Chapter 5: Pain, Raw Pain

Lisa’s POV

At this point I believe I had been cursed.  On Monday Shelly, because that was her name. The girl my husband cheated with, messed with my smoothie combination. She ate up all the apple. I swiftly told Andre and he told me to be more accommodating. That  she was pregnant. I  had to let that slide.

On Tuesday, she occupied the sitting room with her bitchy friends and they laughed like witches. I couldn’t concentrate on the book I was reading.

On Wednesday, she made Andre’s mother yell at me. She had told her series of things  about me and when I entered the sitting room she stopped talking. Before Andre’s  mother left, she warned me to let Shelly carry her baby to full term, since I didn’t  want to get pregnant. That hurt me so bad, even though I was pregnant, it still hurt.

On Thursday, she asked the delivery guy for my package to go back, that this was the wrong address.

I didn’t  react too because I didn’t want to  stir up trouble. It was on Friday that I couldn’t  take it anymore. I woke up that morning to hear that raunchy video playing in the sitting room. It was then something flipped in me. I walked to the sitting room, picked up the phone and stopped the video.

“ what the hell are you doing?” I heard from behind me. I turned to see Shelly glaring at me.

I smirked. “I understand you come from a whore house but you don’t have to rub it in our faces” I could hear snickering and gasps from the maids. Shelly’s  eyes widened. I watched her. My heart beating like crazy. I was ready if she wanted to get physical then I remembered she was pregnant. My courage was slowly turning to fear. I waited for her to do something but nothing came. She walked towards me, grabbed the phone and headed upstairs. I was happy. I was able to face my problems squarely.

In my era of triumph, I had forgotten that I live in the same house with Shelly. She could attack me at anytime. After taking a glass of orange juice, I began to walk upstairs. When I got to the floor which will lead to the next flight of stairs, I saw Shelly.

She was holding a glass of juice.

“who do you think you are” came her voice from behind me. She glared at me. Her eyes glowing with a fire I could recognize as revenge.

I turned to her. “No one, just not a whore” I said acidly. Immediately Shelly splashed the contents of her glass on me. I reached out and slapped her. And must before the fight became too physical, the maids intervened.

“ You are a hoe!” She yelled. Her voice high in octaves. We were separated. I went to my room, waiting for Andre go come home, when I heard a knock on my door.

“come in” to my surprise it was Shelly.

She smiled. “I wanted to apologize to you for how I acted earlier. I stared at her and tried to decipher if she was faking it. I found no clue.

“Alright” and she asked to sit in my room. We discussed for a while until Shelly suggested we go downstairs for a stroll. When I declined, she begged  that it was for the baby. I finally agreed.

We had gotten to the second part of the stairs and as I walked down, I felt a hand grab my clothes and gave me a hard shove.

“oh my God!” I let out a shrill cry as I tumbled I down the stairs. As I fell the only thing I thought of was my baby. I landed on the floor with a hard thud.

As I laid there, I prayed and wished the baby would survive. The maids rushed to my aid and helped me sit up. That was it. I was going to tell Andre to send this asshole away. I have had enough.

There was an excruciating pain on my waist as I writhed in bed, that night. Suddenly the door to my bedroom was yanked open.

“Baby you wouldn’t  believe it, Shelly pushed me down the stairs and—"

“What did you do Lisa?” Andre growled. What? How?

“I did nothi—” he raised his hands to hit me and I ducked. I felt no pain and I opened my eyes.

“If not for the years we had spent together” Andre growled. I had never seen him this  angry but that was not what hurt the most.

Andre raised his hands on me. He was about to hit me.

“did you Just want to hit me?” tears began to flow down my cheeks. I roughly wiped them away.

“I would gladly do it correctly” he said. I looked into his eyes and I didn’t know who was there any more.

“I hate you!” I sneered as I wiped a stubborn tear that slipped down my tear stained face m

“I am glad we are on the same page” he smirked. I wanted him to feel pain. Excruciating pain

I clenched my teeth “ I promise you, I will get back at you”.

He looked me up and down and snorted.

“ You are poor, your anger can't even get you food to eat”

I swallowed as I fought back tears. That night was one I would never f forget. I cried myself to sleep, hoping that by morning I would feel better.

I was wrong. I slapped with the reality of my memory that Andre wanted to hit me.

I managed to pull myself together and went to the hospital. I just wanted to be sure that I was okay. I called Becky for support. As I lay in the bed and the doctor checked, the sour expression on her face made me anxious.

“I’m sorry you —” immediately I broke down in tears.

“Becky she’s  gone! My little princess is gone” I leaned on her and cried for the greater part of my life. The doctor managed to calm me down but as soon as I got out of her office I sighted my father in the reception. I ran to him and enveloped him in a hug as I bawled into his shoulders.

My father wiped my tears and I saw his eyes glossy. I grifted my teeth and made a resolve.

Andre Luster will pay for making me cry. I will make sure of it, even if it's the last thing I do before I die.

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