Chapter 7
Just when she is ready to turn the page, her book is snatched away by Amber, and she looks at her confused.
"Ah, hey? That's my book!. . . . Oh, Amber! What do you want?" She crosses her arms and closes her eyes with frustration.
Amber and her friends giggle as they flip through the pages and scuff at her book. "What the hell are you reading? This thing doesn't even have pictures in it?" She gives the book to Mackenzie who begins to read the back of the book silently.
"Amber, this is high school remember? Not elementary. I'm allowed to read books without pictures, you do know that right?" She mocks her and Amber glares at her furious. Just when she is ready to answer her back with a sneer, the bell rings and Mrs. McGee orders the girls to take a seat.
"Sorry teacher, but this actually, is not our class." Amber replies to Mrs. McGee who is unamused with her smart reply.
"Then kindly leave my room, before I send you to the principal's office for disrupting my class and bothering my students." Amber and the girls widen their eye and leave promptly.
Mrs. McGee snatches the book away from Mackenzie as she passes by and gives it back to Sophie.
All four girls exit and allow the door to shut harshly behind them.
The teacher begins by introducing herself like every year and writes the rules down on the board, along with an outline of what books they will begin to read for the first quarter of the year.
She continues to write away on her board, and just when she is ready to turn while still giving orders, the door jolts open. Logan and Steven walk in, gasping for air as they make their way inside, stopping in front of the teacher.
"Hi! Sorry we're late. We had to stay and help coach Mitchell with a few things in the locker. It won't happen again Mrs. McGee." The teacher looks from above the rim of her glasses and reaches out for the boys schedule and permission note signed by their coach.
"Hm, Logan Spencer and Steven Jameson. Take a seat, I'll let it go this time being first day of school. But don't make it a habit, and let Jacob know I will not tolerate my students missing any minute of lecture." She gestures towards the seats and Logan smiles,
"Will do, Ma'am!"
His face turns to an evil grin on his face as he sees Sophie, and an empty chair behind her.
He nudges Steven to take the seat besides him, and they both quickly make their way to sit.
Sophie feels her face gone pale and her heart racing to a million per second. The last she wanted, was to have her worst nightmare around a class where she is amazingly great at.
She closes her eyes and looks down to the top of her desk as he passes by and sits behind her.
"Great! As if this day couldn't get any worse." She whispers making him chuckle as he places his backpack down right behind the foot of her seat.
As the teacher looks towards the board and continues to write, he swoops her hair slowly to a side and leans to her ear.
"I can help you with that, If you're up for the challenge, Patterson? I am more then willing to make your day a bit more or less cloudy. It's all up to you!" She shivers feeling his warm breath by her neck as he whispers.
She narrows her eyebrows and looks back at him. "Back off satan! Not in the mood to deal with your shenanigans this early." She turns back and he chuckles, biting down on his lower lip.
"As you wish your highness! But can't guarantee I'll behave all year long if you give me motive!" He whispers making her roll her eyes as she writes down the notes Mrs. McGee is writing on the white board.
All through class, Logan plays with the strands of her hair and kicks her seat to annoy her. The more she ignores him, the more he does it.
She grips hard on her pencil each time she feels the kick to the back of her chair, and pulls herself away each time she feels his fingers through her hair.
"Quit it, Logan!" She whispers time and time again. But he continues to smile and do as he likes. As the time comes close to the end of the class, their teacher has had enough of them.
Though she had tried to be patient, being it was first day of class, she begs to differ now.
"Mr. Spencer?" The teacher calls out to him seeing he is distracted.
He clears his throat and sits straight in his seat. "Yes ma'am!" He calmly answers her.
"I like to do a little game called guess the quotes of famous philosophers. Since you and Miss Patterson like to converse so much in argument. I figured you two would be the perfect candidates for our first quiz, so I'm making it an oral exam. You can either partake in the exam along with Sophie, or you can both sit here after school in detention to continue your playful discussion. You can start of by using the quotes written on my board." Him and Sophie turn red in embarrassment, but nonetheless he turns to her and squints an eye with a bright smile."
Sophie giggles, glancing at the quotes and sure of herself to who wrote them. She silently turns her body to see him. The smile on her face making him turn red as he averts his sight between Sophie and the teacher.
He clears his throat and runs his hands against the side of his pants.
"Ahem! Of course." He sighs and stands straight to read outloud.
"No matter what happens, enjoy life, because you only get one and it doesn't last long. . . . .-Epicurus." He smirks and squints his eye at her. She rolls her eyes and turns to face him.
"Sophie, your turn. You can both take turns doing one each." Sophie stands and begins to read out loud.
"It is impossible to live a pleasant life without living wisely and well and justly; and it is impossible to live wisely and well and justly without living a pleasant life. . . - Epicurus" she clears her throat and looks at Logan giving him a cheeky smile. She nods waiting on his next guess.
Mrs McGee clears her throat and stands infront of the white board with arms crossed. "Very well, Logan? Go ahead."
He turns back to Sophie with a smile.
"Socrates- The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less. Before Sophie can answer, he continues on to the next quote.
"John Stuart Mill- I have learned to seek my happiness by limiting my desires, rather than in attempting to satisfy them." He nudges his head to the side and smirks.
Sophie sighs and tosses her hair back. The class remains surprisingly attentive and Mrs. McGee jots down in her board while they continue to guess.
"Henry David Thoreau- Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulders." She tilts her head to the side lifting an eyebrow.
Logan presses his lips in a pucker and gives her a side smile. He parts his lips ready to continue the next guess, but Mrs. McGee holds her hand up while she continues to write on her board.
"Very well! Miss Patterson and Mr. Spencer, I can see you two are quite knowledgeable with your philosophy. Thank you very much. You both may be seated." She turns and points to the board.
"Thanks to Logan and Sophie, the rest of you are free of today's pop quiz." They all cheer and she holds her hand to silence them. She turns back to the board and walks pacing back and forth.
"This is a list of books I expect you to read by the end of this semester. I will assign you a partner, and expect a 10 thousand word report on all the books in this list. Now, you will have until the week before Christmas break to turn in your report. That's far more time then I have ever given before. But! Come the start of the second quarter, I will need a rough draft of at least half of this list."
She grabs the stack of papers on her desk and begins to pass them out one student at a time.
"Now, this is a simple outline of things I will be expecting in your report for each book, along with questions you need to answer in paragraph form." She comes back up to the front of her desk and places the extra forms on top, grabbing her attendance chart.
"So, before the bell rings I will call out your name and who you will be partnered off to. Pay attention, for I will only say it once. Amanda, you will partner off with Jason. Samantha with Abigail." She continues to name the students pointing towards them and asking them to sit next to each other. Sophie shrugs her shoulders and closes her eyes hoping to get partnered off with Emily who she knows for a fact is an extraordinary student, and takes her studies very serious.
"Emily, you will be partnered off with Chloe since I know you two always work perfectly together." She smiles and squints an eye.
Then she looks at Logan and Sophie, taking a long sigh. "Sophie!" She looks at her and nods her head.