Chapter 2

"It's fine, I'll go with Troy." I said as I walked a few steps. Troy smiled and turned towards the closet walking inside.

"Sophie?" Logan looked angry and he held my arm. "It's fine, I'll go."

"You gotta be kidding me. Seriously? you're going in there? With him?" He pointed to the closet towards Troy.

"Yeah, he's my friend. I trust him."

"But why him Sophie?" He got closer to me and it made me nervous. We both suddenly realized everyone was quiet, and looking at us.

"I told you. He's my friend."

"Yeah, but-"

"Oh for crying out loud. Logan, let her go already. You act like you're her damn brother!" Amber pulled him back and looked at me as if I disgusted her.

"Hurry up nerd girl! We don't have all day!" She spat, I slowly made my way towards the closet, closing the door behind me.

I don't think I was in there more then a minute talking with Troy when the door burst open.

Before I knew it, Logan and Troy were on the floor hitting each other. The boys had managed to pull them apart. But sadly, the next day, was the beginning of my long endless journey.

Logan took it upon himself to bully me, prank me, and be as cruel as he ever could be.

End of Flashback

Last day of high school Junior year

Troy walked in to the cafeteria seeing the scene before him. The football guys were laughing, along with Amber's squad as she poured the cold icy soda on top of me. He dropped his backpack and ran towards me.

"What is your problem?" He yells at Amber, and like always! Logan steps in to defend her ugly deeds.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Don't fucking talk to my girl like that asshole!" Logan pushes Troy on his chest, making him take a step back.

Troy hadn't had it easy this year himself, so I knew any day now, he was going to blow off. I ran in front of him with my arms hugging my body.

"Troy please! It's not worth it ok! Just. . . . Take me home, please?" I hung my head, unwilling to see anyone as I felt the shivers from the ice that was still lingering inside my shirt.

"Yeah Troy, listen to nerd girl. Go on and run along like a little bitch."

Troy stepped forward, ready to throw a punch at him. But I pulled my hands forward, placing my hands on both of his arms.

"Troy! Please? Let it go! It's not worth it." My voice broke and I tried to fight back the tears from my eyes.

Troy hated to see me cry, and he knew how hard I tried to not cry in front of them. His eyebrows furrowed and he pulled me into a hug.

Logan's hands fisted and I could hear the clenching of his jaw. But the last I wanted was to keep standing here.

"Please take me home!" I whispered.

"Ok honey! Let's go." He grabbed my bag and his, as he pulled me by my hand out of the school.

We could still hear them laughing. I looked back, though I hated doing so, because I knew it was probably going to make me cry from anger.

Logan still looked pretty mad, and Amber along with everyone else was laughing in amusement.

She waves at me as she sees me look back. "Have a nice summer nerd girl!" She yells as I turn back and continue walking with Troy.

Alexa had already left a few days ago on her vacation. Troy and I had gotten tickets to fly out to Quintana Roo this weekend.

We got to his hummer and he slowly opened the door. I felt the warm of his body as he pulled me in for a hug.

"Just forget them Soph! Tomorrow we'll be on our way to your parents beach house. Alexa will join us in a few weeks, and we will have the time of our lives. Believe me! This summer, is going to be the beginning of a new life for the both of us."

"How so? You're finally going to allow yourself to be happy too?" I smiled and hugged him by his waist.

"Soph! You know my situation, but. . . I don't know if I'm ready to tell my parents I'm. . .you know!"

"Gay? Troy seriously! Your parents love you. They'll understand." I tightened my grip on his waist as I looked him in the eyes.

He kissed the top of my head and sighed. "I- I don't know Soph! What if they hate me? I rarely talk to them as it is when they're not on one of their many business trips."

I chuckled and punched him lightly on his arm. "Shut up! No one can hate you Troy! 'You' are lovable." He smiles and hugs me, placing his chin on top of my chin, since he was much taller than me.

"Look, we have this summer to make changes for the best! If I have to come out the closet, then you need to make drastic changes too. Let's make a deal!" He pulls me away and brings out his pinky.

"By the end of this summer, I will tell my parents the truth. And you will come back to school as a new Sophie! You will no longer be known as Sophie the nerd girl, but 'Sophie' the strong, smart and beautiful girl you hide behind those glasses. Deal?"

I looked at him from behind my glasses and slowly gripped his pinky with mine.


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