Chapter 006

"Why did you lie to me, Dee?" Despite Yemi's low voice, it was full of betrayal.

As if to brace herself against the storm building behind her, Dee halted, her hand clutching the kitchen counter. She took a while to turn around. She knew there would be no turning back once she met him, and the tension in the room was palpable.

"I didn’t lie," she finally stated in a cold, detached voice. "I just didn’t tell you everything."

Yemi snorted and took a step forward. "You failed to inform me that I am a parent. Dee, for ten years. "Ten years!"

She recoiled at the unadulterated pain in his voice, but her face was reserved when she looked up into his eyes. "And, Yemi, what would have been different? Would you have supported me? For them?"

"Don’t turn this around on me," he retorted, his anger erupting. "You denied me the opportunity to even get to know them. Without giving me a chance, you determined that I didn't deserve to be their father."

Dee's eyes flashed with rage as she shook her head. "A possibility? Yemi, you went. You left my life as if we were nothing, and I was nothing. What should I have done? Wait for your return? I hope you'll reconsider."

With his massive form looming over her, Yemi took a step closer. "You know why I left," he continued, his voice shaking with anguish that was hardly controlled. "Dee, I had no other option. My hands were bound.

"No choice?" she yelled, raising her voice. "Yemi, you had an option. You had the opportunity to defend us. However, you didn't. You left me to pick up the pieces after you fled."

They were silent for a moment. The refrigerator's gentle hum was the only sound, a strange background to the roaring fury between them.

"I didn’t come back to fight with you," Yemi finally stated in a tone that was softer but no less resolute. "I returned because I'm entitled to answers. They also do.

The thought of Dee's kids made her heart tighten. She turned away, clutching the counter once more as if it might prevent her from collapsing. "Yemi, this is about more than just you. I've been keeping them safe for years. from reality. from you.

Yemi's mouth clenched. "Keeping them safe from me? Even so, what does that mean? Do you believe I would harm them?

Although she didn't respond, her silence was quite telling.

He said, "Dee," in a voice that broke. "What are you not telling me?"

She forced herself to be strong and closed her eyes. She wasn't prepared to negotiate the maze of the truth—not with Yemi, not with anyone. However, he refused to let this pass.

Finally, in a chilly tone, she stated, "You don't deserve the truth." "Not after what you did."

Yemi flinched as if she had hit him. His black eyes searched hers for any sign of the lady he had once loved, and he remained silent for a minute. "Maybe I don’t," he muttered. "But they do."

Dee's throat tightened each breath. She was aware that he was referring to more than the twins. He was discussing their shared lives and the affection they had lost.

Her voice trembled with repressed emotion as she replied, "You don't get to waltz back into my life and demand answers." "You don’t get to rewrite history just because it’s convenient for you now."

Yemi's hands at his sides curled into fists, yet he spoke steadily. "Dee, convenience isn't the point here. It's about doing the right thing. And until I learn the truth, I won't leave."

She shuddered at the determination in his voice. Her eyes flashed in defiance as she turned back to face him. "Then you’re going to be waiting a long time," she remarked in a tone that was both hurt and angry.

Yemi's countenance was impenetrable as he gazed at her for a while. He turned and left the kitchen without saying anything more, leaving Dee to bear the burden of her secrets by herself.

An hour later, she discovered him in the living room, looking through an old photo album, even though she had assumed he had completely departed the house. When she discovered what he was viewing—photos of the twins, their milestones recorded in what she had assumed to be private moments—her heart fell.

He continued, "You kept all of this from me," without raising his gaze.

"I had to," she said.

"No," he replied sharply. "You didn't. You choose to.

Dee started to reply, but was cut off by the sound of footsteps. David stood looking between them in the doorway, his eyes wide. "Mom? Is everything all right?

Although it didn't reach her eyes, Dee faked a smile. "Everything is good, my love. Return upstairs.

David remained still. His expression changed to one of wonder and bewilderment as he looked at Yemi. "Who are you?"

Yemi froze, his throat tightening with breath. His eyes begged for direction as he gazed at Dee, but she was unable to answer.

Yemi finally muttered, "I'm a...friend of your mom's," in a strained voice.

David's forehead wrinkled. "You’re the guy from the park."

With a long nod, Yemi acknowledged how little his son understood about him, which broke his heart. "Yeah, that’s me."

"Why are you here?" David inquired in a cautious tone.

Dee moved closer and put a soft touch on her son's shoulder before Yemi could respond. "Go upstairs, David. Please.


"Now," she remarked in a pleasant but stern voice.

David turned reluctantly and walked out of the room, leaving a deafening quiet behind him.

"You don’t get to do this," Dee cried, her voice shaking with rage. "You don’t get to insert yourself into their lives without my permission."

Yemi responded, "They're my children, Dee," as she stood up to address her. "I have a right to know them."

She retorted, "And what happens when you decide to leave again?" "What happens when they get attached, and you break their hearts like you broke mine?"

Yemi's face softened as his rage gave way to remorse. "Dee, I made mistakes. I am aware of that. However, I'm here to stay and won't be leaving."

The wounds from their history were too deep for her to believe him. "Yemi, words are meaningless. Show it.

He responded, "I will," in a firm voice. However, don't assume that I'm given up just yet. I'll discover the truth on my own if you refuse to tell it to me."

The resolve in his voice made Dee's stomach turn. She was familiar enough with Yemi to understand his meaning. And a feeling of fear descended upon her as she watched him leave through the door.

He would reveal everything, including the secrets, the lies, and the suffering she had worked so hard to conceal. Their lives wouldn't be the same after he did.

Dee's phone flashed a notice while she was putting the children to bed that evening. The subject line of the email, which came from an unknown address, chilled her to the bone:

"You can’t hide forever."

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