Chapter 2

Jaselyn's POV

“You finally decided to come home, eh? I assumed you'd finally run away with some delinquent.” My uncle's biting voice rang through the room as soon as I walked through the door. I expected this. Perhaps the saddest part of being an orphan is having nowhere else to go.

As usual, I chose to stay silent. Talking back only made it worse.

“Bitch!” He spat out angrily and in the blink of an eye, he was on me, gripping my hair and pulling so hard that it nearly ripped from my skull. I screamed out from the pain and forced my tired body up, following the movement of his hand and trying to alleviate the excruciating pain.

“I'm fucking talking to you, how dare you ignore me?” He yelled, pulling on my hair some more while I whimpered in pain, tears brimming in my eyes and quickly rolling down my cheeks even as I tried to free his hand from my hair.

“You're still not saying anything, uh? I haven't taught you a lesson and that's why you still have the nerve to disrespect me.” He cursed and delivered a heavy kick to my side and I could swear for a moment that I heard a sickening crack.

I screamed from the unbearable pain and he finally let go of my hair. I curled up into a ball, nursing my bruised rib, my vision blurry with tears, as I tried to catch my breath. The pain was so severe that breathing became difficult.

He didn't stop there, he kept delivering kick after kick all over my body, each one more powerful than the last while I tried to protect my vitals, already in too much pain to care about anything else.

“You're such a whore, where the hell were you last night? You pretended like you didn't want to go to the Ball but the moment I let you out of my sight, you went on an escapade. How many men was it, slut?! Your parents must be so proud, they raised a cunt for the Pack to fuck. You should have died with them, you're nothing but a curse. Your bad luck is the reason why your parents are dead.

I was kind enough to take you in but you've been nothing but trouble. I'm not your fucking dad, I won't take your crap. I'll happily send you to those parents of yours, you useless piece of trash.” He spewed out, never stopping the assault on my body.

He lands one final strike on my back before stepping away from me. I can hear his heavy breathing but I don't raise my head in case he's planning a surprise attack.

“Stupid bitch, you still won't apologize. I wonder why I waste my energy on you. The chores better be done and food better be ready for me by the time I arrive or you'll wish you died with your parents.” He ordered and I heard footsteps once more before the sound of the living room door closing followed. Suddenly, the house was plunged into complete silence, except for my erratic breathing and the gnashing of my teeth from how much everything hurts.

“Jas, are you OK?” Nila, my wolf asks with concern. “I'll be fine, it's not like we haven't been through worse.” I try to say lightheartedly but a heavy cough racks through my body and I taste blood on my tongue. Shit, he must have punctured something. It'll take a few days to heal but I'll live.

“Why do you take all of his bullshit? Why don't you let me take over and teach him a lesson?” She asks and I chuckle bitterly.

“Have you forgotten what happened when we tried that?” I ask and she suddenly goes quiet.

I used to be so much better than this. The first time Uncle Dan had hit me, I stood up to him. He insulted my dead parents and I shifted, ready for a fight but that was my biggest mistake.

I've never been trained in combat so he easily took me down in less than a minute. I was lashed daily with a whip soaked in wolfsbane and starved for three days. The damage that caused to my body, especially my wolf, was almost irreparable. I would never put myself through that again. I can endure any injury, any damage done to my body can heal but I cannot bear the thought of losing Nila. I'll bear anything, as long as I can live.

“How long will this go on for? There's only so much you can take.” Nila argued, I could tell she was simmering with wrath. The pain of the rejection still lingered on but this was more from her genuine love and care for me from the bond we shared.

I'd probably only stayed this long because deep in my heart, I wanted to believe that my uncle cared for me. I deluded myself into believing that Uncle Dan had even just a little bit of love for me because the reality was far more devastating. I didn't want to believe that I had no one in this world, that I was truly all alone and that no one loved me or ever would.

It's funny and sad every time I remember it. Uncle Dan only started calling me a whore after he tried to make a move on me and I turned him down.

It had been about three months when I moved in with him. He came home really late one night and he was drunk out of his mind. He couldn't even stand straight without falling over and I had to wonder how he managed to make it home.

I helped him to his room and proceeded to help him lie down but he pulled me down with him. He wrapped an arm around me and felt me up through my clothes with his other hand. I pushed him hand off but he went ahead to tell me how much he wanted me. I was so grossed out that I nearly threw up right there and then. I pushed his hand away and left, deciding it would be better to talk about it when he was sober. I brought it up the next morning and instead of apologizing and blaming it on the alcohol like I expected him to, he shut me down and claimed I had tried to seduce him.

That was automatically the birth of the demeaning names. That should have opened my eyes to his true nature but I turned a blind eye to all his red flags and chose to endure because I needed to feel wanted.

I'm such an idiot. In these months, I've only let him tear me down completely and rip me of any self esteem I had.

“But it's not the end of the world, we can start over. There are good people out there, I promise, we just need to find them.” Nila encouraged me. I sat up and wiped my tears.

She's right, I can't keep living like this. At my parents' funeral, I promised them I'd live long and well. This isn't the kind of life I want.

It's now or never; I have to make a decision.

“What do you want to do? You always have my support.” Nila asked.

“We're leaving Nila, we're going far away from this fucked up place. Anywhere but here will be better.” I told her and she nodded, satisfied with my choice.

I have absolutely no reason to stay in this Pack anymore. I have no family and no friends so there will be no love lost. I especially need to go far away from that man because then I won't have to bear seeing him with someone else, I won't question my worth and I'll finally be able to move on.

I deserve better.

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