3. First Impressions
Moonlight Village was a far cry from the hidden forest-implanted village my family and I used to live in. It was only when I joined school, a few days after we settled in, that I learned that there was no need for hiding anywhere in the village, as there were no humans in it.
It was again a welcomed change to what the norm used to be for us. Having to live in hiding so to speak had never allowed me to feel free.
Even the teachers of the school were werewolves, and they knew how to keep the class in check, even though wolves could be rebellious in nature.
My first class was not one I favored. Indeed, I was never very good at calculus, and the teacher instead of scolding for not knowing something very basic, told me softly that I should get a tutor.
I looked around, much like a deer caught in headlight, not knowing what to say to that, or who to ask.
I had gotten acquainted with quite a few classmates, but I wasn’t sure how they felt about me. I didn’t want to feel inferior because of my lack of a wolf… but I did feel different to say the least.
Such a tough call to make!
I sighed, and was ready to tell the teacher that I would try to work out on my shortcomings on my own, when a guy raised his hand and said simply, “I’ll make sure she masters that by the end of the month, sir.”
I beamed at him, and he offered me a small smile in return.
Tyler – that was the guy’s name – was a tall buff guy. He was also one of the pack members I was sure didn’t look down on me – because we sparred on quite a few occasions and I beat his ass, twice… I never would have guessed he was good in class, but looks could be deceiving.
I nodded at him in gratitude and mouthed a thank you.
It was soon enough lunch break. Feeling too shy to approach anyone and ask for directions, I just did my best to follow the directions on the map.
My head was slightly bowed as I looked at said map, and it was therefore no surprise when I bumped into someone.
My gaze snapped up at once. I smiled sheepishly and apologized.
The guy had a scornful expression on his face for some reason. And I already felt the animosity oozing off him in waves.
“Isn’t it little Ms wolfless?” He sneered.
I stiffened, feeling like I was in my old pack all over again.
I tried to keep a straight expression on, and just said off-handedly, “What is it to you what or who I am? I bumped into you, and I apologized for it.”
“The chick got attitude,” he chuckled humorlessly, almost to himself, and his friends laughed raucously.
I already didn’t like this bunch.
I rolled my eyes at them and was about to leave when he caught my wrist.
I turned to him with a glare. “Release me at once.”
“And if I don’t?” He taunted, and then he backed me against the lockers.
Was he truly trying to intimidate me?
He’d have to try harder than this for sure.
Before he knew what was happening, my fist flew and landed on his abdomen twice. He staggered back, and profanities followed.
He swung his fist at me as well and I dodged it deftly. His hand hit the lockers with a loud bang.
Naturally, that attracted a crowd.
No one dared to intervene.
Why would they intervene for a new member? A member who didn’t have their wolf to begin with… I was but an abomination, a flawed shifter, a burden to the pack.
He swung his fist again, aiming my face, and I blocked the blow. Wolf or not, I knew how to fight and I could stand my ground.
“How can you fight at all when you’re without a wolf?” He muttered just as he readied himself to change tactics no doubt.
I shall not allow anyone to bully me again.
I was about to say something along those lines, but then a low menacing growl beat me to it.
The crowd parted, and no one but the very man with whom I stood no chance, but who still haunted my dreams at night and daydreams as well, came forward.
Good god, he was handsome!
I looked at him, and couldn’t help but stare into his furious black eyes.
I only realized a few seconds too late that considering his status and my own, I had no right to look him in the eyes.
“Alpha, I’m sorry,” I was quick to say… and that had to be my second mistake. I spoke out of turn. I spoke to an alpha without being spoken to first.
His eyes narrowed, and I finally broke eye-contact and hung my head low in shame.
Where were my damned manners? Hell, where were my self-preservation skills?
One simply does not provoke an alpha.
“What’s the meaning of this?” His voice was barely above a growl.
“Stupid wolfless chick bumped into me, alpha,” the guy began haughtily.
“And I apologized for it, alpha,” I cut in immediately.
“Eli,” the alpha said in a low deadly whisper, “Back away from Jade if you value your life.”
The alpha remembered my name, I thought to myself, happy beyond belief, and feeling silly for it too.
Then the alpha’s gaze focused on me and he said simply, “Follow me.”
That spelled trouble. I struggled to get air into my lungs for a few seconds there. Many scenarios played in my head, every one crazier than the other…
But then, the alpha began to walk away, and I felt compelled to go after him.
I wondered what kind of punishment awaited me. The alpha might have defended me but I didn’t believe I’d get to come out of this unscathed.
I just hoped he’d allow me to explain my version. I might have hit a fellow pack member, but the guy had been asking for it.
I sure knew how to make good first impressions. First with the alpha, and now at school!Kindly note the sarcasm.