Chapter 5: Spend Time With Me
Chapter 5: Spend Time With Me
While I was preparing dinner, Logan went for a shower. The food smells good after half an hour and it was almost ready when Logan walks out of the bathroom in a pair of boxers, his hair still wet. I discreetly glanced at him, I hadn't noticed before, more probably because we haven't spent much time together recently. But his body has changed in the past few months, he stands taller, not that he has grown in height, but he just stands straighter and more confident. His muscles are more chiseled when he used to be almost skinny and his butt looks firmer. But, he still has that baby face which is so cute.
Nothing has ever happened between us, we have always been just friends or more like brothers, taking care of one another and that was just fine. But, I must admit, my friend looks rather sexy now and he also wears a beautiful necklace, certainly a present from his boyfriend. The television was still on as we had dinner on the couch, but I turned the volume to a low background sound while we talked and caught up on things. As usual, I do most of the talking. He has always been a quiet and discreet person, and in this respect, he is very talented at making me speak while he listens. So, I give him a few more details about what I did over the weekend, but after I have finished my food. I tried to reverse the situation.
“How is it going with your boyfriend?” I asked seriously.
Logan and his boyfriend had kind of a stormy period in the past months before I left the city for my last job and I have been worrying a bit for my friend.
“Good,” he mumbled dreamily, probably thinking about their last weekend.
“And that is it?”
“What else do you want me to say? I mean we get along very well, I love spending time with him. I love sex with him, but don't expect me to give you any details about it.”
“I wouldn't mind,” I muttered with a smirk, making him blush once more.
“Come on, give me some details, please!”
“No way,” he said.
“Please,” I mumbled, putting my empty plate on the floor and slowly started crawling towards his side of the couch.
“Tell me, how many times a night? Which position, and how big is his di…”
“J..just shut up! Stop with your interrogation!” He screamed, pushing me away with his feet.
“Okay, but let's make a deal.” I said, crossing my arms over my chest.
I know he doesn't like to talk about embarrassing subjects, and it would take quite a few drinks to make him relax and talk more freely.
“I want you to spend the next weekend with me for once.”
“I don't know yet, Jasper. I need to confirm with Grayson, I don't know if he has planned anything for next weekend.”
“Oh, come on. You guys are not married, and even if you were. You are still allowed to spend a little time with your friend, right? You are not his slave, or are you?” I asked.
“Of course not!” He reacted, clearly on the defensive and furiously blushing.
“Is there something you are not telling me?” I asked again, troubled by his sudden outburst.
“No, no. It is just…. sometime Grayson likes to organize things and I don't know if he has planned anything for next weekend. I will talk to him and will let you know. What would you like to do anyways?”
“Clubbing, what else? I went to this gay club a few weeks ago. The music was fantastic and there was a great ambiance.” I cheer, bouncing with excitement on the couch.
“What club?” He asked with a worried look in his eyes.
“It is called The Quilox, and it is huge. Full of gays and…”
“Yes, I have been there too.” He interrupted me, a hint of blush plastering his cheeks again.
“Maybe, we could try another one if we both have already been there?”
“Oh, please. I really like this. I think I have tried all the nightclubs in Lagos anyway, and this one is by far the best. It is freaking expensive, but it is totally worth it. Even the bouncers there are just too hot.” I said, remembering the man I tried to flirt with and he was keeping the entrance to what seemed like a private area of the club.
“We will see. First, I need to talk to Grayson anyway.” He said with a yawn.
“Please, buddy. I really want a night out with you.” I insist, trying to tug at his heartstrings with a pout.
“Okay, I will try my best.” He finally concedes with a contrite expression.
I can see he really wants to go, but something was dragging him back. It feels like he is worried about what his boyfriend might think and that worries me too.
“Are you sure everything is alright with Grayson? I mean, you know.. what happened before I left.” I asked softly.
“I promised, Jasper. Everything is fine between us now. That was in the past, and I really love him now. He is really great.” He affirms, recovering his self-confidence.
“Alright, I trust you if you say so.” I muttered.
I decided to believe him if he said they were good.
“Go get some sleep, beauty queen. I will take care of the dishes.” I offered.
He looked exhausted and I can sleep in tomorrow, so I would rather he get some rest.
“Beauty queen my ass, I am not a girl.” He scoffed.
“But, you take it up your as…”
“Shut the fuck up, Jasper!” He yelled playfully, standing up from the couch and I followed suit to hug him goodnight.
“Thanks for dinner, buddy. I will leave early tomorrow morning and I will be staying at Grayson's house in the evening. But I will send you a text sometime this week to let you know about this weekend, okay?”
“Sure, have a great night.”
“Thanks, you too.” He said as he headed to his bedroom and quietly shut the door, leaving me alone for the rest of the night.
After cleaning the dishes and the kitchen, I plopped down on the couch. Going to the movies I wanted to watch, and also thinking about this night. I really have a feeling that Logan is hiding something about his relationship with Grayson. What were all these secrets? I understand our place is rather small compared to what the CEO must own, but it is clean and we have enough space for two. So why hasn't he ever invited him for dinner? If they are into a serious relationship, wouldn't it be fair that the other guy sometimes comes to our house?
Logan and I have always shared our secrets and confident everything to one another, but he remains so quiet about his boyfriend. Why doesn't he wants to answer my question? And when he does, it is always brief and vague. I sometimes wonder if I am being too indiscret, or if he feels I am intruding in his private life. But isn't it what friends are supposed to do?
Yes, there is something weird here, and I intended to find out what all this is about next weekend.