Chapter 1
Emerald’s POV
My name is Emerald Amethyst Stone. I am 27 years old. I have straight, jet, black hair and lavender eyes which were very unique. I have also very pale skin, with no blemishes. I have to put loads of sunscreen on just to be out in the sun, which sucks. I am only 5 foot and 120 pounds and very ordinary. Nothing unusual about me. I do run, own and operate my own business where I sell candles, bath stuff, flowers etc. I live in my own apartment all by myself. The apartment I rent is in a very nice neighborhood and very safe. Not much happens in this neighborhood. I’m just an ordinary girl in an ordinary world. Or so I thought.
Right now, in my neighborhood, I am hanging out with my two best friends in the whole wide world. They are the most amazing, sweetest people ever. We are definitely more like sisters than friends. Three peas in a pod.
We went to our favorite coffee shop called A Little Sweet Stop. I ordered a large caramel macchiato, iced like always, and sat outside under an umbrella as I waited for my friends to order their drinks and come out to sit with me.
My best friends were 27 as well. We have known each other since kindergarten.
My one best friend is named Cherise Addix. She is 4 foot 11 inches, even shorter than me. She of course being the shortest had the loudest mouth out of all three of us and the most embarrassing with no filter and no shame. She has model looks with perfectly tanned skin, bright blue eyes and perfectly sun streaked blonde hair down to her butt. She has been married to her soul mate and sweet heart of a husband since she was 18. Her husband is also one of our good friends since we have known him a long time too named Ryder Addix. Ryder works and she doesn’t. She is a stay at home mom and is totally loving it. So far they have one child together who’s four and of course Cherise and Ryder want more. Cherise also thinks we all need to be engaged and married off.
My other best friend, Tanya Thomas is tall. Standing at 5 foot 9 inches and the total opposite of us. She was the mother hen of the group. Always making sure we knew who the designated driver is when we go out drinking or at the club. She loved dressing as a hippie slash fortune teller. She wore many outfits that had rainbow color schemes but wore long flowy skirts and dresses with bangle bracelets that reminded me of a fortune teller. She had bright, red hair and hazel eyes that were more green depending on the weather outside. Today they looked more green at least to me. Tanya had also slight freckles on her pale skin. She also owned her own business which was a tattoo shop slash fortune telling shop. She wasn’t married but at the current moment in her life she had her sights set on a guy but apparently it went south which is one of the reasons we met up at the coffee shop.
After Tanya and Cherise got their drinks they came and sat down with me on the outdoor patio. Tanya then explained the situation between her and her guy.
Of course Cherise chimed in once Tanya was done explaining, putting in her two cents, “You didn’t even know him.”
“I know that Miss Obvious. I was so close to finally making my move. I finally had him where I wanted him.” Tanya complained.
Cherise crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, “No, you weren’t.”
“I was too. One more day and we would have totally been dating.” Tanya explained so sure of herself.
“In what universe?” asked Cherise with an arch of her brow, not believing a word.
“You two literally need to chill.” I said definitely not wanting to deal with one of their spats today after the day I had at work. “Cherise not everybody is able to find their soul mate at a young age like you did.”
“Look you two just need to do what I did. Try at least try. I mean, yes I got lucky but you two are so picky. For god’s sake look at this guy.” Cherie said and pointed over her right shoulder gesturing to blonde haired man, that stood tall and sweaty as if he just came from the gym with air pods in his ears.
“No thanks,” said Tanya with a shake of her head.
“Why?” Asked Cherise.
“I don’t go for gym guys. Do I look like the type to work out?” Tanya asked gesturing to herself.
“No. Okay, what about you Em?” Asked Cherise.
“Not my type.” I said leaning back in my chair drinking my coffee. I am definitely grateful I grabbed something with caffeine.
“Oh come on. You guys are just picky.” Cherise said clearly annoyed with us.
“Really picky.” I mimicked her.
Cherise stuck her tongue out at me.
Tanya laughed.
“What about him?” Asked Cherise, pointing to a dark haired guy who just walked by.
“Nope.” We said at the same time after giving him a once over.
“Ugh! How am I suppose to help you two? You two are the most pickiest people I have ever met and known.” Cherise said exasperated.
“We are really not that bad. It’s just we know what we like and what we want.” Tanya said with a shrug of her shoulders.
“True that.” I said.
“Ugh fine.” Cherise grumbled, sitting back in her chair, with her arms crossed clearly pouting like a child, clearly done with us and this conversation.
I decided to change the subject asking about her daughter. I knew that would make her happy, “Does Amelia still have her game this Saturday?”
“Yes.” She said with the brightest of smiles and a twinkle in her eye. “Unless the coach cancels it because of the weather but I’ll let you know. I have the only little girl that doesn’t want to do cheerleading or gymnastics.”
Amelia was in T-Ball at 4 years old. She was an exact replica of Cherise but had Ryder’s height. She was already the tallest on the team.
“She’s only 4 after all. She might change her mind.” I said.
“I just can’t believe she picked baseball of all sports.” Cherise complained.
“It’s not that bad.” Tanya laughed.
“No it’s not.” She sighed, “but couldn’t she have picked something indoors with A/C.”
“Nope, that’s not how it works.” I laughed.
“I’ll be there Saturday cheering her on.” Said Tanya.
“So will I.” I said.
“Thanks you two. You know she loves when everybody shows up.” Cherise said.
“You’re welcome.” I said.
“Alright, well I have to go check on my shop.” Said Tanya standing up, grabbing her things and getting ready to leave.
“You’re still letting your brother help you?” I asked a little shocked. I knew her brother was a little bit of a mess.
“Yeah.” She sighed. “But he’s family. Unfortunately he forgets to lock the door a lot at the end of the day. So I’ll be closing up shop today.”
“Oh lord.” Cherise rolled her eyes.
“Yeah so I am going to take off. I am probably going to give him the speech about safety first for like the millionth time so I’ll see you tomorrow.” Tanya said with a wave of hand as she walked back down the street towards her shop.
We waved at her until she was out of view then went back to our coffees.
“What are your plans for today?” Cherise asked.
“I am going to go home, make myself dinner, curl up with a new book, watch a movie, and go to sleep.” I said.
“You guys are so boring.” She whined.
“We are not.” I said.
“Are too.” She argued.
“I took the afternoon off after meeting with investors all morning. It was headache after headache. So I needed a break like this and to just chill out at home.” I said.
“Yeah no plans tonight, no plans Friday, no clubbing, no nothing. Boring.” Cherise stated facts.
“How about this Friday we go out?” I asked to get her off our backs.
“Really?” She asked surprised.
“Sure.” I said.
“Awesome!” She exclaimed with a fist pump in the air. “I’ll look up some places.”
Just then her phone went off. She looked at it and made a face.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“I forgot I have to pick up stuff to make tacos on the way home. Anyways Friday for sure. I’ll see you then and I’ll text Tanya. Remember whatever place I choose.” She said as she stood up ready to go.
She left with a wave as she made her way to her car and I sat there for a minute.
What did I just do? I thought. Cherise was like a tornado and a dog with a bone and usually it was her way or no way. I mean there were quite a few good bars and clubs in town so hopefully she didn’t get too crazy with it.
I finally got myself up and went home for the night. True to my word, I did just what I told Cherise. I went straight home, changed into some comfy pjs, made dinner for myself, picked a brand new book to read and had the tv on in the background for some noise.
At some point, closer to night time I had fallen asleep in my bed.
What Cherise didn’t know was that, in my dreams, I had met the perfect man.
But it was only a dream.
Though I wished it was real.
But for now, in my dreams, I’ll take whatever I can get with him.