Chapter 4
Jeremy’s POV
I was back at my home on my island called Mendel. My home is a beautiful beach island that was filled with white, sandy beaches, crystal clear, blue water that was always perfectly warmed and nothing but tall palm trees that were perfectly spaced and provided just the right amount of shade. The island was my safe space and is where I came to get away when I needed to think. Today was one of those days.
My mansion is a huge stone building built out of black and gray stones. On the outside, it looked like it had a very beachy theme to it by having nothing but straw layered over it so it looked like a giant hut. The inside of the house had mainly white walls to make the house seem bright and airy. The furniture though was very cozy but black since it’s my favorite color. The house had black sconces, black chandeliers and candles. There in the front hall that had the office/library door to the left and a hall closet on the right side. Then the stairs that led up to the bedrooms and down to the basement. The main floor also consisted of the great room which was the kitchen, dining room and living room featured as an open floor plan. On the top floor it had his master bedroom, bathroom, the guest bedrooms and bathrooms. The basement was the game room which had a pool table, ski hockey, arcades, video games, and bowling. The cinema room and the gym were also down there as well.
I was sitting in my office doing lots of research on how to make myself human. Or at least visit the human realm so I could be there with Emerald. As a half dream god slash demigod, having lived for more than 1,000 years, you would think I would have known the answer but nope. I had no idea so I was beyond frustrated. I was running a hand through my hair as I put back another one of the oldest books I had when I turned around to see a shimmer of light.
I rolled my eyes as my mom came into view and appeared before me.
I did not need this right now.
“Hi mom.” I said as politely as possible.
“Jeremiah we felt that you were upset. We wanted to check on you. Your father was in a meeting with a few other gods and couldn’t make it. I came instead. Did something happen?” She asked in her fairy like voice.
Looking over my mom, she had on a white, off the shoulder dress that went down to the floor. She was short standing only at 5 foot 3 and looked just like Jeremy and his brother considering they were twins. She had long, straight, black hair down to her knees and bright green eyes and the palest, translucent looking of skin. She was an awesome mom and she always came when her kids needed her. But to everyone else, she was known as Calista the goddess of wraith and destruction. She could be the most evil goddess if she needed too.
“No, nothing happened.” I said as I rolled my eyes again.
“Do you want to talk about it?” asked Calista.
“I don’t know. I guess.” I said unsure of what my mom would say about me wanting to go to the human realm. My parents always knew when I lied but I didn’t want to tell them about Emerald right now. So I decided to leave that part out for now, “I would like to go to the human realm.”
“Why?” Asked Calista confused.
“Why can’t I?” I countered.
“The human realm is filled with nothing but diseases, war, climate issues, you name it. Anything bad that happens, it happens there.” She said.
“I would just like to go. Expand my horizons.” I suggested.
“Hmm,” she said clearly not believing me but instead said, “okay, I’ll tell you. I mean you should be able to go wherever you want. But it better be for good reason you’re going. You get hurt in any way and your father and I will be very upset with you.”
Even in her mean tone she sounded fairy like, “yes mom.”
I was surprised she gave in that easy but I wasn’t complaining.
“All you have to do to go to the human realm is think it.” She explained.
“That’s it?” I asked in surprise. I had been thinking that it was a lot more complicated than that.
“Yes, that’s it. That’s how you get there and back home. You think about it and you are able to teleport yourself where you need to go.” She explained.
“Why wasn’t I told this before?” I asked still surprised and shocked that it was really that easy.
“We wanted to protect you. See, a long time ago the gods, us, walked the earth among humans. Though after some time humans had figured out that over time they started to realize that the gods weren’t aging. That we were staying young while the humans were growing old and dying. Some started trying to start a war with the gods even though it was a losing battle. Unfortunately, the gods realized that they had to disappear one by one if they wanted to continue living peacefully. So they did. One by one the gods disappeared. They then created these wonderful, magical islands we all live on.” Calista explained.
“But many of the humans still pray to the gods?” I asked in confusion.
“Yeah I don’t understand the human’s either.” She said with a shrug. “Why hate someone, anyone at all, for things they can’t control?”
I shrugged. “That’s terrible. I’m sorry for what the gods had to go through, But that’s all I have to do? There’s nothing else to it?”
“Yes that is it. Anything else, my son?” She asked.
“Nope. That’s it.” I said standing up as I came out from behind my desk.
“Okay my son. I am off. I promised your father I would cook him steak tonight.” She replied as he gave her a hug.
Even though gods didn’t really have to eat, my parents loved to.
“Are you going to tell dad?” I asked her.
“You know I tell your dad everything. There are no secrets between us. Do you not want me to tell him?” She said letting go, standing back and observing him.
“No it’s okay. You can tell him if you want.” I said because she looked real suspicious of me right now and the less questions from me the better. I knew I was going to get plenty of questions from Emerald when she saw me in the human realm.
“Okay, well, I love you, see you later and yell if you need anything.” She said. She suddenly left shimmering out of sight.
I should have been told this a long time ago. It would have made my life a lot easier.
Looking around, I looked at the mess all over the office and decided to start cleaning it up.
Once I was done which took me a while to put everything back to the way I liked, I checked in on Emerald looking into my magic doorway I had in my office. It was the only door way in the house that was a magical one. I had received it as a gift for being a dream god slash Demigod. Being a dream god everyone had to have these portals or doorways so that they could connect to their human charges while they slept. I had never been to the human realm only to the dream realm.
I immediately thought of Emerald and the scene changed from mirror form, rippling like water, as I finally saw her a few moments later. She was sitting at a desk in a building. She was typing away at the computer with a yellow pencil tucked behind her ear. She had her hair done in a messy bun of sorts and had very minimal make up on. That’s what I liked about her. She didn’t have to try to be sexy she just was automatically. She had on a pleated dark gray skirt that reached her knees with a white sweater that looked like a size too small for her, had a dark sweater over her shirt paired with a pair of black high heels.
All of the sudden as I realized I was now hard as a rock and had to go and relieve myself of this problem for now. At least until later tonight when I could spend more time with her.
Suddenly there was a poof of smoke along with a boom that shook the whole house.
It startled me as I yelped and quickly erased Emeralds image from my doorway, and just in the nick of time.
The door slammed open against my wall to my office to reveal my twin brother who looked identical to me. He stood just as tall, the same hair color and eye color. The only difference was that his brother didn’t have tattoos. Today he wore a white shirt, blue jeans and a pair of white tennis shoes. My brother did a salute to me saying, “Honey I’m home.”