BBB-CHP5_Chains of Power.
"I was trying to protect you," she had said. Those words kept ringing in my head, and I wished they would stop.
I shut my eyes, but all I saw was her frame, weak and tired on the bed, her skin pale from the amount of energy that went out of her during the fight.
I vividly remembered her brows furrowing in confusion at the tone with which I spoke to her. Yes, I know I sounded rude, but she could not understand—she would never.
I probably owed her some thanks, but the thought of thanking her only made me cringe further. She was even lucky I was able to hold back some of the anger I felt.
Selene was just a vampire. She was not allowed to save me. Wasn't it enough that the leader of the operatives had barely paid any attention to me, making her seem like the main character and like all our lives banked on her decision?
Why did she have to be the one to dispatch him?
With a growl, I banged my fist on the table. I was the only one in the conference room, so I was allowed to act up. A knock sounded, and my eyes popped open. "Come in," I said.
Alan, my beta, strolled in. "When I heard 'conference room,' I thought there was a meeting. Are you holding a meeting with yourself?"
"It was about time you came in. What held you up?" I demanded, ignoring his question.
"I had to speak with the security head," he replied with a shrug. "You know, tighten security like you asked me to."
I nodded. For a moment there, I had forgotten, and I didn't need a soothsayer to tell me that it was because of Selene.
"I brought her," I began.
"I know," he replied. "She's all the other werewolves can talk about."
My eyes narrowed immediately. "And what exactly are they saying?"
"They say she's fierce and the perfect match for you," he answered with a smile in his voice. "I'd like to meet her myself."
"Anything else?" I prompted.
Now it was his turn to narrow his eyes. "No. Are you expecting something in particular?"
I just nodded. I had given the wolves that went with me explicit orders not to talk about what happened with the operatives.
I felt it unwise to let the whole pack know the strength she possessed, especially when I was not yet sure whether I wanted her to be an ally or a foe.
"Then something else happened?" my beta asked. He was quite a curious man, one of the reasons I did not like him being around me for so long, but at least he did his job efficiently.
"She is strong—very strong—but I don't know the extent of powers that she possesses, and I don't like that."
He was quiet for a while. "Well, you can find that out, right? She's going to be your lunar."
"Can you stop hinting at the mate bond that we share?" I demanded.
"I don't understand. Isn't that why you brought her here?"
"You make assumptions too easily. Did anybody ever tell you that?" I grumbled, patting the seat next to me.
"Apparently, it's a good thing. Else, I would be in the dungeons by now," he snickered. Settling into the seat.
If I wasn't already frustrated by a much bigger problem, I would have sent him into the dungeons right then. As it were, I just rolled my eyes.
"She's a vampire, and not just that—she's a Night Shade. I don't like her."
"You know you can't just hate someone based on stereotypes. Have you gotten to know her in the first place?"
I scoffed. "Why would I ever want to do that? Besides, she already hates me."
"I know you are difficult to like," he continued, and I shot him a glare, "but you can't tell me she already hates you so soon."
"You don't think that she came here willingly, do you?"
He raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I see." He tapped his fingers on the table like he did when he was deep in thought.
I knew any normal person would wish that the way we met was different, but I actually enjoyed the capture and locking her up in the cage. Was I supposed to go off to where she was and beg her to come with me? My pride would never survive that.
"You know, it might not yet be too late to get into her good books."
It was taking a good lot of self-control to listen to this man.
"And do what? Build a relationship?" I laughed. "I'd rather die than let any feelings creep in."
"But you know who she is supposed to be to you."
"I know, and I don't care," I said, rising. "Selene is my prisoner. She just happens to be powerful enough to make me pay attention to her."
"But the prophecy says—" he began.
"The prophecy does not control me!" I snapped. He made the prophecy sound like some rulebook that I had to follow, but in reality, it was quite the opposite. If I was to do things on the terms of the prophecy, I would be the one to lose at the end.
"I brought her here just to keep an eye on her and to make sure that the Veil doesn't get her first. And that is all that will happen."
"Much more can be achieved if you try to get to know her and not just treat her as a tool," Alan said in a low voice.
"I can only treat her as what she is," I countered. "You will let her know that she's going to move down to my estate this evening. I've already assigned a room for her."
He nodded reverently. "As you wish, Alpha. All I ask is that you don't deal harshly with her."
I frowned. If I went all soft on her, she would learn my weaknesses and no doubt use them against me in the long run. Being vulnerable only once in my lifetime was more than enough for me.
"I will do as I please," I said with an edge to my voice. "Report back to me once you've carried out my orders."