Chapter 7: Embarrassment

When I wake up, I find myself laying in bed and staring at the ceiling, with the relief that I woke up before my alarm clock rang.

I finally pick up my phone and realize that the class will be starting in an hour! I didn’t set an alarm clock, and I should already be in class with Dr. Brown, in order to prepare for the lesson.

I yank myself out of bed to take the quickest shower of my life, and I wear the first dress that I set my eyes on, with my heart already drumming as I think of my 15 minutes run to the chemistry lecture room.

“I’m sorry I’m late, Doctor Brown,” I say breathlessly as I enter the empty lecture hall twenty minutes before class.

“Hello Willow Gordon,” he looks up from the computer with a wide grin.

Doctor Brown is the stalker?

“Couldn’t my life be any worse?” I freeze on the doorway, and cover my mouth with my hand when I realize that I said it out loud.

“Is that a nice thing to say to your new boss?” He raises his eyebrows.

“No,” I shake my head.

“Did you study the material?”

“Yes.” I break eye contact as I walk to his table.

“Good, you will be teaching then.”

I freeze in the centre of the room. “Today?” I ask after getting over the shock.

“You saw the timetable. Right?”

I nod in response.

“The timetable I saw showed that the class is today, and you read my email?” He raises a brow.

“I did.”

“So, you know I don’t tolerate people who don’t do their job, and I’m still irritated because you arrived late. Your highness.” The sarcasm in his tone makes me wince.

“Doctor Brown. I’m so sor...”

“We will be doing chapter seven today.” He cuts me off.

‘Chapter 7? I barely reached chapter 4,’ I say internally.

“Of course,” I smile, and I take a seat situated next to his. I flip through the book to see what chapter 7 is all about.

“It’s almost time for class. I need you to prepare the register. Surely you prepared the notes before class.”

I glance at him for any trace of emotions, and his face is stoic. This is the same man I kissed at the hotel room, and who showed me that he somewhat cared about me.

“I’m sorry that I chose to stay with Liam, but you don’t have to be so cruel. You know I was at the hospital.”

“Miss Gordon, just do your job and stop whining.” He says while still focusing on his computer, and he gives me the register.

The room gets noisy when students walk in, and I notice my hands tremble. I never taught a class before, and TAs usually just assist, they don’t teach.

I open the book on chapter 7 and glance at the topic, then I quickly close it, and I say everything I remember about organic chemistry.

The students look so bored that I feel like running away, and every time I take a glance at him, I see a suppressed smile.

After what feels like forever, I continue to speak to pass time, trying to grab the attention of bored students who are gawking at him.

A student raises her hand, and my heart beats faster. Can’t the ground swallow me right now?

I point at the student, hoping she won’t ask me a question, because everything I know has abandoned my brain.

“I would like to ask a question about the...”

“It has been twenty minutes and I would like to summarize on what your TA said.” He chimes in, and he gets up.

The entire class sighs with relief, and instead of feeling hurt, I release a breath as well. He motions for me to take a seat.

The rest of the lesson goes by smoothly, and at the end, he asks me to stand up so that he can introduce me. I feel my cheeks burn, but I get up.

“Everyone, this is your TA. If you need assistance, a friend, a shoulder to cry on, you can email her.”

Jeremy Nolan, my crush from the vampire movie, raises his hand. My jaw drops when I notice him.

It takes a lot of control to prevent myself from screaming and asking for a picture together.

“Yes,” Dr. Brown points in his direction.

“I need a should...”

“Not you. If you send her an inappropriate email, or even look in her direction, you will get an F.”

Everyone laughs, and I find myself chuckling.

“Class dismissed.” He says to the students, and when the class is empty, I put the papers in his file.

“I won’t tolerate this. Come prepared next time, and don't come to the afternoon classes. Take the rest of the day off, I'm going to my office.” His voice is cold and authoritative, it almost feels like he is a completely different person.

I nod and hand the file over to him. Then, I feel my eyes get stung by tears. I rush out to prevent him from seeing my tears, and feeling like he won.

On my way to my room, I find Liam standing under a tree outside the zoology lab, waiting for his class to start.

“Are you crying?” He looks at me with concern, his eyes searching mine, but he doesn’t hold out his hands to hold me like he used to whenever I cried.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I finally let my tears flow.

“Tell you what?”

“That Doctor Brown is the stalker? I completely made a fool of myself. I have never been so embarrassed.”

“How did you find out?”

I break eye contact and I look at the grass.

“You accepted the offer? When I clearly asked you not to?” He asks angrily.

“You didn’t tell me why I shouldn’t accept it. You never tell me anything these days.” I say defensively, irritation replacing my tears.

“You should’ve listened to me this time.”

“What do we have here?” A squeaky voice asks behind me. “Oh look, it’s Willow.” The voice that I know too well says with contempt.

I turn around to find Lucy glaring at me with her arms folded.

“What do you want, Lucy? I’m speaking to my boyfriend.”

“Is that so? Didn’t he tell you?” She smirks. “Babe, didn’t you tell her?” She glances at Liam.

“Tell me what?”

“That he is breaking up with you.”

“Please shut your mouth, arranged marriage.”

A few people who pass, steal glances at us, but they keep walking.

“Is that what he told you? That it’s an arranged marriage?” She chuckles.

She places her hand in his, and he voluntarily holds her hand. The pain in my heart makes me feel like clutching my chest to bear it.

“When are you going to break up with her? I can’t share you.” She pouts.

“Lucy. Let’s just go.” He pulls her hand and they walk away.

I glance at Liam, who doesn’t bother to look in my direction.

“You should know that Liam is not yours anymore.” She glares at me as they walk away.

I watch them walk into the building, and my tears return.

‘Why are you doing this to me, Liam?’ I say internally.

I feel an intense presence without looking, and when I turn, I see Dr. Brown looking in my direction with his lips pursed. He probably heard everything, and he wants to laugh at me.

“Willow, wait.” He says when I walk away, and I rush to get to my room to scream to get rid of the pain in my heart.

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