The Reception

Athena walked back to her office and closed the door behind her. She had never been in such a situation before, especially at work. How could an inferior employee who had just arrived at the office be so bold? She walked to her desk and sat down, rethinking what Jason had just done.

She was so sure that she felt his hard groin against her. As much as it turned her on, she still could not wrap her head around it. She had been in control for a moment, and in the next, she was the victim. The fact that Jason buttoned up her blouse without breaking eye contact was a clear message that she had no effect on him. No, it was the vice versa. Even when he sandwiched her, his voice was calm. She could remember his steady breathing and how composed he was.

Athena could not take it any longer. She went and opened her office windows and turned on her air conditioner. She took off the petticoat that she had on and went to get some fresh air by the window. After a few minutes, she returned to her desk and called the reception.

"Hello, would you please cancel all my appointments scheduled after lunch till around four? And also, I would like to excuse Mr. Jason, yes him. He will be a little busy with some work I've assigned to him. Thank you." She placed the phone back on the receiver and looked at the time. It was now 2:00. She had thirty minutes to spare.

Jason's Point of View (P.O.V)

After Jason had walked away from Athena, he couldn't help but grin at what he had just done. He knew that she was eyeing him, but he played dumb. It was not the first time that his looks had turned him into a chick magnet. He was consciously aware that Athena was at a superior level in the company; this was not going to stop him from doing what he did best: becoming an irresistible charmer. After all, it was Athena who had shown interest, and he couldn't miss such a chance. Jason went to the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor, to pick up some things at the reception. As it was just about to close, another co-worker entered the elevator.

"Where to?" Jason asked as he offered to press the floor where she would get off.

"The ground floor, please. By the way, I haven't seen your face around here, have I?" she replied, then asked enquiringly.

"I suppose not. The name's Jason. Just started out a few days ago," he said.

"Oh! So you must be the guy Kayla can't stop..." She paused suddenly, "Sorry about that, I meant, you must be the new guy. I'm Marla, nice to meet you." She said, trying to avoid eye contact. As she said this, Jason took this time to have a better look at her. She had a round lovely face with some slight freckles that went well with her fair skin tone. Her eyes were hazel, and her smile was captivating. She held her long braided hair behind her back where it went down and rested on her behind. She was shorter than him but had a curvaceous body that turned him on. Her chest heavy, and full in the shape of two medium-sized mangoes. He brought his eyes back to her face and said,

"That's a cute name, Marla. Nice to meet you. And don't worry, I'll pretend I didn't hear you mention Kayla, even though I don't know her." He smiled and searched for her reaction. Instantly, he saw her shy away and put her hands on her face.

"Only if," he continued, "if you bribe me." He finished with a broad grin on his face. Marla lifted her face suddenly with a questioning look on her face.

"Bribe you? What do you mean by bribing you?" she asked playfully. She peered into his blue eyes and searched for any expression on his face. But all that she read from his face was that he was planning something, though she couldn't tell what.

"That's for you to choose. I guess you'll pick something I might like." Jason said with a smile that revealed his well-arranged milky-white teeth. Trying her best not to continue blushing, Marla composed herself and said as she played with her hair,

"Since I'm not sure if I even know what you like, I had some tickets to an opera downtown. Might not be the best deal I can offer, but it is the only one I can think of since it's on such short notice."

"When and what time?" Jason asked.

"Today at 7 pm. Meet me at the Grand Sin City Hall, that's if you can find it." She said, laughing.

The elevator dinged and opened. They got out and started walking towards the reception.

"Heeeyy, Marla! I've been looking everywhere... Hey, you!"

The girl at the reception started talking to Marla, but when her eyes found Jason's, she nearly dropped her cup of coffee, but she was able to steady her hand and greet him.

"Hey, be careful... You nearly dropped your coffee," Jason teased a little.

"But luckily I didn't," she sheepishly looked away.

"Well, it looks like I just became the third wheel in this conversation, so adios. I have some work to get to. And Jaso.." Marla started as she turned around to leave.

"I won't forget," Jason answered, even before she could finish her statement. As she started walking away, Jason was now able to take notice of Marla's curvy body. She had quite a bum, and it was perfectly curved. Plus, the tight blue jeans that hugged her body revealed the blessings she had received. Her smoothly shaped legs added to the list. Jason couldn't help but admire her body. He immediately stopped his gaze, ensuring that no one saw what he had done. He looked around the place and noticed that some people, even male colleagues, were talking in low tones, but it was evident that they were talking about him.

He turned his attention to the receptionist, "Hey, is it me, or is it possible that I happen to be the topic of the day? Since the day that I arrived here, everyone has been looking at me kinda funny."

"Something of the sort," she replied, "Well, according to what the boss has been saying about you, being famous was by the snap of a finger. He told us about your track record, which is kinda amazing."

"Then why put me in an inferior position?" he inquired. "I guess he wanted us to see what it takes for one to rise up the ranks through you." She said to him.

"I'm flattered by the gesture. I guess I must get to work so that I live up to the praise that I've received," he said, mocking the boss. "By the way, I haven't got the chance to know your name."

"I'm Kayla. But you can call me Kay," she said in a soft voice.

"My oh my, so you are Kayla. This just got interesting." His smile became wider.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked with a raised brow.

"Nevermind, it's not something that should bother you. Anyway, I should be on my way then. I have to attend to some work."

"I believe that is not going to happen." She said to him as he was about to leave.

"Why's that?" He turned back.

"Miss Athena called a few minutes ago. She told me that she had some work for you, so I cancelled all your appointments. It seems that she had quite a handful of work for you. If I were you, I would start off by impressing her, even though she's a hard woman to impress."

Jason chuckled, and after clearing his throat, he said, "She's a hard woman to impress, you say. We'll see about that."

"I like your confidence. Tell you what, if you do that by the end of today, I'll let you see me in my lingerie." Kayla said jokingly.

"It's a deal." Jason replied as he walked away.

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