“Huh,” I echoed out, unable to form a proper sentence.

“Mind if I join you?” That wasn’t a question. It was a statement since he grabbed a chair and sat down in front of me

“You know, I have been curious since I heard about you and I have to say, you are even more beautiful than I expected,” he said, his blue eyes locked on mine as he spoke.

I blinked slowly, my mind felt like sludge. I didn’t know whether to feel flattered or guarded at what he was saying to me.

“I am sure your father has already told you who I am,” he continued, leaning in slightly like he was not close enough.

I felt my cheeks warm against his intense gaze and I wanted to look away, I needed to, but my eyes were drawn to his sharp jawline, his flirtatious smile, the way his hands ran through his thick brown hair and his freaking blue eyes.

“Mona…” Aster snapped his fingers at me, making me turn back my attention to what he was saying.

“I can see how you can get distracted by me and I get it, I mean everyone finds me distracting,” he said as his hand found mine on the table.

His arrogance should have annoyed me, but instead I found myself biting back a smile, there was just something so disarming about him.

“You think very highly of yourself,” I replied to him, pulling my hand away from his grasp.

He scoffed, biting his bottom lip in a way that did things to my stomach. “You are going to get to know me soon Mona, and by then, you will be mine,” he said with a confident smile.

“She will be yours?!” A male voice asked in disbelief.

I turned my head to find Luka approaching our table with anger written all over his face.

Aster turned to him with an indifferent smile.

“Is that what you said to her that she will be yours?” Luka repeated as he stopped right in front of Aster's followers

“I am very sure you heard me correctly,” Aster said, standing up to face him.

Luka pushed past the followers and stood directly in front of Aster.

“She doesn't belong to you and she never will,” he said coldly, his gray eyes locked on Aster's blue ones.

Aster scoffed like he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Before anyone could predict what he was going to do next grabbed Luka by his shirt pulling him closer.

“Woah, are they about to fight over you?” Vera whispered to me but my eyes were locked on the scene.

What was really happening here?

Was I really the reason they were fighting?

Luka shoved Aster's hands away from his shirt and adjusted himself while scoffing,

“You bastard!” he yelled, and suddenly swung a punch at Aster's face.

Aster dodged it like he had been expecting it and one of his followers stepped forward to intervene.

“I don't need anyone's help to handle this nuisance,” Aster said, walking towards Luka and then punching him.

I gasped aloud, but no one else seemed to even flinch.

Luka dodged Aster's attack and then used his weight to swing him to the ground.

I couldn't take this anymore, it was just unnecessary.

“Can you both stop!!” I shouted, standing up just as Luka got on top of Aster about to punch his face.

They both turned to me, looking stunned.

I surprised myself too, I had never really been the speaking up type but I could not continue to watch this mess.

If they were really fighting over me, then this was only doing the opposite.

Luka smirked at me, flashing his perfect teeth like I was amusing.

Why was my heart suddenly racing?

I felt Vera's hand tap mine. “Don't intervene, if the fight gets out of hand the teachers will stop them,” she said, pulling my hand so that I could sit back down.

“No, this has to stop, I'm not sure what the issue is between you both, but this whole thing is just pointless,” I said to them, hoping they would listen.

Suddenly Aster hit Luka's face, and shoved him aside.

“What are you—” I paused speechless as Aster continued to hit Luka.

“Mona, you should learn something today…” Aster said, pausing to look at me.

“In this pack, the only time a fight can be stopped is if the other party concedes,” he said as he held Luka's face with a hand while hitting him with the other.

“Stop this!!!” I yelled at him as Luka's nose started to bleed.

“I'm sorry,” he said simply, not sounding apologetic in the least.

The Cafeteria stayed silent as the only thing that could be heard were Luka's grunts of pain.

Unable to take it anymore, I dashed out from my seat and rushed over to Luka's side, just as Aster was about to hit him again, my hand caught his in a firm grasp.

“Just stop,” I pleaded with him, looking into his eyes.

“You may not be familiar with the ways of the pack yet, Mona, but I can't stop unless He asks me too,” Aster answered calmly.

I looked down to Luka, his face was bloody and he was breathing heavily.

“Just stop Luka,” I begged him, I barely knew him, but I could see that this was a difficult decision for him.

“Stop,” I sighed softly, using my free hand to touch his shoulder.

Luka avoided my eyes and then murmured something to Aster.

“I didn't hear that right,” Aster said loudly.

“I said, I concede!!” Luka yelled back at him and Aster smiled victoriously as he lowered his hand and stepped away from Luka.

Just as I was helping Luka to his feet, the Cafeteria doors burst open and a male teacher walked in with a cold expression on their faces.

“You both, follow me to the Principal's office right now!!” he yelled at them and Luka removed himself from my grasp and followed him silently.

“See you around Mona,” Aster smirked at me, as he walked out with them.

I walked back to class with Vera by my side begging me to tell her how I knew Aster and Luka.

“Please, I would even carry your books,” she pleaded.

“Are you really that desperate for gossip?” I asked her and she shrugged.

“I am in fact that desperate for gossip, so tell me everything already,” she said as we got back inside class.

What exactly was I supposed to even say?

That my father wanted me to choose from them?

That I was the Alpha's daughter?

Even if I still hadn't wrapped my head around all these facts yet, I knew that once people knew that I was the Alpha's daughter, it might draw even more attention to me than I wanted.

“Hello everyone,” a teacher entered the classroom and I sighed in relief.

“Promise you will tell me after class,” Vera whispered as she rushed back to her seat in front.

Classes went by even faster than before, mostly because I found myself disassociating most of the time.

I kept thinking about Luka and Aster, maybe any random person would have been flattered by that whole display earlier but it was just off putting to me.

Infact everything about this place was off putting. How violence was so encouraged?

How they treated each other, it just made me feel sick.

As soon as the bell rang for the end of class, I picked up my bag and basically sprinted out of the class.

I didn't want to run into Vera again and have to deal with her many questions.

“Mona!!!” someone called me just as I was about to reach the school gate.

I turned back to find Luka jogging towards me.

“Hey,” he greeted me as he caught up to me.

“Hey,” I replied awkwardly, looking at his swollen face. His right eye was a dark blueish color and his lip had a cut. And yet he still looked good with his blonde hair neatly packed and his gray eyes staring so intently at me that I thought that I saw thunderstorms in them.

It was hard to identify the clean looking pretty boy of yesterday to this rough and bruised one.

“I don't understand why you had to do all that,” I said, unable to control myself.

“Is that how you are, you just punch first and ask questions later? Why did you even attack him?”

“Because he said that you were his! And I just didn't like hearing that,” he replied to me defensively.

“Do you even know how you sound?” I asked him. “Look, I don't know you Luka, I don't know any of you, so I honestly don't understand why you feel the need to keep defending me from things I don't need defense from.”

“I don't understand it myself but I am just drawn to you Mona,” he said and I stepped back from him in disbelief.

“We literally just met yesterday and now you are getting beaten up because you are drawn to me?” I asked, raising a skeptical brow.

Were all the men in this place just batshit crazy?

How did this sound normal to him?

“I guess, you wouldn't understand because you don't know Aster, but he is not someone that anyone would like to belong to. He is an evil bastard that—”

“Oh, is that what this is about? The fact that you don't like him, is why you felt the need to step in and exchange punches like some caveman.”

“No…it's not just that it's—” he cut himself off like he had said too much.

“What is it?” I pressed on, “whatever it is, it is not just because of what my father said, is it? There is history between you and Aster so what is it?”

Luka opened his mouth about to speak when I heard a loud honk from outside the open school gate.

It was the black limo from earlier.

My ride was here.

“I have to go,” I said, looking back up at him.

“Yeah, we can continue this talk later,” Luka said to me, smiling slightly.

“I'll start driving you to school tomorrow morning so we can have more time to talk” he promised with a smirk

“Okay…” I replied to him, like my stomach wasn't doing somersaults as I walked away from him.

I laid in my bed thinking about all the events of today.

I had come here expecting a normal life but since yesterday, I have been shocked.

I wondered what more this new life had in store for me as I fell asleep.

I was alone in a castle, walking down its dark halls with nothing but the light of a candle.

“Stop walking away from me Mona,” A male voice called out firmly, making me increase my pace.

For some reason, I didn't want whoever it was to catch up to me.

“You can try to escape, but for as long as I live, you will never be rid of me,” the voice insisted, growing even closer.

My heart raced anxiously as I started to run in the dark, I had no plan exactly, other than escape from him before he could get to me.

As I ran, I tripped over something like a stick and fell to the ground with the candle stuck falling away from me.

I rushed over and grabbed the candle, and as I got back on my feet, a breeze blew the light away, leaving me stranded in the darkness.

“I told you before Mona, you can never escape me,” the voice said from behind me.

I turned on my heels, staggering away, when I ran into something firm like a wall.

With my heart beating even faster, I looked up to find golden eyes glowing at me in the darkness.

“You belong to me,” he said, as his hand went behind my back, pulling me closer to his firm body like he was going to kiss me—

“No!!!” I screamed as I woke up, covered in sweat and panting as I looked around to find myself back in my cream colored room.

“What in the hell was that?”

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