Chapter 3: It's Your Fault
"What on Earth have you done?" Chloe, my sister whispers while she glares at me, and then her attention shifts to Liam and the stalker who are walking away.
She stares at the two guys until they are out of sight, and they look like they know each other
"What do you mean?" I ask her.
"Huh?" She says absent mindedly.
"You can stop staring. They are gone."
"Those guys are out of league. How did you manage to get them both?"
I leave her standing, and then I go to the waiting room on the third floor to find mom alone, crying and looking at my brother's picture on her phone. I sit next to her, and hold her hands to try to comfort her.
"Mom, we are going to be okay." Tears stream on my face.
"It's all your fault. You told me to leave, and I couldn't say goodbye to my son." Her eyes are filled with rage.
"I didn't know that he would..." I trail off.
"I have a feeling you sneaked in and killed him because you were jealous of how close we were."
"Mom, I loved Marcellus." I say defensively, while I get up from my sitting position.
"This is your fault, you drove him into this overdose. With your bragging about your sucess and university. How could you?"
"Mom, he was a successful model."
"He was a recovering addict. Do you know when he last landed a modelling job?"
"It was..." I falter. Then guilt hits me in realization.
"I thought as much, you never bothered to ask, because you never cared."
"Mom, please..."
"I don't ever want to see you again. You killed my son. You were supposed to help him, not brag to him."
"I was trying to encourage him to do better, and he is the one who asked me about college anyway."
"He asked you because he put other people before himself. I will always blame you for not letting me be there for my son during his final hour."
"Mom, I'm sorry..."
"You are not my daughter anymore!" She screams.
"You heard her, smarty pants. You always act like you are too good than the rest of us, but books are all you have." Chloe interjects, and I suddenly remember that she is here as well.
"Chloe, I wish you would shut your mouth!"
"She is right. You can't hold a conversation if it's not about academics." My mom is still sitting and she glances up at us.
I walk out to avoid more words that would break my heart. The rain is pouring outside, but I stand on the pavement and let it soak me. A cab stops without me attempting to stop it, and I ask the driver to take me to MSP airport.
I sit on one of the seats, to check for a flight, and the one that would be available, would be leaving the next day at 05:00.
'It's nine in the morning!' I groan internally, while looking down at my wet clothes that are stuck to me like glue.
I browse for hotels nearby which are fully booked, and going home is not an option. I call Liam, but he doesn't pick up.
I wipe away tears that silently fall on my cheeks.
"Looking for a room?" A voice next to me says, and when I turn, it is the stalker.
"I'm going to get you arrested. Can't I have ten minutes to myself without you showing up?" My voice is shaky due to crying.
"I can ask the same about you. I really need you to stay away from me. Why are you at the airport that I'm at?"
"I've had a long day, I'm not in a mood for humour."
"I know, I just wanted to let you know that we can share my hotel room, it is big, and I can sleep on the couch."
"Why?" I eye him suspiciously.
"Okay, you can sleep on the couch."
"How much will I owe you?"
"Why are you doing this?" I ask him.
"Just come to the hotel, I will feel bad if you sit here in wet clothes while I sleep on a comfortable bed."
"Just go, you will get over it." I put on my earpods.
He taps my shoulder, "and I will sit here and bother you."
I glare at him.
"I'm not a killer, Liam knows me, and there are security cameras everywhere. There is no way I can ever abduct you or something like that."
"But I have noticed that Liam hates you."
"Good eye," he chuckles. "We have history. So, if something bad happens to you, he wouldn't hesitate to make me pay."
But why was Liam asking me about him as if he didn't know him?
"I have been calling him, but I can't find him." I sigh.
"Send him a text and tell him that we are going to a hotel together. He will be here in the blink of an eye." He smirks, as if picturing it.
"Not a bad idea."
"Let's go then, I can't let you sleep here."
We get under his umbrella, and run to the hotel across the street, then we check in. He gets me pyjamas and I take a shower. Once we are seated on the couch, we order food and later we order snacks and we watch a series about vampires.
"How are you?" He glances at me.
"What do you mean how am I?"
"You have just lost your brother, and you have to leave your family behind to go to campus."
"I know, but I will be okay."
"I'm so sorry about what happened." His words sounds authentic and I feel more connected to this stranger than anyone else.
"Thank you."
He nods, and we turn our attention back to the screen.
"I have a crush on that guy."
He looks in my direction, and grins. "Oh?"
"I mean, not in real life. I like his character." I feel my cheeks burning.
"I get it." He laughs, and I throw a pillow at him. We refocus on the series and I feel my eyes getting heavy.
"Goodnight Willow," I hear a distant whisper.
I open my eyes, realizing that I have been sleeping.
"Goodnight stalker," I smile.
We both sit still, without any of us moving. Then I close my eyes, and I feel his lips on mine, his tender kiss making my heart race. He places his hand on my back, pulling me closer to him, I try to convince myself to pull away, but my reasoning has flew out of the window.
He pulls away, taking deep breaths, while gazing at me.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take advantage of the situation." He looks remorseful.
"I'm sorry too, I'm gonna go to sleep." I get up from the couch, remembering that I was the one who was supposed to move from the couch in the first place.
"Goodnight," he waves.
"I can't trust that word anymore," I close the door of the bedroom.
I close my eyes, but the memory of the kiss keeps revisiting my mind, and then I see Liam's glare. The same look that I experienced at the forest, and even more furious. I wake up, with my heart pounding and the sheets soaking wet with sweat.
"But he is married, he should let me go." I mumble to myself.
My phone rings, and my hands shake as I stare at Liam's caller ID.