Chapter 4: Safe
What did I just do? I kissed a human who might probably get her head filled with useless romantic notions about us.
Even if she was my mate, I would've rejected her right away. Hence, I want to ensure that Liam doesn't reject her until I expose him. Having a human mate might be the most humiliating thing. Worse, if she was my mate, Alpha Hunter would be proven right, that useless excuse of man who calls himself my father.
The kiss was the best I have ever had in my life, but I hope her loneliness doesn't get her attached to me. I care about her as a person, but I would never let her get that close to me.
I get up, and write a note, informing her that my flight is up, and she can check out whenever she wants, and the hotel would send me a bill for extra costs that I will settle.
When I get off the plane in Seattle, I drive to my lab apartment in Tacoma to prepare myself for the continuous deal with the devil, but this time, I feel more guilty than I ever did before. With each stack that I pack I see Willows face and her mother's face, their broken relationship because of me and a brother or son they would never get back.
I break down in tears, but I know that the club owners, especially Mark would be out to get me if I stop with this business.
Then there is Liam who is desperate to get rid of me, which might not be a bad idea, considering everything I'm faced with.
The bodyguards offload the limbicus, and they give me my bag of cash, which makes me feel more shitty.
My wolf becomes restless as I try to open the door of my car.
Willow? I take a whiff of the jasmine scent that invades my nostrils.
I follow the jasmine scent that leads into the noisy club.
“She is mine!” One of Mike’s bodyguards roars.
“Ppplease, don’t fight.” Her words are slurred.
The jasmine scent is masked by alcohol a little, but I still feel it.
What is Willow doing here?
“Who do you wanna go home with? Baby girl.” The bodyguard asks.
I slowly walks toward Willow, who is sandwiched between the two men, and a protective growl escapes my throat.
“What the hell are you all doing?” I roar.
The men get startled, but they quickly regain their composure, and the hoody guy gets up and puffs up his chest. As if that could help him in any way.
“Who the hell are you to ask that?” He eyes me with his stoned eyes.
“I’m her brother, and the name is Leo.” I fold my arms.
“Leo?” He smiles sheepishly.
“Sorry bro, you know how much we respect you.” He pats my shoulder.
“Then I need to take my sister home, bro.” I stand unwavering, and ensuring that they are aware of who has the upper hand.
“Sure thing.” The bodyguard says and they move out of the way.
“Let’s go Jasmine, you are going to be in so much trouble.” I scoop her up.
“I’m not...” She trails off.
I carry her to the car, and take her to my apartment in the lecturer's rooms.
“You look handsome.” She smiles with her eyes half closed and places her palm on my cheek.
I smile awkwardly as people stare at us, and then look away.
“What is going on with you?” I ask her.
She opens her eyes and she looks exhausted.
“What happened?” I ask as I place her on the couch.
“I just needed to forget about everything. You won’t understand what I have been going through, but I really wanted to forget.” She begins to cry.
"Yeah, I know what you have been throught." I mumble. Then I rub her back, clueless on what to do.
“What do you want to forget?” I sit next to her, as I try to make her sit up, but her body seems weak. How much did she drink? She just got back.
“Everything about my life. I wish I could sleep, and wake up when it is all over. I can’t anymore.”
She cries again, and then it gets quiet.
“Can’t what?” I ask her.
“Yes, I’m tired.” She slightly opens her eyes and closes them again.
"Willow?" I shake her and I feel a faint pulse on her wrist. She doesn't respond, and I carry her to my car, driving her to the hospital, and my heart beats like drums of a heavy metal band.
"Help me," I say when I walk through the emergency room while carying her.
They take her on a stretcher and they take her away. I fish for her ID card in her handbag and go to the reception. I give them my credit card to pay for her medical bills.
"No one should go to her room except me." I say to the lady at the reception and she types the instructions on the computer.
I run to my car, somehow afraid of leaving her alone, but I need to return to that club.
“What did you give her!?” I squeeze the bodyguard's throat.
“We gave her the stuff that you make.” He tries to breathe.
“That I make?” I let go of his throat.
“Yes, your limbicus. The one that you sell.”
Damn! So, this was my fault? How many people have been through that because of me? My mother would’ve been disappointed.
“My limbicus doesn’t make people seem like they drank 50 litres of alcohol.” I say defensively.
“If we use an enough amount, it does. When we mix it with alcohol...” He whistles with a smirk.
My phone immediately rings, and the hospital's name flashes on my screen. I walk out of the noisy club, to rush to my car to call them back, and I notice my hands shaking as I try to dial the number. If something happened to her, her mom and sister would never forgive themselves, and I would hate myself forever.
"Hello." The voice on the other end says.
"Hello, this is Willow's..." I trail off. "Is she okay?"
"Thank goodness we found you sir, a certain Liam wants to see Willow."
"Don't let him," I growl and I hang up. Then I drive back to the hospital.
"I'm here to see my girlfriend." He walks towards me in the parking lot.
"She is not your girlfriend. Did you forget about Lucy? Your mate?" I ask sarcastically.
"Stay out of this," he clenches his fists.
How do I tell him that I have started to care about her? Because, just like me, she has no one else who is there for her. At least, I even have little sister who cares about me. She has no one, but her family who disowned her and a selfish mate who is her boyfriend.
I decide to not to tell him, because this is Liam, and he wouldn't mind using my vulnerability to his advantage.
"You want to reject her. Even when she is in a fragile state?" I say dryly.
"You don't care about her, you want to protect her to humiliate me in front of your father."
"I am going to do everything in my power to ensure that it happens."
"I know you were with her last night." He glares at me.
"I don't know what you are talking about." I walk away from him.
We'll see who will win this battle," he chuckles. "I will be back when my girl wakes up, and she is going to choose my side over yours."