

"Okay why are you here then?" I asked with a smile while letting down my guard.

"Well Latisha and Daniel called in sick" he sighed and I got confused. I, Latisha and Damien were the top journalist in The news Co, even though I caused trouble some times, my works were always still up to standard, that was another reason why they could not fire me.

"How did they both get sick at the same time?" I asked curiously.

"Well they both went for an assignment together and one of them probably gave the other the sickness." he said while looking down.

"Thats not true Luke, you are hiding something from me I know it" I said while trying to guess what he was hiding.

"Eliza.." he started, but i caught him off.

"Oh my gosh, are they are couple!" I shouted causing Luke to immediatly run to my side and cover my mouth.

"Shhh, nobody should hear about this, okay?" he warned and I nodded before he removed his hands and cleard his throat awkawardly after realizing what he had done.

" So I am right then?" I asked again.

"Sure" he sighed as he raised his hands up in defeat and took a seat.

"They are both getting married" he said and I widened my eyes in shock.

"What!" I shouted again while he looked at me with tthreathening gaze, causing me to lower my voice.

"How is that possible?" I asked in disbelief.

"That is non of your business Eliza" he said.

"Okay luke, what do you want?" I asked.

"Well you know that our company was the only media company that the Blaqk family invited to cover Ryan Blaqk's wedding of the century?" he started.

"Yes I do"

"Well, Daniel and Latisha were supposed to cover it, but now that they are both not available, I have no choice than to send you to cover it:"he said in defeat and I understood him, he did not want me to cause another mess as I had already caused enough.

"What!Are you serious about this, this wedding is a pretty big deal, I dont want to mess anything up" I said nervously.

"Believe me I also dont want you to go there and mess things up,but i have no choice, you are too good at your job. Just stay in you lane and do not do anything stood, even this company would not be able to save you if you anger the Blaqk family" he said as he stood up and walked out.

After the shock of the entire situation was gone, I stood up with riverie and pucnched my fist in the air with elation, I was going to the wedding of the century. A place were even my uncle or the patriach of the Taleson family could attend, it was a party preserved for the inner upper circle and I was invited. To work technically, but I was still invited.Ryan basically every woman's dream was getting married to Angela Dalton at 27 years old, he was only two years older than me.Still a young man but so successful.

"Without another thought, I whipped out my phone and dialed Alex's number and after a few rings, she picked up.

"What?" that was the first thing she said immediately she picked my call.

"Okay good morning to you too dear Alex how is your day going too" I said sarcastically and I am pretty sure that she rolled her eyes on the other end,she was just too predictable.

"What do you want Liza, I am at work so make it quick." she said.

"Okay, guess who is going to the Blaqk family wedding?" I asked elatedly.

"I dont know tell me" She answered in an unintrested voice.

"Its me bitch, I am going to the wedding of the century" I laughed waiting to hear her shocked reply.

"You are kidding" She said in disbelief.

"Girl you know I wont kid about stuff like this" I laughed.

"Aaaaaaaagrh!' She screamed making me laugh even louder that a co worker had to walk in and shush me.

"Awn Liza that is great" She said happilyy.

"I know right, my manger sent me there to cover the wedding" I said while finally calmin g down.

"That is so cool Eliza, please take a bunch of cool pictures for me"She said.

"Girl you are talking as if i am about to go there now, dont you know that it is in a week"I said .

"Thats great!" she shouted elatedly.

"That gives us the chance to shop for a nice outfit, you cant go there looking like a social reject" She said over the phone.

"What is wrong with my usual clothes?" I asked her confusedly.

"Lizzy do you even look at the mirror" She laughed while I pouted, Alex sure had a way with her words.

Just as I was about to counter her she had to go because her boss caught her on the phone and just sighed.

I finally got back to work when I realized that I had to prepare my interview questions, something that would not offend any of the Blaqk family members.

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