Chapter 1
We just moved into a house across the street from Wolf MC in Sapulpa Oklahoma. Not that I wanted to move but no one asked me. Easier to go along and make them think they are stupid. My mom got a new boyfriend. He seems nice, but I don't interact much with them. My dad died 2 months ago when a rival MC tried to kill the president of Spirit MCs wife. My dad and I were the one next to her and he shielded her with his body. He was hit in the back twice. I'm not mad. She is my godmother, and I would be devastated without her.
I pull up on my bike outside the house. It is three-story three with white peeling paint and blue trim. Of course, she picks a house that needs work. I'm sure it will be a pretty house when it's done but I'm not helping. I have things to do and only a few weeks to do it. There is an apartment in the basement and it is mine. My 3 brothers are staying in the house with my mom. I have a 4th, but Dad sent him away when I was little. We aren't as close as we were when Dad was alive.
I take a deep breath and see the MC across the street staring. They have a nice place that looks like it used to be a hotel that was converted into a clubhouse. It looks like a log cabin. At least they have a nice place. I still have my helmet on, so they can't see my face. It just says Ice on the side in a deep purple with silver in it. I got the nickname because my hair has always been a white silver color plus dealing with the 4 of them has made me cold and sarcastic. I hate most people, hell you can't even trust your own mom.
I have on blue jeans and a black tank top with my leather jacket and boots. I have a 9mm holster in my jacket and knives in a few places. Drunk bikers think they can touch who they want and get away with it, not with me.
“Layla, your stuff is already in your apartment down stairs.” “Ok mom thanks, did you guys want help?” “No, we got it settled.” I knew she wouldn't. She doesn't like me much. I'm the oldest of the 4 of us and she babies the three younger ones. Travis and Thomas the twins are 16 and Sean is 15. They are spoiled rotten. Ghost is in the military. He is 10 years older than me.
I take on my helmet as we are talking and I hear “what the fuck thats a girl.” Fucking idiots I know I dont have the figure of a boy so yeah of course I am a girl. Then I hear “she is going to be in trouble, she better stay away.” No one in my family defends me. Of course I always have to defend myself since dad died. You would think I was some distant cousin that no one liked.
I turn to look to see who said that only to see the president was the one talking to my moms new boyfriend, not even he defends me. only god knows what that woman has told him about me. I will keep that in mind and strike one you fools. then turn and walk to the side of the house and go down to my apartment. This is a cheap door I will have to put a better one on after I can access everything my dad left me.
The basement isn't like most. It has windows that are about 3 ft by 5 ft so I can put my curtains up. I walk into the living room and start opening windows facing the road. Then I hear the president talking to my brothers. They are going to look for prospects for them. Good for them. I know they can see me. I haven't found the curtains yet and I have the kitchen and half my room done. I have 4 boxes left, one says living room and the other bathroom they 3 that say art room. there they are as i open the living room box. I see the time is only 12. Well, I will be able to go buy food before long.
I decided to take a break and do just that. I walked out and got on my Harley. As I was driving through town I thought I saw my uncle Rick's bodyguard with a box in his hand. I'm seeing things. I haven't seen them since I was 8 years old when dad sent Ghost away. I got to walmarts parking lot when I saw my uncle Rick's truck parked there. Well, I guess I did see him.
“Uncle Rick, what are you doing here? I thought you didn't want anything to do with us.” “That's not true princess, I have a file for you to read. It is on this laptop no one can get into it ok and here is a phone don't let your mother see it. She wasn't supposed to take you and this laptop will explain why. I love you just know that and we will text everyday and call whenever you want. I want to check in once a day and send the code word unicorn if you are in trouble and I will find you.” “I love you too uncle.” He gave me a hug then left.
Then I went to Walmart and grabbed everything I needed and towels because mine are missing and if they are upstairs I wont get them back. I pay then leave. I went to the local dinner called Crescent Moon. It had a home feeling to it most places are missing. I walk in and sit down as a blonde girl about 5ft and about my age walks up and says “Hi my name is Lisa I will be your server today. Here is your menu, I would recommend the chicken parmesan. It is really good. what can I get you to drink well you look though the menu?”