Cerci Lannister:
Two men- wait! They look like two models I have been dreaming and wishing I could date. Six feet tall, one has a curly black hair, the other's was already shirtless, muscular arms wrapped around each other , their shaped torsos and Six-pack touching over each other. They kissed so deep like their life demands on it while their tongues circled. The guy with the curly hair, reached into the boxer of the other guy and brought out his dick, which was already hard, long and thick, ready to be fucked. He started kissing the other guy on his cheek, then gradually went down to his neck.
Just watching this scene, made me horny and wet inside. This was fucking crazy, hot and I just could not stop watching. Was this scene real, I was not sure. The dark curly hair guy did not stop at the neck of his lover, he quickly went down to the center of his lovers six pack, as he was kissing his lover, his hand was still busy stroking his lover's dick. From where I stood to watch, I could hear the sound of it.
Oh God, oh goodness. He went down his lover, and started lick the tip of his dick like he is a child, licking lollipop, and he was enjoying it. My mouth dropped open.
"Ah..." Shit, I was so horny, nearly to touch myself. I did not mean to, but I could not help myself. They guy with short straight hair, grey eyes Caught me watching them, so he got up from the floor.
Bernard Stark:
As soon as she shut the door behind her, "Why the fuck did you do that?" I turned to him with a straight face.
"What?"he asked, standing up from the sofa.
"Do not bullshit me. I saw how you were looking at her, you looked at her as if, you were fucking her with your eyes."
"Do not tell me you are jealous, are you? he spoke seductively and walked closer to where I was standing and placed his hands on my waist.
"Not at all. Why should I be jealous of a maid?!!" It was actually the truth. " But how smart is it for you to seduce her while I am trying to frighten her?"
He looked at me with his grey sexy eyes before he spoke. "We have been very honest with ourselves about everything since we became lovers."
"Yes , that is true. What are you trying to say?"
"Babe, I want her and you know what I mean," he said calmly, drawing me more closer to him. "I want us to fuck her, I want us to have a taste of her pussy. I desire her in bed with us and I can see it in your eyes, you desire her, too."
Chapter 1: Saturday:
I was raised without knowing who my parents were, yet I believe my parent, would have desired a better way of living for me than the life I am living. I was short of things as a lady, just luminous padded bras and bikini tops. I was left by my parents in a run down house on Redemption Estate Avenue, I am very sure their club house was not high to start with, still, I held onto hope. I can dream big, right? Considering everything, the one thing I had held onto are my foolish dreams.
"Jezz, it is cold outside,"I said to myself, as I pulled my thick jacket from my bag, wore it, zip it up to my neck then, wrapped my arms, to prevent cold from entering my body. I stood and waited on the street corner, trying to get warm.
"Hey babe, do not leave me like this?"
I ignored him.
"Beauty, I am talking to you." he continued.
All I wanted at the moment, was to disappear, and he should just stop bothering me and go away.
"You, bitch!" He held my hand tight and grabbed me closer to himself. "Why are you acting like a virgin, haven't you been fucked before?"
I broke free from his strong hold, took my eyes away from him, instead I watched as cars and buses passed by. Men in this area are wild and aggressive, just a look at them or eye contact, means you are inviting them over.
"I am not working right now, I am done for today," I said. "If you want to meet up with a friend, please go inside the building." I inhaled.
"Well, I do not want to go inside, why should I go inside when you are outside —" he said.
"You! Brandon, haven't I warned you about messing around with my club girls?" That voice sounded familiar. I hated how cracky, rough and scratchy it sounded in my ear, like I despised the Pervasive smell of Tom Ford Ombre Leather All Over Body Spray he wears every evening before coming to work.
Whenever he passes me, I try my best not to feel sick.
"I was just getting to know her—" he began.
"Talk to someone else; is either you come into the clubhouse or you leave this place," Jon shouted at him, and immediately the fool backed off and went through the back door of Sugar pie. Oh yes, sugar pie is the real name of the strip club —or some persons call it a 'gentlemen's area'— where I worked. This strip club was Jon dreams to becoming the future next multimillionaire, the best deal breaker... though I figured he wanted to be an unsettling grandpa.
"Why are you playing hard to get, Cercita?" He said. I hated when he calls me that name, he always add extra syllables to my name.
"Asking you to increase my pay, is now being difficult?" I answered him with a straight face looking down because I am on heels and he is kinda short. His height, five feet four inches when he is wearing his motherfucking shoes, but he is actually five feet two. I think he is The shortest man in club. The ladies working for him in this club makes small talk about his height saying he looks like a child waiting for his mum to finish working. He is just twenty seven years of age, with a baby face that made him look younger and it did not really help. I try my best not to talk bad about him or think negative towards him, but I was coming up blank. The only positive thought I had was ... well, I am still thinking.
"Cercita —"
"And pleaseee stop calling me your girl, I am not yours. I do not strip. I manage your account, a bartender and I also manage your staff in this damn strip club —"
"I know Cercita, you do a lot for my club."
"I do not do a lot but I do everything!" I shouted, holding up my hands for him to see all the bandage wrapped around my fingers. "Look at my index finger! I got this from fixing Jessica's bra. I bet you, you do not know how difficult it is to sew a bra, it is fucking hard!"
"Cerci —" he tried to interrupt.
"And this bandage, look at this one," I said, pointing to the finger, " oh yeah, it is the price I get for your stupid plans to saving money to get better stapler. Jon! Your cheap stapler bit me!"