Chapter 6 Zara's POV
My body was accustomed to waking up at five in the morning. My eyes were wide open, but my mind was a blank slate. The last thing I remembered was telling Lucas I needed to use the bathroom. Then he walked me back to the living room and gave me some hot water. After that... he carried me upstairs... into my room.
Oh my! I touched myself because something felt off. I was indeed naked! My suspicions were confirmed.
"You're awake, good morning," a voice said close to me.
His hair was still damp, and a few droplets of water were trickling down his neck.
"Lucas? What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised. Even though we were married, we usually slept in separate rooms.
"I spent the night here, don't you remember?" he responded, leaving me stunned.
Who wouldn't be taken aback by his revelation? "Why? I mean, why did you sleep here?" I questioned him.
"Because you asked me to," he replied.
"You're lying!" I retorted. What he was suggesting was impossible; I didn't invite him to spend the night in my room. No way!
"Come on, Zara. We're not children anymore to deny what happened between us last night. But I understand if you're still in denial right now," he said.
"So, I have to accept whatever happened, even if I don't want to, because I'm getting older. Is that what you're saying?"
"I'm not implying that you're old. What I'm saying is, we are both adults and mature enough to handle our current situation!" he clarified.
"Adult and mature. Hah! You should've controlled yourself!" I couldn't help but raise my voice.
"I tried to stop you, but-"
"But what?"
"I wasn't strong enough to resist the temptation. You were irresistible last night. Besides, am I not allowed to sleep with my wife?"
"You are mean!"
"Mean or not, I have every right to sleep with you or to...be intimate with you whenever I want to. Remember this, Zara. As my wife, you have obligations to fulfill my needs," he reminded me.
I wanted to respond, but he quickly left my room, slamming the door shut behind him. It seemed to be Lucas's signature way of closing doors always with a slam! Was he the one who should be upset? After all, I was the one who had initiated things last night.
I got up and made my bed before heading to the bathroom to freshen up. I wanted to wash off the smell of beer and Lucas's scent from my body.
After a quick shower, I filled the tub with hot water, adding a few drops of rose oil. I lit some scented candles and picked up a romance novel to read while soaking.
The story was captivating, but I couldn't linger in the bathtub for too long as I had guests to attend to. I put the book away and lathered myself with a moisturizing body wash.
After rinsing off, I checked my private area to see if I needed to shave. Thankfully, everything was still neat and tidy. I felt a strange sense of relief remembering that Lucas had already seen that part of me. Oh Lord, help me. I was still in the process of getting dressed when Lucas suddenly walked into my closet. His timing was impeccable! Just as I was adjusting my bra, he walked in.
"Next time, knock first!"
"I was worried when I couldn't find you!"
"And where would I go, huh?"
"I don't know, but maybe you'll try to escape... from me. You know what I mean, right?"
"Maybe, but it's unlikely. If you'll excuse me, I need to get dressed and then prepare our breakfast."
"Take your time... but please don't wear that skirt," he instructed.
Once again, Lucas left before I had the chance to respond. He had a knack for making quick exits. I eyed the denim skirt I had initially planned to wear. What was his issue with it? Ultimately, I opted for a navy blue dress with a floral pattern and pockets before heading downstairs.
"How about we eat outside?" I suggested to Lucas. We rarely went out as a family. When I glanced at Enrique, I instantly regretted my suggestion. He looked hopeful, and I knew he would be disappointed.
"No," Lucas responded curtly before leaving us. A few moments later, he returned and whispered a recap of last night's events into my ear. Did he really need to do that? What was his goal? To remind me that he could have my body but not my heart?
In the past, being alone with Lucas in the same room or place didn't bother me. But our dynamics had shifted significantly. I no longer felt comfortable around him. His presence made me uneasy.
"Are you uncomfortable with me?" he asked. It was obvious, wasn't it?
But I couldn't answer immediately. I wanted to deny it, to say that everything was okay between us, that nothing had happened, but I couldn't.
"Honestly, yes."
"Me too. And whose fault is this?" he retorted.
I wanted to ask him if he would feel hurt if I started avoiding him, if my actions would upset him. But I chose to stay silent. Luckily, he left me alone and didn't return. When he was gone, I began preparing breakfast. Lucas could go to hell for all I cared!
Last night, Enrique had shocked me by asking if he was adopted. I had been speechless for a moment, but I managed to come up with an explanation that I hoped he could understand, given his age. After our heart-to-heart talk, he willingly joined me in the dining room, and we enjoyed our meal together.
"Mom, your cooking is the best! Especially the fried chicken," he complimented, before taking a large bite.
I chuckled and wiped the side of his mouth. "Eat slowly, young man. You don't want to choke, right?"
"Okay, Mom."
After he finished his meal, I brought out our favorite cake. Enrique had a sweet tooth, but I didn't want to ruin his teeth with too much sugar. So, I learned how to bake so I could control the sugar content. I made cupcakes in various flavors, but we both loved the red velvet ones the most.
Suddenly, my phone rang. It was a video call request from Nicholas Rutherford. I hesitated for a moment before answering. It had been a while since we last talked, but he was a friend.
"Hi, Nick!"
He greeted me with his signature playful smile. I glanced at his blue eyes, a trait he inherited from his British father. But then, I felt a wave of discomfort. Was it because of Antoinette's suggestion that I should date him?
"How are you?" I asked, subtly changing the subject.
He pretended to be hurt. As far as I knew, he was currently overseas for the launch of his new clothing line. I wished we could chat like old times, but when I looked at Enrique, he seemed disappointed.
"Who's that, Mom?" he asked.
"It's Uncle Nick," I replied. But before I could explain further, Enrique grabbed my phone.
"Hi, Uncle Nick!"
I knew Lucas didn't want me talking to anyone, but Nick was an exception. We had been friends for a long time. Besides, I had no romantic interest in Nick.
"Hey, buddy. How're your studies?" Nick responded, all smiles.
In fact, Nick had been more of a father figure to Enrique than Lucas had. I remembered the day I went into labor. I was in pain, my water had broken. I tried to reach Lucas, but he was out with his girlfriend celebrating her birthday.
I had no choice but to call Nick, and he didn't hesitate to pick me up and take me to the hospital. He and Antoinette stayed with me for hours after I gave birth. I didn't want to dwell on the past. It was too painful. I had shed too many tears over Lucas Blackwood.
As Nick chatted with my son, I couldn't help but wonder what life would be like if I had ended up with Nick instead of Lucas. Would I be happier? Would Enrique be happier?