Chapter 6
We go back to my place and look at Twisted “your dad has a hack on that phone doesn't he” he nods “that's good that means he can't wipe it without uncles techs code.”
I was laying on Twisted's lap as I watched Gilmore Girls. I have been having lots of nightmares. They didnt drug me enough. I remember more than I will tell anyone but Nana. We then hear him yelling “her uncle wont let us whip the phone no matter how many times you try and he has all the information that is on it anyway so you are wasting your time.” Then I fell asleep on the couch thinking about how I'm tired of acting stupid i know I'm missing a lot of information but I know the people across the way are dirt and I can't wait to leave this crap hole.
It's been 1 week and nothing from my family, not even a happy birthday. It's July 10th 2017. I hear bikes pull up and I look at Twisted who has a big smile on his face. “Fuck Twisted did they bring the whole family to move me to the house Nana got me.” We all know the Men will listen to Nana before the Senator so I guess that's comforting. “Let's just say Nana has been waiting for this day since your brother got sent away and didn't want to put you in danger.” “well hell lets go, you know I hate surprises. It's bad enough some punk bitch across the street destroyed my bike after that video got sent out, I don't need more shit.”
Walking outside I see Wolf MC standing out front. Tank looks excited he thinks this is the contract my mom said she could get him. There is a limo and about 50 bikers from Twisted's MC he runs for his dad called Phoenix MC. Well hell he is in on it. I guess they just want to make sure I get to my new home without a problem and in style. Then the door opens and my uncle then grandparents get you. I see bikes on a trailer, one with a tarp on it. I look at them and run to their arms and say thank you for coming to get me. I have missed you. It's been too long. I started crying. I felt safe again, she thought they would never find me. It might have been 10 years but of course they knew where I was.
Then I hear my mom “I thought my ex husband said you could never see her again. when we left back then, what the fuck are you doing here?” Then you hear a smack and I see my Nana hit her. “You little bitch what makes you think you make rules for this family and tell them to me? I make the rules. I have the mafia behind me and my grandsons club, what do you have, a bunch of people who don't know anything about your lies or how you kidnapped my granddaughter.”
She didn't know I knew all of this because of the laptop. She was not my mom, my mom died protecting me in a fire that broke out.
Then I saw Stone, one of my Nana's bodyguards had a file to Tank the president before my mom could protest. Then Nana says “oh and we know none of those boys are my sons. We took a DNA test when they were little but my son loved your lying ass. Layla was born before you met my son. Her mother died saving her in a fire. I know you set it we all do but you killed the guard that saw you so we couldn't bring you before our council to have you killed. so when her dad died you should have never taken her. You knew she was supposed to come to us per his will so you left. We have known where she was but Layla wanted all the evidence against you. So if you don't want us coming after you for everything that is in that file, then never contact her again.”
My “brothers” were shocked as they looked at the DNA report. Uncle Rick says “oh and now only you get your payment for being his wife your sons get nothing.” She was screaming how unfair it was that I was an ungrateful bitch and I don't even know what else. Then I hear another smack. Vengeance hit her and yelled “you are no longer a valkyrie you will move to another room I can't believe you lied to us. You said you never went over there because she abused you. What else have you lied about from the size of that file a lot? I’m sorry Layla, I shouldn't have believed her without proof. I loved her blindly. I should have seen the snake behind the innocent act. I know that's not an excuse. I promise I will do better.” I let go of Papa and kicked her right in the liver then left straight and right hook to the face as I looked down at her “now you can say I hurt you. Any other time was self defence. The code to the camera is pineapple. You will even see who took me that night from right outside my apartment door when I took the trash out and everything else that women did and said when she would disappear upstairs for a while. She didn’t know they were there. Oh and just so you know it's already been backed up and sent to Papa so you cant lie now mother.”
We turn and walk to the back of the house but not before she grabs my hair and I hit the floor. The wind is knocked out of me. Then I see Nana proceed to beat her ass. She can kick ass for being 55. but my mom can't fight, she can only slap everyone who is laughing at her till my Papa grabs Nana and they stop. I take one last kick and say. “Touch me again and it will be your head and they will never find your body. You know what my uncle can do.”
Then my uncle said something none of us knew “should have stayed with me and been a good wife but no you thought he was going to be in charge looks like that bit you in the ass. Goodbye Missy, I hope things work out for you. the lifestyle you love will never be yours again. Your father sent you this letter. He disowned you 3 years ago and here is the paperwork to prove it. Does the MC want to buy this house if it doesn't belong to her? She used Layla's allowance to buy it.”
Tank then says “I will buy it back. I didn't know her mother used her money or the rest of what's in this file. i dont allow violence to women and children.” “Well watch the camaras then you will be in for one hell of a surprise.”
We walked to the side of the house and I saw there was a big picnic set up with a happy birthday Ice on a banner hanging on the house. We ate the loaded up everything that belonged to me. one of my brothers isn't here. He is my dads too. He left for the military 10 years ago and we haven't seen him since. I write to him and i dont tell him everything. They don't need the stress of his team to get letters too. There's my brother Ghost, and his team Panther, Shooter and Speed.
I was lost in thought about how Ghost doesnt know Shooter and Speed are related to us or the fact that i investigate all them idiots when shots rang out and I felt pain in my lower back and shoulder so I turned and saw one of the guys who kidnapped me and raped me standing next to my mom as she shot me for the final time in the chest. She shot me 3 times before papa turned around and shot her in the chest 50/50 chance she would live. Well hell then I blacked out from the pain and loss of blood. I did get a knife thrown at her but hit the dumb ass next to her in the shoulder.