Was this some kind of sick joke?

Was this man trying to emotionally blackmail me? What did he mean by he was dying?

“What do you mean, you are dying?” I asked him, feeling anger start to bubble up inside of me.

“It is part of the reason why finding you was so urgent for me,” he said and I sighed deeply, trying to contain myself.

I knew it. I knew that there was a catch somewhere. His long lost father act was too good to be true.

“So that's why you came for me? Because you are dying and you need someone to continue your fucked up legacy is that it?” I asked him heatedly.

Beta Isa slammed his hand on the table in rage, “you will not speak to the Alpha that way!!!” He cautioned me.

I ignored him, staring at my father with a broken expression on my face. I had been delusional enough to think that this was my second chance at a new life.

This man clearly wanted to use me.

“I did not come for you because of my sickness, I came for you because you are my daughter and your mother denied me the right to be in your life for too long!!” he yelled, looking directly at me.

“I know how this looks, Mona, but believe me, if you were raised under my roof, you would still have to make this decision by now. You are not a human Mona, you are a hybrid, you share your mother’s blood and mine and you have the responsibility of picking a mate between Luka and Aster, whichever man you choose will be the next Alpha of this pack!!” he shouted at me, like that was supposed to help me understand him better.

He sounded crazy, hell he even looked crazy.

“I still don’t understand any of this,” I replied. “What in the hell is a wolf—-”

I had barely finished asking my question when he flew up his seat and appeared beside mine in less than a second.

I knocked over the fork on my plate and it dropped to the floor, echoing repeatedly until it went silent.

What. The. Hell.

I looked back to his seat across the room, finding it empty.

There was no way that this was real.

My father did not just speed over to my side like that.

“You want to know what a wolf is?” he asked me calmly, his green eyes glinting.

I watched him with widened eyes as his hand became more and more hairy and large until it ripped out of his suit, with claws where his fingernails had once been.

“This is a wolf,” he said, dragging a claw on the wooden table. I looked from his face, to the other men in the room, hoping that one of them would stand up and tell me that I had just seen a magic trick of some sorts.

“Your heritage has been hidden all your life, but now that you are here, all that is about to change.”

Fuck my life.

Of course my long lost father was a beast.

The next morning, I prepared for what will be my first day back in high school. I put on a pair of baggy jeans and a body fitting top that had been left in my wardrobe. I packed my hair into a high ponytail, smiling as I saw my reflection in the mirror.

Last night’s dinner had been unsettling to say the least, I even had nightmares about it, but I was determined to remain positive.

This week had started out as the worst one of my life, but today things were changing for the better. I would have never been able to afford school if I stayed in the city.

But here I was now dressed for school, I knew that there were a lot of weird things about this place, including the mate thing that beast spoke about yesterday, but at least I could continue my education.

I grabbed my new backpack and kissed my mother’s ashes goodbye before I raced out of my room and down the stairs.

The smell of freshly fried eggs and bacon filled my nose as I reached the dining area.

“Miss, are you having your breakfast now?” the maid asked and I nodded at her enthusiastically. I was almost done with my breakfast when my father came down the stairs.

I was hoping not to see him

“I see you are ready for your first day?” he said with a small smile.

“Yeah, I can’t wait,” I replied awkwardly.

I hoped that he didn’t come too close to me

“That is good,” he said, walking towards me.

My life had to be a joke at this point.

“I wanted to remind you of what I said last night, I am not putting you under any pressure of anything but I want you to open yourself to getting to know those boys. One of them will be your mate very soon,” he reminded me, with a grim look on his face.

It was funny how he said no pressure, but all I could feel now was pressure.

Luka was probably one of the most beautiful men I had ever seen in my life, but I couldn't help but feel like I was being forced on him.

And I had not even met Aster.

Yet I was expected to choose from them, but did they actually want me?

And the way things were, I was trapped with a rich beast for a father, so what choice did I really have?

Were Luka and Aster also Wolves?

“Um… how am I getting to school?” I asked him, ignoring the raging questions in my head.

“My driver is waiting outside for you as we speak. I suggest you take the limousine to school, I want everyone to know that the Alpha’s daughter is back,” he said with a wink.

Wait a minute–

Me? Take a limousine to school?

He had to be joking.

But when I walked out of the house, a long and sleek black limo was parked outside, waiting for me.

“Miss Mona,” the driver called me with a smile, opening the car door and waiting for me to enter.

Dear god or whoever is in the sky, if this is a dream, I don’t want to ever wake up.

I entered the car and he shut the door behind me.

We stopped in front of a large golden gate, on top of which a sign read, ‘Crimson Lunar Academy’.

“We have arrived, Miss,” the driver said through the intercom.

I stared out uncertain, watching as students trooped into the school.

“Good luck Miss, you are going to need it,” the driver said as I opened the door.

I sighed deeply as I walked into the school, wondering what else my new life had in store for me. I got my class placement and my locker key from the front desk and headed to where the lockers were immediately.

I was arranging my books in my locker when I heard someone behind me clear their throat.

I turned back to find a tall blonde girl, staring down at me.

“Is there something wrong?” I asked her politely.

“You are blocking my locker,” she said coldly.

“Oh sorry, please give me a second,” I said, trying to transfer the books from my hand into the locker quicker.

All of a sudden, I felt an arm on my shoulder, shoving me out of the way. I fell to the ground in slow motion, as my books scattered on the floor.

The girl that had pushed me, didn’t even give me a second glance.

“Hand my stuff over Greta,” she said to her friend who seemed to be holding her school bag.

I got up on my feet, still dazed as I processed what the hell just happened to me.

“Did you just shove me?” I asked the girl, not bothering about my books anymore.

“Yeah and so?” she asked, turning to me and folding her arms, like she was daring me to do something.

“I don’t understand, why in the hell would you do that?” I asked her, still confused.

Was this how people in this school behaved?

“Do you want me to do it again?” she asked, raising a brow.

I stepped closer to her, as my blood began to boil, “I demand an apology!” people were starting to gather around us by now.

She scoffed and looked back at her friend, “is this bitch for real?” she asked herself and before I could react, she raised her hand like she was going to slap me.

My eyes closed instinctively, waiting for her hand to reach my face.

It never did.

By the time I opened my eyes, someone had stopped her hand mid air.

It was the guy from last night, Luka Everstorm.

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