Chapter 2: Reflections from the past
I stared back at my reflection in the mirror; my skin was deathly pale, my eyes sunken. I started to brush my hair to try and tame my crazy curls, but my mind was not on how I looked, or the curls I was trying to settle. I felt shattered and fragile, and I hissed as my hands snagged on a tangled section of my hair. I couldn't get my parents out of my mind-when they were alive, we had been a happy family, and I was the contented daughter of two powerful and affectionate alphas. Everything was going great until the day a rival pack invaded, and to this very moment, I can still hear those growls and snarls while running in the forest to seek cover.
I still recall my mom, screaming, asking me to run as fast as my little legs could carry me while she herself was being ripped into pieces. I also recall the feeling of insignificance and isolation resulting from the thought that I would never again see my parents; they were gone, dead. At the time of the incident, I was eight years old, yet I still have an impression of what happened on this day. After they died, I was taken to another pack to stay with some friends of my parents, Beta Felix and Eliza. They took me in, not out of love, but out of duty to my deceased parents. From day one, Sable, their biological daughter, made it known she despised having me in their home.
When I felt something wet trickle down my cheeks, I realized I was crying and my thoughts came back to the present. "Althea, I pray that I do not receive information that you have made a fool of yourself at the Gathering," Eliza said, storming into my room and spitting it out just as I was finishing up my dressing. "You're a worthless omega and you will never be worthy of a strong alpha or anybody of respectable status, so just make sure you don't disgrace this pack or do something to ruin my daughter's chances," she spat, her eyes flashing in anger. "Go assist Sable with packing now." I nodded politely and went to Sable's room to help her pack. Eliza came into the room, where Sable and I were packing, gave me the evil eye, then turned to Sable, who received a much gentler face. "I have no doubt that you'll find a powerful alpha to mate with, Sable, my love. "You deserve the best because you're a strong and attractive beta," Sable replied with a confident smile. "Mother, don't worry," she said. "I'll make sure to find someone worthy of our family's name, someone to make our family stronger and better." At that moment, Felix came into the room, jingling his keys in his palm.
"Ladies, time to go; Wolfram Pack is a couple of hours away by car, and since this is a Full Moon gathering, for its significance, I'd like you to arrive there on time." A tradition since time immemorial, the Full Moon gathering is the time when werewolves from different places get together to socialize and find a mate. It was a moment of terror and despair for me, though it is the time of joy and happiness for others. Sable and I entered the vehicle after grabbing our things. "Don't worry, my lovely princess, you'll make a great impression; you are a strong beta because I have taught and trained you well, so I'm sure you'll find someone strong and respectable to mate with," Felix said to Sable, who was sitting shotgun, about an hour into the trip. "Althea, remember to be on your best behaviour and not do anything that might embarrass Sable; you are an Omega, so do not draw attention to yourself," he sneered at me through the car mirror. He said something else that made me feel angry and resentful, but I knew better than to respond, so I sank into the car seat and tried to appear little and invisible at the same time.
I turn my head away, trying to ignore the hurt and rage rising in me. As we drove into the territory of the neighboring pack, my mind moved from Felix's comments onto the Gathering and what that might bring. Was this where I would meet the love of my life, or was I going to be rejected and shamed yet again? Upon our arrival at Wolfram Pack, Felix turned to me once again with disgust and said, "Remember, Althea, you represent our pack; do not do anything to embarrass us." He gave Sable a tender hug before driving away. I put my arms around myself, feeling anxious since I knew I had to be extremely careful because one mistake could embarrass our pack. "Stay out of my way tonight, Althea," Sable said to me as we walked toward the room assigned for us.
"I don't want you ruining my chances with any of the alphas. None of them will ever like you because you're a pathetic omega, and an awful one, to say the least." She stung me with such wicked words. Yet I just repressed those hurtful emotions. I felt even worse when we settled into our room. What would the night bring along?
If I did happen to find a partner, would he accept me or reject me? The tiny bit of hope that maybe-just maybe-I'd find a way to get out of that hellhole I called Ashram pack was instantly snuffed out as I turned and remembered what Sable had said. I knew that I needed to be cautious and behave well, as she would be keeping a close eye on me and would be ready to tell her parents about my mistakes here. Just then, my train of thought was interrupted by a knock on the door. "It's time to go," a voice said. "The Gathering is about to start." Sable grinned, determination and joy dancing in her eyes. "Come on," she said, tugging my arm to drag me to the door.
I was even more frightened and anxious as we stepped into the cold night. What was going to happen to me tonight? Was I going to get rejected again or find
myself a mate?