Chapter 2
I looked at her blue eyes and freckled face and said, “Can I have a Dr Pepper please and I will go with what you recommend next time I can try something new, thank you lisa. My name is Layla.” “Nice to meet you. I will be back in a few minutes with your Dr Pepper.”
I have my drawing pad and pencils out and I'm drawing a tattoo. I sell them to my godfather's tattoo artist and they put all the money in an account and my godfather has it in a bank. No one can buy them off and try to access it. I don't know why but he said it was his job to take care of me now. Lisa brings my Dr Pepper and says “your food will be out soon,” then turns to help another table.
I'm drawing a tattoo I'm going to get for my birthday. It's going to me 6 dragonflies. One will be bigger and have my dads name on it and then Montgomery under it. The tattoo artists named Tats at Spirit MC will be doing it for me. I can't wait, then my food is set in front of me and I put the pad down and pencil. “Thank you lisa.” Then I eat and she leaves the check on the table.
I'm almost done with Wolf MC president, VP, SGT at Arms and 3 women walking in. I just keep eating, not paying attention to them. Then I hear why she is everywhere. I get up, close my book and put $50 on the table and walk out to my Harley and drive home.
When I get home I unload and put everything away, then I walk into my main house with a bag full of food for them as well and there is a note. We went to a welcome BBQ, see you tomorrow. Hell it is not even 3 and they just didn't plan on coming back oh well. Well guess I wasn't invited oh well. I go back to my apartment. I put the crockpot on the counter and put a roast in it with beef broth and salt, pepper, garlic and onion in it and set it on high. Then I sat down with a cup of coffee and started drawing a few tattoos to sell. I can hear the party and not once was I asked about it, then my phone rang. It said Godfather so I picked up, “hello” “her sweet heart do you want me to bring your Wolfs tomorrow or today?” “Today please!” “I will be there in 20 minutes. Tats, Rock and Star will be with me. I'm sure Tanner will show up eventually. Star is bringing them in her truck for you.” “ok see you soon.”
I see the laptop and phone and think well I guess I should put those away for now. So I walk to the desk and lock them in the bottom fireproof safe that's built in. He didn't say who could see it so better not take any chances.
I hear them pull up as I get up. I see my mom walk over and ask “What are you doing here? We just left today. Do you always have to follow her?” and Star says “bringing the wolves to Layla to protect her. We know you and that MC right there will let her get hurt and not even come check on her so get used to the visits. ” Then I walk out and she says “hey bestie. How are you? Let's go look at your apartment.”
Then the President of Wolf Mc says “Deacon why are you here with this trouble maker? Come join the party and forget her.” “Tank if all you believe is what others have to say about this young girl without actually investigating this family you are one stupid SOB. I did plan on signing an alliance but from that comment alone lets me know you have growing up to do. bye now. Let's go down guys Rock will you grab the bag of goodies we got the Zero and Lady. Plus the one we got for our Princess.”
So we all go down and Deacon asks “why aren't you over there with them?” I point to the paper on the counter then put food and water down for the dogs and I cut up potatoes at the island. “So were you not invited? Well I guess after that conversation I can see why you wouldn't go over if you were.”
“I didn't know if I was or wasn't my towels were missing or stolen by them so I went to get more food and sheets of mine were cut to hell they wanted me to go to the store. I'm sure they were trying to find the paperwork that you gave me of dads but that won't happen. No one knows how to find where I put them. When I left they were upstairs. When I came back and put the food away I got for them I found the note. It's ok I don't like their president, he is judging me and he doesn't know me. I think they listen to whatever bs they spout and don't do background checks which is bad for any MC.”
We sat there and talked while Rock checked for bugs and found 10 so he went and planted them upstairs so they can hear themselves. Then we heard my friend Ttanner who had just got off work and was coming over here for dinner with us in my new place “what the fuck why wouldnt you invite her she is you VPs girlfriends daughter and the rest of her family is here.” “she doesn't belong here” “oh I get it her stupid brothers and mother got into your ear. She isn't the trouble makcan'tt's them but have fun with that. Bye, I don't respect a president that believes the snake instead of investigating.” I send Star to get him and I look at Deacon and them and they are pissed.