Strange man at the club!
The night went on so slowly, but the bartender was so nice to keep me company. While we spoke, I felt a sudden shift in the atmosphere like someone’s presence had graced it. I immediately turned towards the door and saw a tall dark figure walk in, he had this strange aura that attracted everyone’s gaze. The club house was dimly light with disco lights flashing all around so it was almost impossible to see him.
When he walked towards the centre where the light was a bit brighter, I could see him close enough. His face was covered with a sleek black mask that his everything except his piercing eyes, sharp with a hint of something darker, like he had some secrets behind that mask. His strong chiseled jawline and his broad shoulders revealed a man in his prime. Oh his head, he had a few strands of grey and shiny hair that blended in perfectly with his black hair.
He was dressed in a tight fitted black shirt that clearly outlined his muscular build. His presence spoke of authority and danger and he had this magnetic charm that made it almost impossible for anyone to look away. He moved in slowly through the crowd with a glass of alcohol in his hand and the other hand in his pocket. Each step he took was mindful like he was in control of his surrounding.
He walked slowly till he got to the bar and stood right beside me, the scent of his cologne was just magnificent and so attractive. He dropped his glass on the counter and slid some notes for the bartender who received it with a smile.
“thanks boss,” the bartender said, smiling as he filled up another glass for him. He nodded and took the glass and walked away slowly. I kept staring at him till he was lost into the crowd.
“Don’t you think you want to join in and have some fun?” the bartender asked nicely with a smile. Out of everyone in the club that night, he was the only one without a mask, even the bouncers at the club had masks on.
“Naah, I’m good,” I replied.
“Come on, it’s just a little fun, it might hurt a bit, but not really,” he said, wearing a really cringe smile on his face.
“I just came here for my eightee....” I immediately kept quiet, I didn’t want to let him know I was just eighteen and came to a wild club to celebrate.
“Your friends are all out there having fun, go get yourself some nice guy to screw you up, darling,” he said again.
I got so disgusted. Wasn’t this the same guy that was being all nice to me earlier? “People are really disgusting, “ I thought to myself as I slowly stood up and left. I kept wandering about that night watching people display parts of their bodies in public. There was a lot of nudes everywhere that my eyes were already getting used to it.
Suddenly, I heard some ladies screaming in joy, I immediately turned to see my best friend’s Nyla and Katie at the VIP area. At this point, they were both so drunk and they were stark naked. We were all young, but we already had fully developed bodies. Their boobs were all out in the open and the only thing they wore was the mask that covers their whole face. Nyla was with a man at one corner, she was riding him so hard like her life depended on it, while some other men, who were probably the man’s friends, were spraying a lot of money on her as she rode.
Katie on the other hand was with two guys, she sucked so hard between his legs while her boobs hung freely and another man penetrated her from behind.
“What?” I screamed so loud. But of course my voice shouldn’t be heard from all that loud music. I expected this wild life from Nyla, but Katie?
I walked up to the VIP area to try and drag Katie out of there, but two huge bouncers immediately stood in my way.
“My friend, I need to see my friend, it’s important, I pleaded with one of the bouncers.
“VIP only!” he shouted at my face, and I could hear his loud voice clearly through all the noise.
I stood out there like a fool, waiting for one of them to turn and see me. Finally, Katie was done, she turned and saw me, then she walked up to me smiling.
“Oh my goodness, Emily, this is so good,” she said with a wild smile.
“What do you mean, Katie? I saw you in there with two men, Katie. Two men.” I said, so frustrated, hoping she would give a reasonable explanation.
“Emily, it’s your birthday today, you need to come out of your shell and have some fun,” she screamed at the top of her voice. She tried to drag me along with her into the VIP section, but I pulled back.
She looked back at me, surprised, “I’ve got to go now, Em. I’ll see you in a few hours.” She said and walked right back in to meet those same men.
I began to feel left out, they looked like they were having a lot of fun and I was missing out on all that fun. I turned away and kept walking, there was nothing I didn’t see that night. I mistakenly bumped into the same man that walked into the bar earlier. I knew it was him from the clothes he wore and how perfectly build his body was built. I felt like I had seen that perfect build somewhere, but the memory was blur in my mind.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” I said with my head down as I tried to walk away immediately. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me close to his muscular chest, his grip on me was so tight. My whole body shivered as he trailed his big fingers down my arm. “Let me go,” I said, I became scared and my body began to sweat in the cold room.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said in a deep tone, lifting my face up with one finger.
“What did he even mean by that? He couldn’t even see my face under this mask,” I thought to myself.
“Your body...it’s so plump and beautiful,” he said again. At the point I felt disgusted, I used my nails to scratch his hands on my waist and set myself free from his grip. I kept moving forward, I didn’t even turn to see if he was okay or not, I just kept moving. Just when I thought it was all over, two guys bumped into me.
“Oh! For fuck’s sake,” I said loudly.
“Won’t you like to have some fun, beautiful,” one whispered in my ear. I ignored and kept waking, but that triggered them more, maybe they thought I wanted them to chase me.
“It’ll just be a few minutes, baby girl. It won’t hurt, I promise,” the other one said, as he held my hand so firmly.
“Eeww,” I screamed, using my nails to scratch his hand, then, I ran away and found my way to the bathroom to escape from all these people. I saw a sign that said women’s bathroom, then I quickly walked in. I knew I was already getting intoxicated from all the shots I had taken at the bar, I just wanted to clear my head a bit, and from all these weird ass people too. “Maybe I was just overthinking things and maybe I was taking everything too serious,” I thought to myself.
“Today is my eighteenth birthday, I’m now an adult. I should be having a lot of fun, just like my friends are doing,” I thought, staring blankly at myself in the mirror.