Chapter 11
"No, I am the best man" a new voice joins in on their conversation, causing Serenity's body to stills after hearing his deep voice, she closes her eyes, cursing in her mind, she wishes that he would just disappear, that she was just a dream.
But no, as she opens her eyes, he's still standing there in all his glory. His eyes holds a bit of amusement which she wanted to wipe off immediately, Sadly she didn't have the balls to go against an Alpha and secondly she valued her life, dearly.
'Great, I'm doomed.' She thinks to herself.
Turning towards her left, when her best friend stood, she looks at Courtney with accusing eyes causing Courtney to avert her eyes from hers. Serenity was rarely angered by anything, she remained calm most of the time but if anything managed to make her angry, she was spitfire.
She continues to shoot daggers at Courtney with her eyes. 'We're talking about this later' she mind links Courtney and Serenity could see het bestfriend visibly gulp.
She turns towards Damien, looking at him with a blank face, she hasn't seen him after catching him and the other female literally eating each others faces off, she didn't even want to talk about other extra curricular activities he might have indulged with that she-wolf, whom her wolf wants to track down and rip her head off.
Damien stares at Serenity with those steely grey eyes of his but Serenity doesn't backs away from his challenging stare, instead she meets his eyes head on. 'Take that' she wanted to say to his face.
The tension in the room increases as it is considered as disrespect to stare at an Alpha directly in the eyes. She could care less now, 'Alpha or not.' She thinks to herself.
Their staring matchis interrupted by Darius, the Third in Command or The Delta as they like to call it. "Alpha, you have an important call from one of the Alpha of our neighbouring pack" he speaks to Damien.
Damien nods his head in reply all the while still staring at Serenity.
He shoots a final look in her direction and leaves the room, followed by Darius who shoots a quick smile her way causing her to flash one back at him.
She felt a bit pride knowing that she had met his eyes head on, she had never been so bold before. She felt good, especially defying the rules people have been following for ages.
It feels like all the tension in the room had been gone with his presence and her body visibly relaxes as she lets out a sigh.
"What was that about?" Courtney snaps at Serenity, about whose presence Serenity had temporarily forgotten about during her staring match with Damien. Serenity narrows her eyes Courtney's tone of voice.
"what was what?" She asks, acting oblivious but knowing what Courtney meant.
"You know what I'm talking about, are you out of your freaking mind? staring at an Alpha directly in the eyes means you are asking for a death warrant" she practically sighs after her rant, Serenity stays quiet not replying.
She seems to understand this and shakes her head side to side while muttering something along the lines of her 'being a stubborn ass'.
Serenity almost forgot the reason why she was so close to losing her head and her anger returns immediately, speaking up she confronts Courtney about the matter.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier that he was going to be the best man?" Serenity's snap at her and clench her jaw in anger afterwards.
"Well I'm sorry okay, I was going to tell you. And it was Alex's idea to ask Damien to be his best man" she replies with a nervous look on her face awaiting for Serenity's reply. Serenity suddenly understood Courtney's dilemma.
She sighs knowing that it was not Courtney's fault that Alex doesn't know about Damien and Serenity being mates, and how he rejected her.
Well, it was Serenity herself, who had asked Courtney to remain quiet about the situation. She didn't want anyone to know about it.
"It's okay, I understand Court" she replies, Courtney smiles at her with gratefulness.
(Next Day)
Serenity was walking towards her room while holding Elijah with her right hand and his bottle containing the baby food with her left, she could hear loud music playing from the direction where her room was situated, causing Serenity to scrunch her face in confusion.
'I don't remember leaving the speakers on, then who did?!' She thinks to herself. It definitely wasn't an intruder since which idiotic person would think about breaking into a house full of werewolf.
Heading towards her room with caution, she decides to check it herself.
She peeks inside her roomthrough the half open door and she wasn't prepared for the sight that greeted her. To say she was surprised would be the understatement of the century. She looked at the person in front of her as if he was a deranged animal, she looks towards Elijah to find him looking at Matthew like he was an alien from another planet and she mentally agrees with him 'me too buddy me too'.
Matthew is wearing a honey-blonde wig that belongs to Courtney that she had worn once for one of the Halloween parties, the wig reaches his shoulder and dare she say that he looks terrible in it, the speaker is playing the song 'Who Runs The World' by Beyonce while he twerks with his back to them. Wait, scratch that he's not twerking he's trying to twerk but failing miserably at it by simply moving his butt up and down in the air.
Her eyes widen to the size of golf balls with mouth wide open gaping at him. She fears that she might catch some flies in her mouth or that her eyes may fall out of their eye sockets.
Looking down at the baby in her arms, she feels sorry for him. He might be scarred for life.
She snickers under her breath when Matthew attempts to twirl almost stumbling in the process. He faces towards the direction of the door where Serenity's was standing with Elijah in her arms, with his eyes closed and hands in the air as if he's a celebrity.
She decides to burst his bubble.
"Quite a show you put on there, Matthew" she says, capturing Matthew's attention immediately.
Matthew snaps his eyes open and looks at Serenity with a 'busted' look on his face, his mouth hangs open with eyes the size of golf balls causing Serenity to burst out in laughter seeing the comical look on his face.
He recovers and responds her with "Whatever" while flipping the honey-blonde wig like the true diva he was.
She enters the room while placing Elijah's bottle on her side table and carriez Elijah towards her bed so that she could lay him down. She places him on the bed while barricading him by placing pillows all around him so that he doesn't rolls over and falls down again, like the first time she met him.
She could hear some rustling noises around the room, causing her to turn, only to see that Matthew has discarded the blonde wig on the floor and has now opened Elijah's bottle cap and was drinking the baby food that she had prepared for him, her mouth drops open for the second time in the past ten minutes.
'How dare he' she thinks.
"Matthew" she hiss at him, "Place that bottle down now" Matthew opens his left eye to look at her and continues with his action, causing Serenity's cheeks to turn red with her growing anger. She didn't climb those flight of stairs for him to drink out of the bottle she had prepared.
Covering Elijah's ears, who was looking at her innocently with both her hands and she shouts at the idiot before her.
"MATTHEWW!! YOU FAT ASSED HIPPO! KEEP THAT FUCKING BOTTLE DOWN RIGHT NOW" she seethes, she swear might be throwing fire balls at him like a dragon if she could.
Matthew stills and does a one eighty degree turn to stare at his rear end while still clutching the bottle in his hand and he shrugs to himself and turns towards her with a smug smirk on his face which she wanted to claw out.
"HA! You are just jealous that my ass is bigger than yours" he retorts back, causing her to gape at him incredulously.
"Did you just call me flat assed?" She questioned him with narrowed eyes.
"Nooooo" he replies with an innocent look on his face and then says "Maybe" and smirks at her again.
Her face bursts into a even dark shade of red with anger that she run towards him and tackles him down towards the floor and the bottle is long forgotten.
Matthew is taken back by surprise when she tackled him down as he was not expecting her to do it, so she decides to grab the opportunity and tug at his hair and shout "How dare you, you you- chicken butt, you Montreal —," Matthew tries to pry hrr finger off of his hair while chuckling at het weak insults.
"Try something new" he says and she tugs at his hair again, hard causing him to wince.
"You are an IDIOT" she shouts.
Their wrestling match comes to an end when they both hear giggling only to find Elijah sitting upright and looking at them with a smile on his face.
Matthew being the sucker for babies, decides to go towards Elijah and pick him up "Hey there little guy, do you know me? I'm Uncle Matthew" Elijah looks at him and cracks a smile at him and says "Idiot" with an innocent look on his face.
Serenity bursts out into full on laughter by bending over herand slapping her knee with the palms of her hand, while seeing the surprised expression on Matthew's expression.
"HA! You deserved it" she says victoriously and walks towards the discarded bottle on the ground to refill it up.