Chapter 1: Toil and turmoil

Eliza's high-pitched voice stung my eardrums as she yelled, "Get up, Althea," and tore the duvet from my body. "Get up," she said again, "you don't intend to lie in bed all day, do you? Her beady tiny eyes blazed at me, "Get your pathetic self downstairs, there's work to be done." She spat out and left the room. I hurried out of bed right away, searching everywhere for any indication of danger, but I couldn't find any. I shook as I went to dress, and as I was brushing my teeth, I thought about how I had broken one of Eliza's vases the day before while dusting them, and I had received a harsh punishment for it.

My foster father, Beta Felix, nearly ran into me as I hurried out of my room after taking a short bath and getting ready. I trembled as I snapped out of my daydream. "Althea! Are your eyes as worthless as the rest of you now? "Watch your step next time, pathetic omega." I bowed my head, apologized, and hurried down the stairs to meet Eliza, fighting back the familiar sting of tears behind my eyes.

My foster sister, Sable was sitting with a book when I came downstairs. I tried to blend in with the background as I walked, but luck has never been on my side . "You're awake, Althea! What a shame, I was hoping you would die in your sleep because you're not useful to this family or the pack as a whole," she said, staring at me with disgust and hatred in her intense blue eyes. With her stunning blue eyes and pin-straight chestnut hair, Sable was a few years older than me and more attractive than I was. Although she was superior to me in every way, she was constantly looking for ways to make my already terrible life even worse.

Eliza was waiting for me in the kitchen, and I bowed my head pitifully as I entered. She virtually threw the dustpan and broom at me as soon as she spotted me,"Get to sweeping!" She shrieked, "And when you're done sweeping, you scrub the floors and dust the ornaments and...." I ignored her because I already knew what to do as I was already used to my daily schedule of strenuous tasks. Sable went to her room upstairs while I was cleaning the floor, and I was relieved to be alone and by myself because I wouldn't be bothered by anyone.

In less than five minutes, Sable returned downstairs with a small container and a sly smile. I was always in trouble when Sable had that smile on her face, so I was devastated. I was a little relieved when she ignored me and sat down, so I continued with sweeping

"Good morning, daddy dearest" was Sable's greeting when Beta Felix down the stairs a few moments later, her voice as sweet as sugar. Felix told his daughter, "You look incredibly beautiful these days, like a true beta." His voice was warm and loving, but then abruptly became abrasive, "Althea!" He pointed to the floor and said, "Are you really going blind or are you just acting like your usual pathetic self?" I walked over to see what he was pointing at and noticed that the area I had just swept was now sandy. I then glanced at the container next to it and saw Sable grinning; the mean girl had kept sand in the container only to spill it on the place I had swept, but I knew that telling Felix would only earn me a beating so I swept it up quietly.

I swept, scrubbed, and dusted till my arms nearly fell off as the day wore on, feeling even more damaged. I felt jealous and resentful of Sable since she was connecting and joking with her parents while I was doing the duties, and I was always trapped with chores while she just read and ate. I sighed as I carried on with my tasks.

As the day passed on, I felt more and more exhausted , my body ached all over from the strenuous activities, and my mind was numb from the constant barrage of insults and abuse being thrown at me while I worked.

As the sun began to set, I felt relief wash over me. Another day of abuse was slowly coming to an end, and I could finally be alone with my thoughts and get some rest. But as I looked around at the messy kitchen that was just spotless five minutes ago, I knew my rest had been pushed back further, I immediately got to work and in less than twenty minutes, I had once again cleaned up the messy kitchen.

As I trudged up the stairs, I was somewhat happy that I was able to survive yet another day of toil and abuse but I secretly feared that tomorrow

might be much worse.

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