Chapter 7: To Our Eternal Friendship
Chapter 7: To Our Eternal Friendship
We could have used public transportation, but it seems like Logan is getting to like the comfort of nice cars and he ordered a ride for us. The ride to The Quilox took us about forty-five minutes, which allows more talking about my job hunt and about his recent vacation in Greece.
When we reached the club, I was glad to see we had arrived early enough. So the waiting line is not that long, the club is rather selective. I was rejected the first time I tried to get in, wearing worn-out jeans and old shoes with holes are not appropriate I guess. But I hope it won't happen again tonight. We passed the first security guard easily and I noticed his firm look at Logan. Once we enter the building, we head towards the cloakroom desk and a cute little guy takes out jackets.
“Hi, Logan.” The man said shyly.
I must have missed something here, why is my friend blushing again? And why the hell would he throw such a dark look at this poor guy who obviously seems to know him? Whatever it is, Logan barely replies to him and immediately drags me to the main room, holding my elbow. The place is huge and already filled with a lot of people, young and older boys and girls. A lot of them are more or less openly gay or lesbian, dancing and waving to the rhythm of the music.
The room is dark with multicolored rays of lights coming from all the spotlights. The atmosphere seems to be energetic and very lively. He led me straight to the main bar, but then he tugs me to another one further back where he gives me some money and tells me to order drinks for us. We used to do that a lot in the past since I supposedly look older than he does, but we are legal now. The bartender he directed me to looks quite young himself and a bit awkward in his moves. But he doesn't bother asking for my ID anyway and prepares our drinks. I reached for Logan's arm and yelled in his ear.
“What was that about at the front desk?” I asked.
Ignoring my question, he takes our drink and heads towards a free low table surrounded by red leather couches and plops down there. I took a seat next to him, close enough so that he could hear me.
“So? Who was this guy at the entrance? Do you know him?”
“No, not really. I just met him here a few times.” He mumbled as he started sipping greedily from his glass. I smell something off again here.
“A few times? How often have you been here?” I asked.
My curiosity is now piqued, I guess he must have visited this nightclub with his boyfriend but for one, he never told me he did. And then, I can hardly imagine the elegant CEO going to a place like this.
“A few times, I told you already.” He said with a smile.
No matter how hard I try to make him talk, he just replies evasively. We stayed there for a few minutes, looking at the crowd dancing while curiosity continued to itch me. Now is the time to put my plan into action, I chunk down the rest of the cocktail, pick up both our glasses and go back to the bar to get a refill. On my way back to him, I can see him looking in different directions, squinting his eyes as if he is looking for somebody.
“Are you expecting anyone to join us?” I asked as u handed him another glass.
“Thanks, no, just looking around if I can see anyone attractive enough to suit your needs.” He replied mischievously.
“Don't worry, I can fend for myself. I wouldn't mind seeing that big security guy I saw last time though. Fuck, the guy was so sexy, but forget about it for now. I will check this out another time, I am not here to get laid tonight anyway. This is our night to have fun, buddy.” I said, raising my glass and choking it to him.
“To our eternal friendship. Let's go move and sway our asses.”
Once our glass was empty, we moved onto the dance floor and spent the next two hours bobbing up and down and swaying. Waiving our arms up in the air, humping each other. One moment he is in front of me, grinding his ass against my front and the next, we switch places. We also have another round trip to the bar, or maybe more and I can tell alcohol is starting to really hit us hard, especially me. The last time I went to the bar, I noticed the other bartender's stare which clearly meant I might have had enough already. I mentally flipped him off and went back to Logan on the dance floor.
The crowd is getting louder and louder and I am feeling a bit tipsy at the moment. Logan is swaying his hips and shaking his ass, I can tell he is not in a much state. And yet, it feels good to see him let go of his usual seriousness and giggles. Some guys had joined us for the past half an hour and we are forming a group of men looking horny sexy as hell. Logan is beside me and we are giggling like two silly children, bumping our hips together in rhythm with two other guys in front of us. When I felt two strong hands gripping my hips, pulling me backwards until I hit a hard chest in my back, my head tilted to my right to look at Logan and I almost choked at the sight of someone who strangely looked like Grayson. The man had one hand firmly gripped on Logan's neck and the other at his hips and I can see him whispering something into his ear, making him flip around and immediately lower his gaze. After a few seconds of confusion, he takes my hand and tugs me to follow these men.
The two men walking in front of us are tall, wearing fitted leather pants with combat boots. Their bare backs show perfect muscles beneath their toned skin and they lead us towards the right side of the club where a bouncer is standing in front of a double door that he opens upon our arrival. It leads us to a large corridor and I begin to wonder where we are going. Glancing at Logan, I can't help noticing he seems to have quickly fallen down from his intoxicated state, while I feel like nervous giggles could get into me anytime soon.
“Please, just shut up!” He mouthed to me.
I arched an eyebrow and scowled at him, but he ignored me. So I just kept on following the men who silently led us along another corridor, taking a left and then a right until we stopped in front of another door. The first guy eventually turns around and in the brightness of the lights, I recognized it was actually Grayson. My jaw dropped open at the sexy beast in front of me, his bare chest revealing powerful abs and a muscular chest, but as soon as my eyes met his darkness, which were severely scowling at me, I could only lower my gaze. The strong male aura I had felt the first time I met him is nothing compared to the dominance emanating from his body right now.
The other man opens the door and we enter a wide office that holds a long desk, storage cabinet and a huge leather couch. The guy is nearly as tall as Grayson with dark hair and green, and he also shows off a beautiful six pack. Seriously, are there other nice pieces of meat around here? This one looks even scarier than Grayson though but if he had other similar friends, I would love to be introduced. I giggled at my own stupid though, still feeling tipsy from all the drinks I had taken tonight.
“Sit down!” Grayson ordered dryly and I tried to stifle my laughter as I flopped on the couch. Half missing it and was about to crash on the wooden floor before the other guy reached for me and helped me to sit.
“You promised you wouldn't interfere or have me watch tonight!” Logan muttered, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I did hold my promise but it seems like I can't really trust you to stay safe. Maybe I should have had someone watch over you.” Grayson growled at him and he immediately dropped his head.
“Luke warned us when another bartender told him you guys were on your fifth glass. So I didn't have many other options than to interrupt the pleasant night I was spending with my friends to keep an eye on you. Considering how things were getting out of hand there, it seems like I was right.” Grayson added.
“I am sorry, master Justine.” Logan whispered as he slowly raised his eyes towards the other man.
What? Did he just call him master? I must have misheard.