Ciel is nursing a headache. He doesn't know where it comes from but he can bet his life on it because Lucas bursted into his penthouse so early in the morning. He barely had enough sleep and now he has to listen to whatever shit Lucas has to say so early in the morning.
“It's so early, Lucas. What have I done this time?” He grumbles as he plunges down on a sofa, immediately crossing one leg over the other while he struggles to keep his eyes open, not seeing the way Lucas eyes glinted with excitement and how he's almost bouncing on his feet.
“Guess who’s a trending icon of redemption and success?”
Ciel looks at Lucas, his eyes half open. “Let me guess, another scandal?” He rolls his eyes and throws his head back on the sofa. It's always another scandal. He won't be Ciel Reid, the king of scandals for nothing.
Lucas shakes his head. “Not this time, my prince of chaos! Thanks to Mr. Laurent, your name is now synonymous with charm, elegance, and talent. He practically erased your entire history of scandals overnight. You’re untouchable!”
Ciel straightens up. “Define erased,” he finally notices the excitement in his manager and best friend.
Lucas grins from ear to ear and flashes Ciel his phone. “Gone. Poof. Like they never existed. Go on, search your name.”
And that's what Ciel did, he grabs Lucas phone and types his name on the search bar and indeed, every scandal he has ever had under his name since his acting career started is gone. What's left are articles that sang his praises and his awards. “How did this happen?” His head jerks up to meet Luca's eyes, now fully awake.
Lucas wriggles his brows. “He did cleansing.”
“Cleansing?” Ciel repeats, brows furrowing. “This is more like scrubbing me down with bleach.”
“This is great news, Ciel. Your reputation is as good as new and that's thanks to Mr. Laurent’s effort, you’d still be the tabloids’ favorite trainwreck.”
Ciel rolls his eyes. “Oh yes, thanks to him for throwing me under his machine and selling my soul for a public makeover.”
Maybe, his scandals are bad but they are his fucking reputation as the rebellious actor who doesn't give a shit, now all of them are gone?! Ciel almost can't believe what he's hearing. “I never agreed to this! Just a day ago, he appeared here, dragging my ass to some charity, introducing me to the world as his fucking fiancee and I haven't even signed the goddamn contract yet, he's doing too much.”
Luca's eyes slightly widen. “Right, the contract, Ciel, where is the contract?”
Ciel opens his mouth to answer but a sharp knock comes from the door. Ciel hisses as he stands up and goes to the door. He unlocks the door and sees Mr Laurent's assistant, Sebastian in his sharp black suit, piercing brown eyes and unreadable expression.
“What do you want?” Ciel doesn't mean to sound rude but this man as Mr. Laurent assistant is responsible for scrubbing him clean. To anyone who searches about him now will think of him as a fucking saint. He takes pride in his scandals.
Sebastian stands unfazed by the attitude. “Good morning, Mr. Reid. It’s time to prepare for your relocation to Mr. Laurent’s residence.” he speaks professionally.
Ciel blinks, he almost believes he heard the man wrong. “Relocation? What are you talking about?” Suddenly, Lucas pops behind Ciel.
Again, Sebastian doesn't blink, his expression is more stoic than a rock. “The terms of the contract you signed require you to move into Mr. Laurent’s home. Effective immediately.”
Ciel's jaw drops. “Move in? Like… live with him? Under the same roof?”
Ciel sharply turns to Lucas. “You didn't tell me moving in with him was part of the deal, Lucas?”
“The contract has been with you for days, Ciel, I thought you've read and signed it!” Lucas says defensively.
“But you are my manager, isn't it your responsibility to tell me something as important as this! Now, he's already doing his part of the deal and I haven't even signed the shit!”
“I thought you've read the contract and are okay with everything!” Lucas tries to calm the situation, he can see the angry veins in his head. “Trust me, if the contract had anything shady when I went through it, I wouldn't have given it to you.”
Ciel glares. “Well, I haven't read shit!”
“The clause is detailed in Section 4, Subsection B. I suggest you review it before you proceed with your dramatics.” Sebastian speaks behind them, maintaining his cold front and professional tone.
Ciel turns to him with a sharper glare, his hands balling into fists at his side. “I didn’t read that far. So let me get this straight. You’re telling me I’m contractually obligated to play house with Mr Laurent? For how long?”
“For the duration of your engagement, as stated in the contract. Everything about the deal is written in the contract.”
Well, he got angry reading those ridiculous rules that he didn't read the rest of the contract. “Well, I trashed it.”
“You did what?!” Lucas' voice comes beside his ear.
”Well, the rules were annoying the crap out of me, so I did the needful, I trashed it.”
Lucas almost facepalms. He looks at Sebastian who has remained stoic despite the revelation. “I'm really sorry about this. Can I request a few days, I promise to send a copy of the signed contract to Mr. Laurent as soon as possible.”
“You have three days to get the contract and yourself ready. Mr Laurent’s generosity only extends so far. You don't want to find out how unpleasant breach-of-contract penalties can be.”
Without another word, Sebastian leaves, leaving Ciel gaping like a fish.
“I know why he's doing this!” He slams the door shut and storms back into his home. “He thinks I don't have any choices other than to do his bidding. That's why he's doing that much without my signature to the damn contract. He thinks I'm desperate.”
“Well, you are desperate.” Lucas answers. Ciel throws him a sharp glare. “At the moment, we don't have that many options, Mr Laurent has already done so much to repair your reputation. All you have to do is act and live in his proof for a year, it isn't that bad if y
ou think of the benefits you get.”
Ciel rolls his eyes and matches to his room. “Make yourself comfortable, Lucas. I'm going back to bed.”