Chapter 3
Logan's pov
I stared at the lady in front of me in absolute shock. The universe sure knows how to play a cruel game with me. First, George had to get his hand on a part of my life that has been long forgotten, then I had a one night stand and it turned out to be one of his twin daughters. Worst, not the twin I'm suppose to marry.
The same girl that hasn't left my mind since I fucked her like an animal. I refrained from looking into her because I didn't want to lose control of myself over a flimsy one night stand.
“The engagement will be held in a week,” George's annoying voice interrupted my thoughts, anger surged in me.
“That's too soon,” my aunt said, her voice holding a hint of fear. I took a few discreet breath to calm myself down. Of course he would want his daughter to be a King soon, he is that gullible.
“The sooner the better, Martha,” George said with a smirk on his face. I want to punch him and wipe that stupid smirk off his face but I decided to keep my cool.
“He is not worth it,” I chanted in my head.
My uncle didn't even bother to hide his displeasure. He stood up from his seat,
“I'd like to speak with you privately, George,” he said.
“Why? Let's enjoy the food,” George said and smirked. He made a show of taking a sip from the glass of wine in his hand. My uncle stared daggers at him, the twins shifted uncomfortably in their seats as they watched the staring competition between the two men. They whispered into each other's ears with a tense look on their faces.
My aunt tugged on my uncle's hand and he reluctantly sat down, fuming with rage.
“As I was saying, the engagement will take place in a week, that's enough time for the media coverage and the engagement shoot,” George said.
“Two weeks,” I said gently.
“But it has already been–” I interrupted George before he could finish,
“Two weeks or no deal,” I said sternly. That is going to give me enough time to find the blackmail material and destroy it.
“Very well, Logan,” George grinned as if he read my thoughts.
I stood up from the table with my hands I my pockets.
“I believe we're done here, if you'll excuse me, I have something important to attend to,” I said and walked out without waiting for anyone's reply. I could feel their stares on me.
“The nerve of that bastard,” My uncle said through gritted teeth as he paced around in his study.
“That little piece of shit dare order us around, who does he think he is? We need to teach him a lesson so he would know never to mess with a King,” he continued cursing.
My aunt tried to calm him down but finally gave up after so many failed attempts. I sat down staring intently at a space and trying hard to come up with a plan to destroy the motherfucker who dares to mess with my family. He'd wish for death when I'm done with him. I didn't want to act irrational because I don't know how many copies of the blackmail material he has, he could easily destroy the King industries with a snap of his fingers. And while I don't give two fucks about what he'll do to me, I only went along with this alliance because he could hurt my family. My aunt and uncle have been with me and supported since I lost my mother and my father went to jail. I can't allow them get hurt because of a mistake that I made, I don't take threats directed at my family well.
“Earth to Logan,” my uncle's growl broke me out of my thoughts.
“I called your name several times, what were you thinking about so much?” Uncle asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Just a theory I'm looking to test out,” I shrugged.
“Tell me about it,” it wasn't a request and not exactly an order. That's just how Barry King is.
“Even if we manage to get our hand on the blackmail material, which has been very hard considering it's physical and not a folder where we can easily hire a hacker to take it down, we don't know how many copy he has in his possession,” I said.
“If your theory is stating the obvious facts then it's not working, Logan, get to the point,” he sneered.
“Keep it down, Barry, the boy is trying his best, don't be hard on him,” my aunt cautioned him.
I threw her a ‘thank you’ look.
“We've tried to find any items to blackmail him with but our actions have been futile. The man has a squeaky clean reputation…” I was interrupted by my aunt.
“You have? You shouldn't stoop low to his level, Logan, you are a King,” she said.
I love my aunt but I hate how empathetic she can be sometimes.
“Martha love, please get me a cup of your amazing coffee, I could really use it right now,” my uncle said and smiled gently.
My aunt sighed and walked out of the study.
“We both know that Martha is not a fan of violence but I, however, am a big fan, so under no circumstances should she knows about this ‘theory’ of yours,” my uncle warned sternly as soon as his wife left. I nodded.
“From what I've gathered, George doesn't have that many friends ever since his wife left, so if we want to hurt him we should target him as he targeted us, making friends with the friend of your enemy is more efficient than making enemies with them,” I said
“Target his daughters the same way he targeted you,” my uncle finished and snapped his fingers.
“That is genius, Logan,” he complimented.
“Except we won't be blackmailing them like he did to us, we would try to get close to them to extract informations about their father. George might appear stern but he loves his daughters to bits,” I said.
His daughters have a rather clean image that seems boring. While the older twin did indulge in some kind of crime that could land her in jail for a few years, the younger twin seems too boring and unhinged.
‘you didn't think she was unhinged while you were driving your cock through her a few days back,’ a stupid voice reminded me. I mentally shut the fool up.
“We're targeting the second twin, the older one seem to have the attention span of a fly and she doesn't even like me at the time. Apparently, her father made her broke up with the, quote, ‘love of her life’,” I said and scoffed at the last statement.
My uncle nodded in understanding.
‘Are you sure you chose to get close to the younger twin because of her father?’ That stupid voice whispered in my head again even though I shut it down.
‘That is the only reason in getting close to her, there are no ulterior motives,’ I chanted in my head. But even I find it hard to come to terms with, I can't possibly be attracted to a woman I had sex with just one time. Even if I do, which I don't, I'll make sure to crush them by crushing her.