Chapter 5
Ally’s POV
Other than the excruciating pain that came with the first change on the night of the first full moon after their sixteenth birthday, none of them had been taken. None of them had violently turned wolf on a random day that wasn't a full moon. None of them had spilled blood.
When I came to, I was hanging off the body of a vampire. I could see the back of his legs as he walked, his shoulder bumping against my stomach as he moved. That's when it hit me. The last thing I saw before I'd gotten a blow to the head was my sister being dragged away. I thought they'd agreed to let me go in exchange that Kara went with them. Of course not. They weren't called the vermin of the earth for nothing. Liars.
"Why, hello sweetheart. Awake?" One of them bent and whispered close to my face while the other cackled.
"Where are you taking me? Where is my sister?." I growled and they laughed. "We're hours away from where you took a nap." The man that called me sweetheart said. "I think we're going to have a little fun with you first." The man carrying me added and threw me to the ground like a sack of grain. There were four of them, twice my size and looking at me with malevolent smiles. As they advanced towards me,I crawled as much as my bound hands and feet would allow and when they grabbed me, I fought to release myself from their grip. Weak and pathetic. A werewolf turned would have snapped these binds and clawed their faces. A pity that I wasn't one yet.
One of them licked the spot behind my ear and I froze. Oh no. This wasn't how I was going to end. I'd rather be dead than let them have their way with me. As I struggled and thought of how to free myself, I heard that tiny voice that always whispered to me whenever I was in agony.
Use your fire, it said.
But they'll know who I am, I shot back.
They won't be able to tell if they're ash, it argued.
I didn't get time to argue or tell it that I'd promised Kara to never use it, to never expose myself when one of them cupped my breasts and another bit into my shoulder.
I snapped.
I screamed.
They were flying off me in an instant. When I deigned to look, where there were four, there was now three. A pile of ashes told me what I'd done. The magic moaned in satisfaction.
I saw shock all over their faces and I knew my eyes were glowing. The migraines that came with using the fire magic hit me with full force but I stood still, wiping blood from my nose.
My voice was calm, a dark contrast with the hell I was going to raise, secret be damned. "Tell me where my sister is."
The one who bit me snarled, unfazed. "Go to hell, bitch."
He was ash the next second.
Where there were three, there was now two.
One of them took off running but the other was frozen in place, his voice trembling even as he begged his limbs to support him and flee.
"Please, please,don't hurt me. I can convince them. They have the wrong wolf. I know that now."
He stuttered and I was waiting for him to get to the point of telling me where my sister was when I felt it. I was shifting and it was happening faster than I'd ever imagined. I don't remember much of what the pain felt like because the man took off and my wolf licked her fangs in anticipation of her first of many kills. She was right. It was the first of many kills that night.
"We cannot attack them without any proof, Greg. We will lose our lands. Do you want our children and wives to be homeless." A deep voice that I knew very well responded. I looked up and saw the man standing, arms crossed. It was Dominic, Caleb's father.
"Go,daddy" Caleb murmured and I chuckled.
"We'll discuss this when the kids are not around. Children,you may leave now. Remember, groups of two." My father said and I heard many of the kids heave a sigh of relief. I didn't think they understood the gravity of what was going on. Or the carnage that would come upon us if the vampires were indeed responsible for the crimes.
"Hey, let me drive you home." Caleb offered and I shook my head.
He needed the security a whole lot more than I did. "You're in more danger than I am. You of all people know that I can handle myself." He rolled his eyes at my response and shoved me into his jeep.
"Put on your seatbelt. We're preparing for take off." It was my turn to roll my eyes. "Aye aye captain"
"I can't hear you."
"Aye,aye captain"
"Oh,who lived in a pineapple under the sea-"
"That's enough, Caleb. Please keep your eyes on the road." I hushed him and he pouted and started the car.
As I looked around, I was sure I could hear eerie voices but with the happy look on Caleb's face as he bopped his head to Lush life, maybe I was too paranoid. Maybe it was just a supernatural serial killer on the loose. I wished that was it.