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1. We Met Again

Amy's POV:

I was sitting on a rock at the shore of the beach ; the waves flowing on to my feet , my hair started waving to the air. The sunset and the moon rose at the same time and I wanted to spend the rest of my life here at my seaside hotel which I got it from my parents who died during my early days of pregnancy.

The sea waves remind me about him and his craziest romance. I never wanted to meet him again because he left me with the sweet pain in thoughts and harsh in reality.

" Mama " , a voice from far . She is my daughter Ayra, the princess of Ayra hotel.

It is not a big five star hotel but a popular seaside one; which attracts tourists but that also attracts other big hoteliers. I never wanted to sell my hotel, until I heard his presence.

My daughter came and hugged me from behind and said, " Mamma, someone has come for you ". I held her hands and slightly turned my head to see Ayra.

" Really. Okay , let's go", I held my daughter's hand and walked to my hotel .

I could see around five cars halted in front of my hotel . Seems like some big shot has come .

I went inside and a few bodyguards stopped me and said , " you can't go inside".

" Who are you? This is my hotel " , I said angrily.

" Sorry ma'am, please go , our boss is waiting for you" , one of the bodyguards said .

" How could she be the owner of this hotel? I mean, look at her and her dressing!" , those bodyguards started murmuring about me .

I didn't look back and just walked towards their boss because I don't have time for this shit to receive into my brain.

" Excuse me, Sir ? " I said .

He turned to me and looked at me for a minute . His eyes are dark and deep. He furrowed his eyebrows, his lips are slightly brown and smooth and his face seems chiseled that is such a perfect jawline. He looks tall with a muscular body.

It's him . The person I never wanted to meet again in my life, the reason behind my life, the reason behind Ayra .

I kept looking at him as a stranger, but he changed his expression as he knows me well .

" Amy , is this you? Do you own this hotel? " He asked me.

" Sorry sir, do I know you ? " I asked with a careless look.

" Don't you know me ? " he asked me with a curious face and a little smile on his face.

" No , sir." I said in return with an arrogant expression.

" What's wrong Amy? You didn't recognise me? " he asked me.

I showed the gesture as no.

My heart throbbed suddenly when he called my name out.

He changed his expression from a smiling face to the great arrogant face which he usually maintains and he turned back and went to his manager.

I turned back to my daughter and went to her, where she is helping the staff in making a Christmas tree. He came back, "okay, let me come straight to the point. This is Robert, CEO of Gradisson hotels. I sent a proposal a couple of times to you but you keep on rejecting it. So, now I'm here to put a direct proposal. So, now please let me know how much you need to sell this hotel to me."

" As I already rejected your proposal before, I hope you understand that I'm not interested in selling it. So please you can leave with due respect, Mr. Robert", I said and fetched my hand towards the exit.

" I want to buy your hotel at any cost", he said.

" Why do I sell my hotel to you? Are you really worth it? I said in anger."

" Yes, I am worth it. I'm one of the top billionaires in this world."

He believes that anything can be bought with money.

" What do you like to offer me to buy this hotel ?" I asked .

" 4 million dollars", he said .

But why does he want to buy it that badly and this is the best price that I got till now. As we converse like an argument, our surroundings were silent and the staff watching us curiously. I decided to make a deal with Robert for the sake of my daughter's career.

"I can give my hotel to you but I have a proposal. If you are okay with it , let's sign the contract. "

" What is it? " he asked me .

" I need 50% of the share in your business which you are going to launch at the place of my hotel and I must be the legal board member of your project " , I said .

"50% is extremely too much. Could you at least handle such a huge amount of money?" , he said .

" That's none of your business" , I replied.

His staff were shocked with my tone towards their boss. I know I'm sounding arrogant and stupid; after all, he is the world's biggest billionaire.

" Okay. I'm good with your proposal and let's sign the contract", he said .

The papers were ready immediately and we were about to sign. He didn't think twice and signed immediately. He gave me his pen to sign the papers . His fingers touched mine and I got irritated with a raise in heart beat . I took the pen rudely and signed the papers . He said thanks and about to leave the hotel but suddenly my brother Noel came for the Christmas celebrations. He stood at the entrance and was curious about what was happening here. Noel slowly came forward by looking at the people around and saw Robert there. He got shocked and hugged Robert. Noel was surprisingly happy. While Noel is about to talk to Robert, I called out Noel loudly and asked him to come to me . Robert's face was in a curious mode. I furrowed my brows on Robert and held Noel's hand and dragged him distant.

I looked around and asked Noel, " how are you brother ? " I giggled. He doesn't know the reason behind my anger.

"Are you serious Amy? Did you just shout loudly just because you wanna ask me this? " he said with a bothering face.

" I shouted out of happiness that we met long back " .

" We just met a month ago " , he said .

He showed his growling face and went back to Robert .

Robert was laughing at me sarcastically. He became a great business man but didn't change his sarcastic attitude at all.

I was eaves dropping on Noel and Robert's conversation. Noel seems extremely excited; afterall they are classmates in the school.

" Hey Noel. Glad to see you here in this special situation" , Robert said .

" Special situation? What is it Robert?", Noel asked.

"I bought this hotel just now", he said.

" Bought? Did my sister sell it? I don't believe this. She never wanted to sell this property but sold it to you ", Noel Said.

I'm hearing everything from a distance and acts like taking care of the Christmas tree.

" She seems to be having business tactics", Robert said to Noel.

" I don't think so. It might be because you are her crush during school days" , Noel said to Robert.

After hearing this, I widely opened my mouth as a gesture of disguise and ran towards Noel and held his hand and dragged him far.

Robert was looking at me and laughed, I looked into his eyes with an embarrassment.

" Why are you overly discussing with him. I will tell you everything after a while", I said to Noel.

" He is my friend. Why shouldn't I talk to him, idiot " , he said .

Robert was having a call meanwhile.

Noel went to him . Robert said that he wants to leave now but Noel stopped him and asked to stay for two days.

Robert looked at me immediately. I was also waiting for his reply. I nodded my head as a gesture of don't stay. But, Robert didn't reply and went to his manager. They discussed something for a minute and all of his staff started moving out.

We were curious and waiting for his reply.

"I can stay", said Robert by looking at me.

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