Chapter six


I shouldn't have done this!

I shouldn't have done this!!

I shouldn't have done this!!!

I mentally scolded myself as I awaited Arielle's presence. She was supposed to show up thirty minutes ago, but I should have known.

I anticipated she was going to cause some trouble to try to get out of this arrangements. I've known Arielle since kindergarten. She wouldn't go down without a fight.

Maybe I shouldn't have antagonized her the way I did earlier. Or maybe I shouldn't even be here. I shouldn't have volunteered when Ms Brown was searching for a study partner for her.

She didn't even bother to ask me because she knew I wouldn't agree. Every teenager in Southern California is aware of the feud between Arielle and I. We even have fan clubs in different schools who are constantly at war with each other.

I didn't know what I was thinking when I went into Ms Brown's office that day. I was going to the cafeteria for lunch when I overheard some boys talking about it. I didn't think about it much before volunteering myself.

It took me a few minutes after that to realize what a difficult position I had willingly put myself in. But unfortunately, it was too late to back down.

I tried to convince myself that I was only pretending to help her just so I could spite her more. If I become close to her, I'll know all her strengths and weaknesses, it'll be easier to destroy her. After all, there is a saying that ‘keep your friends close and your enemies even closer’.

Also, she is not a worthy opponent if she's lagging so far behind in her studies. Despite being in the hospital and missing almost half of junior year, she was still better than half of our class. There are barely people who could hold a candle against her. She was still the only person who could challenge me in class.

Right. That's the only reason I'm doing this. I'm just leveling the battle ground.

I tried to push our conversation the other day to the back of my mind but I keep failing miserably.

“... I don't need you to pity me…”

I scoffed as her words echoed in my mind. As if. I would never feel pity for her. The only thing I feel towards her is hatred and disgust. I was truly the ‘heartless monster’ she called me. I could never feel pity towards her.

I checked my wristwatch to see that she was forty minutes late. I contemplated going to Ms Brown and calling the whole thing off. It would be beneficial for both of us anyway. Or I can just report her for not showing up and enjoy her getting punished.

My lips tilted into a smile as I imagined her sulking face when she is eating lunch all alone in the teacher's lounge. Being stuck in the teacher's lounge is the worst nightmare of every students. It's so much worse than detention.

The image seem so perfect in my head that I almost decided to go through with it. But just then, Arielle appeared panting heavily. It was almost like she ran all the way here. She was so sweaty and disoriented. The quite opposite of the usual Arielle McAlister.

I narrowed my gaze on her as she slumped into the chair opposite me. I waited for her to regulate her breathing before saying,

“You're forty five minutes late.”

She responded with a hard glare.

“And you look like shit.” I added, just to piss her off more.

I held myself back from asking about the reason for her appearance. Not that I care about it anyway.

“Would a simple ‘hello’ have killed you?” she snapped at me angrily.

She even had the nerve to be angry, after making me wait for forty five minutes. Goodness gracious.

I let out a scoff.

“You didn't show up on our scheduled time and you expect me to exchange greetings with you? I suggest you start explaining your whereabouts or I'm going straight to Ms Brown. And don't you dare lie to me. I saw you in class forty five minutes ago.”

I tried to keep my expression neutral despite the anger slowly rising in me. I wasn't even mad at her for showing up late. It was obvious from her appearance that something happened to her. I was mad at myself. For putting myself in this situation.

“‘Hey, Arielle! How are you? Why do you look so worn out? Did something happen to you?’. That's what a normal human being would ask first, not attack me with the obvious facts. I know I look like shit, okay?.” she snapped.

“Would you have told me what happened if I asked?” I arched an eyebrow.

“It's called ‘courtesy’, King. I forget you don't know what that is, pea brain.”

I immediately came up with a sharp retort, but I decided to swallow it down. We would banter on for a long time and wouldn't have anytime to study anymore. I knew that was what she wanted. And I wasn't going to give it to her.

But I'm definitely not going to miss the chance to throw a little dig at her.

“Well, I'm currently smarter than you and I know so many things that you don't. I think you're the one with a brain the size of a pea.”

She opened a mouth to say something but I quickly cut in. We only had one hour left and I was definitely not adding a single minute to that. I was already regretting my decision.

“Now bring out your notebooks and let's study or I'll call the librarian. You can happily spend the rest of the semester eating in the teacher's lounge.”

She groaned but did as I told her. Good.

“What are subjects are we starting with, Mr I'm-smarter-than-everyone?” She asked sarcastically.

“We have a homework in biology and it seems you weren't paying attention during class, so let's start with that.”

“Wow, you're paying attention to me in class now. Are you obsessed with me now, King?” She grinned widely.

“You wish, Frozen. You wish.” I clicked my tongue as I flipped through the pages of the textbook.

“Besides, everyone in class could see you zoning out.”

It was true. It was pretty obvious that her mind wasn't in class today. She seem to be in a daze since first period.

I pushed the textbook towards her.

“I've highlighted the parts you're going to read. Once you're done you'll do the homework and we'll call it a day.”

She gave me a smile and nodded her head. I was a bit confused and suspicious that she agreed without arguing with me first. She even…smiled? Okay, something is definitely wrong.

I gave her a small nod and proceed to do my own homework. I kept throwing glances at her.

Arielle didn't touch the textbook, instead she brought out her phone and earbuds. I stared at her in confusion, wondering what her next move is.

I abandoned my book and turned my entire attention to her. She was typing away on her phone and swaying her body probably to the music from the earbuds.

I stared at her for five minutes straight, hoping she would stop and pay attention to the book in front of her, but she didn't. I couldn't take it anymore.

“Frozen,” I called.

She didn't answer. She was either ignoring me or the music from the earbuds was too loud and she couldn't hear me.

“Hello?” She didn't answer.

I gently knocked on the table in front of her. She finally looked up from her phone and raised an eyebrow at me.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

She finally removed her earbuds.


“This is supposed to be a study session. I don't see you studying.”

She smiled and dropped her phone on the table.

“What was our arrangements again?” She asked.

“That you show up every day for two hours and study. I don't see you doing that.”

“Well, no. Ms Brown asked me to show up at the library every day after school and you'll help me study for two hours.”

I arched an eyebrow in confusion.


“The key word there is ‘help’.”

“So?” I was getting confused with each passing minute.

“Well, I showed up and you helped me. She didn't say I have to study though.”

My mouth hung open as the realization dawned on me.

“Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get back to the very important thing I was doing before you interrupted.” She flashed me a smile and put on her ear buds.

I gritted my teeth in anger. I should have known she was going to try to pull something like this.

I decided not to argue with her and just get through the day. I put myself in this situation. I have to handle the consequences.

We spent the rest of what was supposed to be our study session in silence. Once the our time was up, she grabbed her backpack and walked out of the library.

I sat down for a few minutes and tried to process what just happened. I stood up and started to walk out of the library too. I got to the spot where I parked my car and stopped abruptly. Anger swelled in me as I took the scene in.

Boldly written on my car in bright red paint was,


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