Chapter 4

Then he held me well. I cried then said “I heard Bobby and whatever his name is but I think it was Tank's brother.” It took me some more time to heal.

I have Tann go get the laptop and phone. I text my uncle and say sorry I lost the phone in the house and couldn't message. He probably won't believe me but that gives me a week to heal and get my shit in order. 2 days later I go home and my dogs are happy to see me. I need to train. So that's what I have done since they finished my schooling. I can build my muscles back up.

One week later I'm sitting at my graduation and they call a lot of the biker kids names and Wolf MC yelled including my “family”. I was wearing a deep purple dress with black leggings and a black cap and gown. Then when my name was called only Tann, and Star yelled for me. Deacon had to go out of town for a meeting. He tried to move it but the other party didn’t agree and I saw my uncle out there but they are staying low key till my birthday. I didn't get to look at much on the laptop but I saw that the bitch isn't my mother. So they were not paying attention to me. That's what I thought would happen but it still stung.

I go to them and the 3 of us take a picture and I see Lisa standing there staring and my mother with hate so I look at her and I see her taking pictures with the graduates. So are my brothers. “Let's go guys.” We grabbed burgers from the diner and went home. I know they told Deacon what happened. I don't care if they do. Tann and Star also told him they haven't seen my family since we moved in. They are always at the MC and no one checks on me. hell they dont even text me.

We were watching a movie when Star said "let's go, we wanna show you something.” So we hop on our bikers and I follow them to Spirit MC. I see a bonfire and a banner that says “Congratulations Ice”. I start crying and Rock comes and gives me a hug and says “we are proud of you.”

“Thank you everyone!” I yell so everyone can hear and I see the pile of presents on the table and the cake and Cook is at the grill. We go sit down in the chairs around the fire and Tann brings me a beer. we sit and talk and eat then I open my presents. My phone started dinging a lot. I saw it was my brother sending pictures of their party and the other grads getting presents from my “mother” so I sent a picture of my banner with all the presents in front of it. That will shut him up. Spirit MC didn’t have anyone graduating but me. Tann takes them to my room I have here and then Deacon hands me the deed to the shop I wanted. It was a gift. He puts it in his safe in his office till I’m in my own place. “Thank you everyone for everything you made this the best day I have had since dad died. I'm going to go now. I gotta let the dogs out” then head home.

I get home and I see Lisa walk over after I shut off my bike. “Hi Lisa, you know your brother will get mad if you're talking to me.” “oh well i don't appreciate what they are doing to you. Here congrats I saw you got valedictorian and a scholarship to Art school. That is amazing.” “Thank you and it's ok my dad was the only one in my corner I was right there when they shot him. My mom acts like she's mad. I got saved. I was sitting at the table and dad covered me too. I am sure that isn't how they tell it over there.” They know that they got nothing in his will but $100,000 each. Ghost and I got the rest that's why they hate me. My dad was rich. His dad was the Mafia boss in Tulsa till my Uncle Renegade or Rick, as only family can use his given name, took over so he had money.

Then my phone rang. Senator Papa is what the screen said “hello senator how are you today?” That's how he knows I'm not alone and need to move to privacy. I wave bye to Lisa. I can't have her tell them I'm talking to him, even if she only does it by accident because mom hates him. I don't know why. “ “Congrats really loud from him and what sounds like everyone in the room over there.” “Thank you guys” “I was calling you to tell you we will meet you in Broken Arrow the day of your birthday we want to see you. We also want to help you pick out a house Nana said she has the perfect one hell she might have got it already. I heard her on the phone for security, a panic apartment and a 25 ft electric fence put up. if you don't like it i understand we can change it whatever you want but it has 200 acres with it.” “That sounds perfect, is it staying in Nana's name? I'm happy we all have reconnected since dad died. I feel like I have family again.” “No, we are putting in a false name so no one can find it if you don't want them too. Me too princess I’m happy uncle Rick found you. I love you princess, Nana loves you too.” “Ok good night see you in a week I love you and Nana too.”

I take a shower and sit by the window and see my family having fun without me and my mom never looks over here but I see Lisa walk up to them 10 minutes later and says “you all are awful people I'm moving back in with our parents. Tank dad will be pissed when he hears how you are acting." Then she left with her car loaded full of stuff. That gives me an idea for before I move. His dad is going to get security feed of the night I was taken and all the feed since I moved in from here and from the MC as well. Then I look as my mom turns and I see she has a property of Vengeance on it. Well hell she got claimed and didn't invite me. hell she didn't even tell me it was going to happen.

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