Chapter 7 Heather's POV
I woke up a few hours later, having been unable to sleep well due to the relentless questions that ravaged my mind. I'd been so spent after the session that I fell asleep immediately after I returned to my room and, now that I was already awake, I was still feeling a little bit weak. Images of last night's events creeped into my mind and I had to clamp my legs together to tame the warm sensation there. How could my body still be yearning for all that? Climbing out of bed, I grabbed a light robe from the dresser and pulled it on, stopping to admire myself in the mirror before I left the room. As I walked into the hallway, I worked on my hair, packing it upward.
Just like I expected, everywhere was quiet and empty with no trace of anybody around. The urge to tour the mansion was so strong that I didn't bother fighting it, knowing it would be a losing battle. My curiosity had always gotten the best of me.
Making sure my feet made no noise, I padded across the long hallway, looking left and right as I went. I also took a few glances over my shoulder occasionally. The last thing I wanted was for someone to appear suddenly and startle me. I arrived at a room after several seconds and the door was slightly open. With my heart racing in my chest, I moved closer and peeked inside. The first thing I noticed were the shoes neatly arranged in a rack and it was immediately obvious that the room was masculine and it belonged to one of them, no doubt. Yet, my feet were already moving past the door before I could think of what to do next.
On entering the room, I saw how large it was. It was quite bigger than the one I'd been given, not that I was complaining, and everything in it was immaculate. The walls, the floor, the dresser, everything was clean and almost sparkling. The bed was made so well that it didn't look like anyone had slept in it in a long time.
Out of all the questions in my mind, the dominant one was the one that wanted to know what the brothers did to be able to afford such a luxurious life. The more I thought about it, the more I was interested in learning more about them and since the table by the wall seemed like the most reasonable place to start my inquiry, I moved to it and acted accordingly.
There weren't many things on the table so I didn't dally there. A wallet was the only notable thing I found on it and I was disappointed to find it empty. Next, I moved to the first of the three drawers it had and pulled it open. Feeling as if I heard movements, my head snapped in the direction of the door, expecting someone to come through it but, after a few seconds of waiting, no one did and I continued my search. My heart was beating even faster then. Imagine if I'm caught doing what I'm doing. How was I going to explain that?
The first drawer contained a few books and some papers in a folder; nothing interesting. I quickly moved to the second one and all I saw were more books. The third one was no different and I felt frustrated as I returned to full length. My eyes darted to the wardrobe in one corner of the room, directly opposite one side of the bed, and I decided to continue my exploration there. Just a few hours ago, I'd been exploring the owner of this bedroom, whoever that was.
Aside from the fear teasing my mind as I rummaged through the wardrobe, I felt a certain sense of power that I didn't understand. I felt like some kind of spy and the thought of doing this and getting away was so appealing that I ignored my fear and focused on that instead. Just like the table, the wardrobe yielded no results and I felt even more frustrated. All the owner of the room had were clothes, shoes, books, some other personal effects, and some weird looking gadgets. Nothing that could give me a glimpse into the person's personal life or point me in the direction of where I could find that.
Deciding I’d had enough, I whipped around and my legs immediately stopped moving. My eyes grew wide and the thumping in my chest increased until I could hear it in my ears. Why did it have to be now?
Master Kyle was standing there, looking at me with an amused look on his face. How the hell had he gotten into the room without me being aware of it?
“I see you're awake, and active,” he remarked, looking around the room.
“Uh…. I….. I am……” I stuttered but I couldn't think of anything coherent to utter as my mind had gone blank. Just a few more seconds and I would have made it out of the room unnoticed. Why was this happening?
“Been busy, uh?” He asked, smiling and it was hard to tell if that was a good or bad thing. I settled for bad since it was safer to expect the worst and get the best than to expect the best and get the worst.
As soon as I could find the words, I said, “I'm….. I'm sorry, Master Kyle. I was—”
Chuckling, he cut me off and shook his head slowly. “No, don't call me that. All that is restricted to whenever we are in the other room for pleasure. Outside that, we are nothing but business partners, equals, so you don't need to call me master. In the room, you're our slave and I'm your master. Out here, I'm just Kyle.”
Nodding, I avoided meeting his eyes and opted for looking at the floor instead, wondering what would happen next. It was easily understandable if he decided to punish me. I deserved that much. What was I thinking when I embarked on this stupid quest?
“So… you got something you need my help with?” He asked casually. A small part of me wanted to jump at the offer and unload my questions on him but I knew better than that.
Seeing the opportunity, I seized it. “No,” I said quickly. “I got lost. Can I go now?”
I raised my head up to look at him when I said that and he didn't look quite convinced. But, instead of probing me about it, he said, “Yeah, sure,” and moved aside afterwards.
Suddenly feeling as if I'd been set free from prison, I walked towards the door as fast as I could and exited the room without looking back. I felt nothing but shame at the fact that I'd been caught. What a spy I would have been!
It was as I was walking back towards my room that I realized the robe I was wearing was quite transparent and the tips of my cheek became hot as I imagined the view Kyle must have had while I was in his room. That probably explained why he hadn't said anything when he came into the room. Heading towards my room, the hallway suddenly seemed longer than it was when I was coming and I kept expecting to hear Kyle calling me back. Instead, the hallway remained silent until I got to the front of my room, only to see Darren arriving there too. I stopped moving immediately, wondering what he wanted. Had Kyle reported me to him?
No, that wasn't possible as it hadn't been that long since I left his room. What was Darren doing here then? And why was he looking at me that way?
“Here,” he said, thrusting the small pile of clothes he was carrying towards me. Staring down at the clothes, my eyes widened in surprise and I couldn't stop them from snapping back up to meet his own. The clothes were mine and the only place he could have gotten them from was my room back in Carol's house.
How and why did he do that?
“You're probably wondering how I got the clothes,” he said, his voice plain. “I did a little digging into you and I met Carol who told me a few things about you.”
Of course, he did. Far be it from that lanky witch to protect me. It's a good thing she didn't know very much about my past or I would be in deeper shit than I already was right now.
“You don't seem to be too happy about that,” Darren continued and I sent another inward curse to Carol while also berating myself for letting my emotions show.
“No, no,” I said quickly, attempting damage control, “I'm just surprised. You didn't have to do that for me.”
He chuckled and the sound didn't seem friendly at all. “Are you sure it's just surprise? You look like someone had stabbed you when I said that. Makes me think you have something to hide. Do you?”
Oh, shit, I thought, my heart skipping. He knew what he was doing and that meant he was onto something. Just how much about me did he already know? What if he found out who I was?