
After a very long and excruciating class, the bell finally rang indicating the end of lesson.

Drayton and I sat faraway from each other, but that didn't stop the occasional fights from breaking out ever now and then. I tried, I really tried to not let his presence affect me, but somehow, he always manage to get through me.

I'm very sure whoever thought it was a good idea to put us in the same class was definitely regretting the decision now. Every single teacher that entered our class today spent half their period trying to stop us from killing each other, and the other half keeping an eye on us.

There's no way I'd survive a year of this. The only good thing is that Natalie was not in the same class with us. I don't think I'd survive the combined presence of Drayton and his obnoxious girlfriend.

I still haven't seen Jack all day. He hadn't replied any of my texts or calls. But I didn't have time to dwell on it as I prepared for the next thing on my agenda. Meeting the school counselor.

I've never dreaded meeting Ms Brown like most students do. I never have a reason to because I've always being a brilliant students, except my occasional fights with Drayton.

But I wasn't particularly looking forward to this year's meeting. I know what she was going to talk about. It was what everyone wanted to talk about. I was already regretting coming to school today. I should have accepted my mum's offer to be homeschooled. I'm better now, but everyone is still treating me like the sick girl.

I have my father and Natalie to thank for that. Natalie ran her mouth about my sickness to the whole school, and my father basically shoved a group of reporters into my hospital room. He got to act like the doting father he clearly wasn't on camera.

“Ready to go rough up the cafeteria?” Dan’s voice brought me back to reality.

I flinched slightly at the sound of his voice. I didn't realize he was already standing so close to me.

Concern etched on his face as he stared at me.

“Are you okay, Ari?” He asked.

I nodded.

“Yeah I'm fine, just a little stressed thinking about the meeting with Ms Brown.” I flashed him a sweet smile so he doesn't question me further.

Knowing Dan, he probably didn't believe my lie. But thankfully, he didn't probe further. He merely gave me a nod.

“Alright, but you should eat something first. Let's go to the cafeteria.”

He stretched his hand out for me. I swung my backpack on and took his hand.

I could feel someone's intense gaze on me as I made my way out of the class with Dan. I knew who the person was without even turning to check.

Dan and I walked into the cafeteria chatting and laughing. Despite how Dan was trying to ease my tension by making me laugh, it was impossible not to notice the sudden murmurs that broke out in the cafeteria as we stepped in.

I took discrete breathes and tried not to let their words or the pity looks in their eyes get to me. Even the people who wouldn't dare meet my gaze kept staring at me.

Dan and I made our way to the food counter and bought our food. We were about to leave when the lunch lady sighed,

“Poor girl, that must have been so hard on you. How are you feeling now?” She asked, her eyes filled with pity.

Great. My number one problem with the human race is they never learn to keep their mouth shut.

Almost everyone in the cafeteria was now staring at me as if waiting for my response.

“I'm fine. Perfectly okay. I'm just trying to eat my food in peace.”

If the lunch lady noticed the bit in my tone, she didn't let on. She pulled my tray towards her and added more soup to my bowl and even gave me more bread sticks.

Well, at least there is a good side at being the sick girl.

Just when I thought she was done, she brought out something from her bag.

“Here,” she handed it to me. “You should light it and put it in your bedroom. I hear it chases away evil spirits.

No idea how a scented candle is going to chase away evil spirits, but I accepted it with a tight smile. I just needed to get out of here.

“Just kill me already.” I said in sheer frustration.

Dan gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze as we settled in our usual table. Well, it's usually for Dan, Jack, and I, but he is still no where to be found. We'd usually have a group of students squealing at us by now, or the cheer squad trying to sit with me. I'd spend half of lunch break deciding who to sit with me. But now, they just watched.

“I should finish this fast and go meet, Ms Brown. I'm never eating in the cafeteria again.” I muttered.

“Don't be like that, Ari. It's just the first day of school. It'll die down by the end of the week and everyone will fond something else to focus on.” Dan said comfortingly.

I gave him a nod.

“Arielle, you're my hero,” I turned my head to the direction of the voice to see Natalie walking towards me.

Dear Lord, just kill me already.

“Natty ratty, how do you walk quietly on those claws?” I asked, hoping to rile her up so she could leave me alone.

“Awwn, I love that you still have your spirits, girl.” She said and broke into annoying giggles.

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to my food.

“And you're such a brave person for sitting with her.” She said to Dan.

I knew what she was referring to.

“You know what? I lost my appetite. Hope you're happy.”

I stood up and stormed out of the cafeteria, ignoring Dan's calls.




I managed to get to the counselor's office without anyone cornering me or offering me more scented candles.

I sat in her office, shaking my feet as she looked through some papers.

“I'm going through your last year results and I'm seeing how low your grades have dropped.” She paused “I know it's because of your health and I'm so sorry for that.”

“I'm actually better now. I'll make sure to improve my grades this semester.”

“I have no doubts you'll do just that, but the school has offered to help you in some ways.” She paused again, probably to gauge my reaction.

Despite the anger brewing in me, I managed to keep a neutral expression. I've always been the student that provided help for other students, not the one to receive help. But I guess this is my life now.

“We've arranged a study partner for you. He is one of our model students and has a very good way of helping students. I'm sure you'll do great with him.” She said but her smile says otherwise.

A knock resounded on her door.

“Oh, I think that's him.” She said, trying to fake excitement.

Please, don't tell me it's who I think it is. I turned my head around and my gaze collided with a pair of green eyes.

“Hello, Frozen.” He said, a dirty smirk dancing on his lips.

Standing by the doorstep and staring at me is none other than Drayton King. He is my study partner.

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