He cannot ruin that for her..she's too pure,too innocent he cannot bring her into his dark world he'll corrupt her and destroy her innocence it’s bad enough he took the one thing from her that he can never give back.He cannot take anymore from her,his world isn't for her she can never fit into it a fact he should never forget. ”Sir.We've arrived.”His driver said.

Getting out he saw the other SUV’s parking he couldn't even drive with her in the same car seeing all those bruises on her face and body makes him more furious the fucker will pay,a slow painful death is what he deserve.”Gio...” He heard his brother call him, turning around he saw he has Arielle in his arms. “Are you okay.”

“I will be.”He answered.”I already called Miguel he’s on his way.” He was about to leave when he stopped him again.

“And Brielle..?”The question hung between them.

“What about her.”

“Where should Rocco take her.”

“The guest room next to the twins‘s room I'll ask Sienna to get it ready for her.”He and his brother stared at each other for a long while.”Anything else.”Marco shook his head and watched as his brother disappeared into the house.After their mother's death and when he killed those responsible for her death he became a different man.Someone cut off from the world,he became his own man.But ever since the appearance of Brielle there's something different about him even if he cannot see it.He knows the life they leading isn't meant for family but he has a feeling there's a reason why the two sister came into their lives and he isn't about to throw away his one chance of being happy.You only live once.....

Gio gazed around him to make sure no one is watching,he is standing in front of the guest room that Brielle is occupying,his hand hovering over the door handle unsure if he should go inside or not.He just came back from checking on the twins and they are perfectly fine Rocco got them in time from school Lorenzo's men had been waiting but he took care of them.

Miguel had said she would be fine but he gave her a sedative to rest,after the trauma her body and mind went through it's needed.Gently but quietly he opened the door and stepped inside,closing it just as softly he made his way over to the bed where she is sleeping.The right side of her face is swollen a purple bruise is visible under her eye she's gonna look like shit for a few days and probably feel like shit too but at the end of the day she's still beautiful.The most beautiful woman he has ever seen.He didn't like his train of thought around this woman she makes him feel things,things that are foreign to him,he doesn't do emotions yet he keeps on feeling this strange pull where his heart is.

For a long while he just stared at her sleeping,frozen in place.She's like an angel sleeping so peacefully,reaching out he gently brushed his fingertips against her cheek,her skin is as soft as silk,so smooth and delicate.A shock wave rushed through his body at touching her,and the strange thing is it only happens with her,he keeps on getting these feelings with her and no one else.What the fuck is happening to him,slowly he retraced his steps back to the door,he has to get away from her.On his way out he bumped into her sister at door,the look on her face is pure shock but he just kept on walking. That fucker is gonna pay for what he did to her,he thought as he punched in the code that will take him down to the basement. Down here is cold and dark,just like his heart.Adrenaline pumped through his veins at the prospect of ripping that bastard apart.

The excitement in his body is thrilling.It's what drives him.What makes it even more fun to hear their screams of agony.”Capo...”The two guards greeted him that was standing in front of the cell of the man who hurt Brielle,who made her scream,who made her bleed. Punching in another code before opening the door he saw the guys were already there along with the asshole that's tied to a chair with his feet placed in a bucket of water.Seems they have already left their marks his eyes are literally swollen shut blood streaming down his face.

“I hope he isn't dead.”He told them.

“Nah...”Marco answered.”He just passed out from all the pain.” Before he threw him with water,the man gasped from the coldness of the water.He looked around him but Gio bets he can't see shit.

“This is how it's gonna go down.”Gio said taking the pliers from the table,the place reeks of blood the stench in here isn't for the weak hearted.”You gonna tell me why you wanted to rape the mother of my children and what your orders were from Lorenzo.If you give me an answer I don't like you gonna lose a finger until I'm satisfied with the answer.Got that.”

“Fuck you.”He murmured.

“Mistake number one.”Santino smirked.

Gio cut of his thumb,next came his index finger.His screams filled the basement causing Giovanni to laugh the sound was sickening. ”Now let's try this again. What were your orders.And for your own sake I hope you can give me an answer that will satisfy me.”

“I live by the code of OMERTA...”He gasped out between breaths.

Giovanni chuckled darkly.”Did you hear that guys...he lives by the code of silence.”Without warning he began to chop of all his fingers,for good measure he chopped of a chunk of his ear too.”I didn't hear what you said through all that screaming.”He walked over to the table and got a blow torch.”This is my favorite, I just love the smell of burning flesh.”He lit it up and the guy's eyes almost popped out of his eye sockets,he began to struggle.”Hold still we wouldn't want to miss a spot.Would we?”Gio started burning his stomach where the skin is soft and easy to get,seconds later the smell of his skin filled the room anyone with a weak stomach wouldn't be able to stand inside here luckily the guys have strong stomachs.They do this for a living and it’s so much fun.Gio saw him starting to cough up blood as he’s trying to open his mouth to talk. ”Do you wanna say something.”

“Please...”He begged blood spilling from his mouth.

“Please what...?”Gio asked him.”Please should I continue or please I'm ready to talk.”

“I...I don..’t k-know-...”He coughed as he’s trying to get the words out.”All I know is that we had to sent a message across by having fun with two woman. I swear I didn't know it was the Valetti women or else I wouldn't have gone through with it...please.. stop..please...”He loves it when they beg.

Gio stared at him for a long time trying to decipher if he was lying or not after a minute he got his answer.”I believe you.”He said slapping his cheek lightly.”

“But unfortunately I don't forgive easily especially when it comes to my family. You chose the wrong woman to fuck with.NO ONE HARMS OR DISRESPECTS THE QUEEN..!”He spoke in a deadly tone that carried throughout the entire room,sending his message across.”NO ONE.”He emphasizes.”So much for Omerta..”He ended before taking out his gun and putting a bullet through his head. ”Clean this up and send his head to Lorenzo,I'm going out for a while.”He washed his hands at the sink that’s in the room. ”Inform me once she wakes up.” With that he strolled out as if nothing happened.

A good fuck is what he needs right now after that circus of a show, he needs to blow of some steam and he knows exactly where to go.

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