Silk Chains and spotlight

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Ciel shows up in Xerxes company building in style. He swings his purse over his shoulder with a cigarette trapped between his lips. He swings his hips from side to side and the heel of his shoes rails against the shiny floor.

He smirks and releases a puff of smoke into the air at the murmurs around him as heads reels to look at him. He basks in it as he steps into the elevator that takes him to the top floor.

He gets there with a beep and the doors open. He steps out, finding the familiar elegant glass doors of the man's office, with a secretary desk just at the front with a lady behind it.

He doesn't get far before he's stopped.

“Can I help you?”

Ciel looks at her, notice the way she furrows at her brows probably at the tobacco smell and from his attitude which Ciel doesn't give a fuck to. He approaches her desk. “Yes, you can help by telling me if Mr. Laurent is in.”

“Do you have an appointment?”

Ciel tsks and takes off his glasses, his green eyes shining with mischief. He drops his cigar and crushes it under his feet. “As his secretary, you really should be updated, I do not have to spell it to your face, do I?? I'm his fiance, bitch.”

Without another word, he matches the door and pushes it open, making his way in before she can protest or stop him. Ciel comes to a halt, welcomed by the sight of Mr. Laurent behind his table. He doesn't lift his head, unfazed by the sudden burst in as his attention is glued to the piece of document spread on the table, looking just as mighty and elegant in his suit.

“Sir!” The Secretary hurries behind him and finally Xerxes lifts his head, his icy grey eyes immediately puncture through Ciel that suddenly makes him unsure of why he's here in the man's office.

“You can leave, Helen.” Xerxes thick voice fills the office, expression and eyes blanks as he stares at Ciel.

Ciel notices the glare he gets from the secretary before she leaves, shutting the door behind her. As soon as she's gone, he approaches the man's table. “Do you call your workers by their first names or does she get special treatment as your secretary?”

“I believe you didn't come here unannounced to survey the pattern I call my workers.”

Ciel throws his purse on the table and sits down, immediately crossing his legs. “I will go straight to the point, Mr. Laurent. I want the part in the contract that says moving in with you cancelled.”

“Isn't it a little too late for that, Mr Reid? You no longer have the right to negotiate your terms. Your manager already sent the signed copy.”

“Do you think I'm some dog that will follow your every word?” Ciel slams his palm on the table, slightly annoyed by the calmness and expressionless face of the man.

“I believe you can sacrifice your pride to save your career.” Xerxes' tone is dismissive, as if Ciel's wants does not matter. “As my fiance, it's only reasonable that you move in with me. Remember, your role is to convince the public that we are in love and so far, the act has been convincing, keep up the facade and you don't have to worry about being the next washed up actor.”

“What? Should I thank you now?” Ciel is getting mad.

“What we have is mutually beneficial, I believe you understand what that means?”

Ciel jerks to his feet and grabs his purse, turning to leave.


Instantly, Ciel pauses as he's magnetized. He hears Xerxes stand from his seat and seconds later, the man's in front of him. Ciel gasps at the close proximity. He takes a step back that causes his back to collide with the table.

Xerxes looks at him like a predator will to a prey, grey eyes shining with an eerie glint that causes a shiver to run down Ciel's spine.

Deliberately, Xerxes striking eyes travels his gaze down his form and then, he takes Ciel's hand.

“What are you doing?”

Xerxes shoves his hand into his pocket, he takes out a ring, looking like it is worth more than Ciel's entire career. “A ring should come along with the title of my fiancee.” he says, sliding the ring into Ciel's finger, then he looks up to meet Ciel's eyes with an intensity that makes Ciel unable to move. He could only hear the sound of his heart pounding erratically in his ears and his throat going dry; that his flight leaving him. “I will give you a few days to get ready to live with me. As long as you know your boundaries, we will just be another regular roommates.’

There is nothing regular about them. He's just a man controlling Ciel's life and slowly taking away his freedom all in the name of saving his career.

Lucas. Ciel reminds himself. He's doing this for himself and Lucas. As much as he's the one who ruined his own career, he will still do anything to save it as long as he doesn't go back to that shithole he escaped from.

He smirks as he lifts his hand and looks at his ring. His flight and rebelliousness kicked in. “And when the year ends, I will gladly sell this, I hope you don't mind, Mr Laurent.” Then he gets closer, closing the little space between their bodies and placing his hands on the man's shoulders. “I hope, Mr Laurent, you are ready to put on a show with me, it's gonna be one hell of a year and worst for a ride.”

Suddenly, a challenging glint flashes in Xerxes’ eyes but it's gone as soon as it comes. He steps back. “Act; that's the only reason you are here.”

Acting. That's the only thing Ciel is good at as a talent and he's going to give Mr Laurent the best performance of the century.

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