CHAPTER 3 Exposure
Ruby's POV
I groaned in excruciating pain as I grabbed my head with both hands as it felt as if it was about to explode.
This is why I hate drinking. I must have taken quite a lot for my head, eyes and ears to throb this much.
Slowly peeling my eyes open, the first thing in my point of view was a chandelier.
I abruptly sat up and focused my vision and truly, it was a chandelier.
How did I get here?
Last thing I remember was being at the bar and meeting Oliver.
Oliver? Shit!
I face-palmed as flashbacks from last night came back, violently.
I had sex with him in his car. I had behaved like a wanton woman in heat. I had even begged him to fuck me.
How embarrassing.
I looked around my surroundings and noted that this was a very fancy and expensive bedroom that was decorated with black and splashes of gold.
I almost jumped in fear as my eyes landed on Oliver who was asleep beside me on the bed, buttnaked.
His black mop of hair fell over his face as his chest slowly rose and fell in deep slumber.
I pulled back the comforter I held over my chest and unsurprisingly, I was naked.
I also took note of the hickeys and bite marks littered all over my body. From my neck to my breasts to my thighs.
The intense ache in my core was also very difficult to go unnoticed as it throbbed and ached.
After a few minutes of self scolding and going over my bad decisions, I decided to slip out and make a run for it now that he was asleep.
Throwing the comforter over my body, I dropped one foot to the floor before dropping the other.
As I stood up in my birthday suit, I felt the intensity of the ache in between my legs and wondered what had come over Oliver last night.
I slowly bent down and started to pick my clothes from the floor shamefully although I couldn't find my panties.
I searched around for it a little bit and then remembered that they were ripped last night by Oliver in the car in the heat of the moment.
How did we even end up in his house? He must have driven us back home.
I put my clothes on and grabbed my purse off the nightstand before walking out of the door, not sparing Oliver another look.
I would truly die of embarrassment if he were to wake up and find me here, doing the walk of shame.
I flagged down a taxi and arrived home in no time and headed straight for the shower.
I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed to see if I could get rid of his touch and his scent but I knew that was impossible.
What's done is done.
I never should have let Oliver touch me last night.
After having a bath, I walked out of the bathroom to hear my phone ringing, I fished it out of my purse and saw that it was Oliver.
Groaning, I placed it on the table and ignored the call.
I don't want him to get the wrong impression.
I still don't want anything to do with him. Last night was a mistake, a very regrettable mistake.
I dressed up for work instead and decided to forget all about Oliver and our wild night of forbidden erotic passion and drown myself in hotel paperwork.
My phone was still ringing as I walked into the office and I knew who it was.
He just doesn't know how to give up.
As I was about to walk into my office, my assistant, Stella appeared in front of me.
"Good morning, Miss Ruby." She professionally greeted me as her hawk-like eyes carefully assessed my strange outfit for the day.
I was wearing a turtle neck long sleeved blouse over a blazer and paired with black dress pants and red stilettos.
I was trying as much as possible to hide the love bites and marks from last night.
I never dress this conservatively at work.
"Good morning, Stella." I replied.
"Miss Ruby, your father wants to see you in his office now." Stella informed me.
I groaned in annoyance knowing exactly how this conversation would go.
It will definitely be about marrying Oliver. My father is adamant and persistent.
I followed closely behind Stella and waited outside my father's office as she knocked and waited for a reply to come from inside.
"Come in."
Stella held the door open for me as I walked in before she bowed and left, leaving me and father inside his gigantic office.
"You wanted to see me, father?"
"Ah, yes. How was your night with Oliver?" He suddenly asked out the blue as I choked on my own saliva and erupted into a coughing fit.
Where did that question come from?
"Are you okay, Ruby?" He was concerned.
"Yes…uh yes, I am." I replied.
"How was the dinner? When are you announcing your engagement to the media?"
"Father, that isn't going to happen. I have no interest in Oliver. We have no chemistry." I answered smoothly as images of us from last night resurfaced and I kept my legs crossed tightly to contain the ache there.
"What do you mean by that? How can you reject a fine young man like Oliver? Are you actually in your right senses?" My father's voice started to rise.
I noticed the change in his voice and temper as I noted he was getting angry.
"Father, calm down." I tried to quell his anger. "Oliver is a–"
"Don't you dare tell me to calm down! Is this about that boy again? Why can't you be ambitious Ruby?" He hit his desk in anger.
"This is not about Ethan. He and I are through." I answered with my eyes kept on the floor.
"Then what is holding you from getting together with Oliver?! Do you know how many girls would kill to be in your shoes? And here you are passing up such an opportunity!" He yelled.
"I don't love him!" I screamed out, "I don't love Oliver. I feel nothing for him." I continued.
"Love? You're looking for love? In our world?" He chuckled bitterly to himself.
"Yes. I can't spend the rest of my life with someone I don't love." I responded.
"Well, newsflash for you, Ruby, you are getting married to Oliver Harrison whether you like it or not. I won't stand by and watch you destroy—"
Father didn't complete his statement before I heard a loud thud.
I forcefully tore my eyes from the floor and was shocked to see him on the floor. I ran to him and checked his pulse. It was weak.
"Father? Father?" I tapped his cheek but there was no response. "No, no, no, no, no please don't do this to me, father!"
"Is anybody there?! Somebody help me!"