Ciel crosses one leg over the other as he sits beside Mr Laurent in the car, who has made it his mission to ignore his existence as he scrolls through his tablet. Ciel can bring out his phone too but he's too bored. After being dragged out of his home without warning, he wants to get under this man's skin and make him snap. He has the looks of someone who's sexier when mad.
Ciel looks at his reflection in the mirror, eyeing his attire—white pants that hug his hips and slender waist and a sheer shirt clinging to his chest under a matching jacket. “Well, that's new.” He mutters, knowing he can't keep shut for long.
From the mirror, he sees the way Xerxes gives him a glance. Ciel sneers and looks at him. “See what you like or you're admiring your handiwork?” he gestures to his outfit. “This one feels less red carpet and screams more strip club if you ask me.”
“It suits the purpose.” Xerxes answers, not taking his eyes off the screen, and that irks Ciel more than he likes to admit.
“Geeze, thanks.” He rolls his eyes. “Nothing screams fiancee material like looking one button away from indecent exposure.” He leans close to Xerxes, his eyes glinting dangerously and mischievously and his smirk widening. Who says he can't play while being bound to this man for a year? “If you wanted me to flash to everyone, all you could have done was ask. I have some piece in my closet that's sexier than this, Mr. Laurent.”
Ciel at least expects a remark or perhaps a reaction but receives nothing more than a blank look and emotionless eyes. Ciel grimaces and leans back, clearing his throat as he starts again. “So, how do you want me to act, dear fiance? A loving partner, stoic arm candy or am I supposed to sit there and look pretty?”
This time, he gets a response that comes in five words. “Be polite, attentive, and convincing.”
Ciel rolls his eyes. “How boring. Hope you do better in bed.” He shoves his hand into his pocket and takes out a pack of cigarettes and pops a stick into his mouth and lights it up, the sharp smell of tobacco crams the space almost instantly.
Xerxes looks at him with a murderous gaze. “You do realize smoking in a confined space is both inconsiderate and idiotic. I expected you to at least have some common sense, Mr. Reid. Pull. That. Out.”
“What are you gonna do, spank me?”
“Don't push it, pull that out right now.”
Ciel almost protests, wanting to come up with a smart comment but suddenly, he can hear Luca's warning voice in his head, screaming at him not to fuck up their only chance. With a roll of his eyes, he flicks the cigarette out the window and puffs. “What a killjoy.” He crosses his arms over his chest and scoffs. There's a limit to how much he can take being controlled like this.
“Behave, Mr. Reid, that's all I require.” Xerxes looks away.
“And here I thought you find me intriguing because I'm unpredictable.” Ciel remarks.
“I find you useful, nothing more,” Xerxes corrects.
Ciel smirks as a thought crosses his head. “I can be more useful, you know.” He licks his lips. “Just say the word and I will keep myself busy for the next ten minutes. A quick blowjob could go a very long way and do wonders.”
Ciel is a horny ass, that's a fact on every scandal he has but right now, getting on this man's last nerve seems to be the priority, if only it's working because Xerxe remains composed, almost like nothing can faze him.
“Spare me the theatrics, Mr. Reid. I've read about your exploits. It seems your appetite knows no bounds. My advice?” He glances at Ciel. “Until the contract is terminated, keep it in your pants.”
Right, the contract. Ciel didn't finish reading it and dumped it as soon as Lucas left. He probably left it in the trash can. Ciel tsk. “You are no fun, Mr Laurent.” Seems like the man is a hard nut to crack.
“Your boredom is not my concern.”
Ciel hisses. “For a man who supposedly doesn't care, you sure go out dressing me up like a walking sex scandal.”
Suddenly, the car begins to slow down as they approach the event center, the bright flashes of the camera already visible through the glasses. Ciel smirks and messes up his white hair, combing his fingers through it, and then he bites his lips hard.
“What are you doing?” Xerxes asks, his voice dangerously low.
“What does it look like? Just giving us a little flair for the cameras. You know the one that screams they can't take their hands off each other. Perfect headline if you asked me.” He giggles to himself.
Finally, the car stops at the entrance and it's immediately surrounded by reporters. Ciel never expects the man to be this popular as the camera flashes blindingly.
“It's showtime, sir.”
Ciel almost steps out but suddenly, his arm is grabbed and he's pulled back, staring into the icy gray eyes of Mr. Laurent that makes Ciel's stomach churn and his heart skips a beat.
“Ciel,” Xerxes says. Ciel gulps at the way he says his name, so intense. “Listen to me carefully.”
“This isn't the time to be clever or impulsive,” Xerxes continues, his gaze never wavering. “Every word you say, every look you give, will be scrutinized. You seem to think this is a game, Mr. Reid. Let me make one thing clear—it’s not. If you sabotage this evening in any way, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.”
Ciel blinks, slightly caught off guard by the steel in Xerxes’s voice. The intensity in those gray eyes isn't a threat—it's a promise. “I thought you liked my chaos,” Ciel says after a beat, masking his unease with a smirk. “Isn’t that why I’m here?”
“You’re here…” Xerxes proceeds. “...because you serve a purpose. Don’t mistake that for indulgence.”
The car door suddenly opens and the roar of the crowd fills the space, but Ciel holds Xerxes’s gaze for a moment longer, the tension crackling between them.
“Fine,” he says finally, and taking a look at the camera, knowing everyone is watching, he leans in a perks Xerxes cheek. “I will behave.” He whispers beside his ear.
But heaven knows those words will seem like they were never spoken as soon as it's showtime. Ciel is never one to behave. Mr. Laurent is in for a messy ride.