Chapter 8

"You will be partners with Logan." The bell rings and Mrs. McGee places her board down on her desk and turns to the students.

"Very well. I'll see you all tomorrow for another day. If I did not call your name, stay after class so I can assign someone to you. The rest of you, you are dismissed."

Sophie sits unbelieved of what the teacher just did to her. How can she partnered her off with Logan? Doesn't she know that they can't stand each other? All this is going to do is cause more arguments and misunderstandings between them!

She stands not waiting another second, and walks towards the teacher. "Mrs. McGee, isn't there any one else you can partner me off with? You saw yourself, Logan and I are not compatible for this assignment. We don't get along! Please, I'm begging you."

Mrs. McGee smiles and looks back at Logan who stands behind Sophie with a mischievous smile on his face.

"For all the better reasons, Miss Patterson. You and Logan will have to learn to communicate and work together 'if' you want to pass this class. This project will be worth half of your grade. I expect you two to work together and give me your best. Besides, this may help the two of you to come to better terms. Who knows? Maybe you'll learn to like him by the end of the year." She looks between the two and Sophie growns.

"Oh come on now Sophie! You don't want to fail this class do you? I'm not that bad to work with, you know?" He runs a hand over her shoulder and squeezes her hard, making her tumble against his chest.

"Ugg! Fine! I can't believe I'm stuck with you!" She closes her eyes and slaps off his hand, Mrs. McGee chuckles and nods her head.

"You two will be just fine. Now get out of my class and make room for my next students. And in the future, don't interrupt my class. Unless you want extra time together in detention."

Her Smile

"Regardless of what Logan says, I'm not falling for his stupid pranks this year. He better start acting mature already or so help me God I am not holding back this year. I will retaliate, and he will be so-"

"Ahem!" Sophie's eyes widen as she sits on her side of the bench in the cafeteria and is interrupted by the very own Logan Spencer. She had been furious the whole day. Just when she'd start forgetting about the incident that morning, someone had to mention his name. The butterflies in her stomach would begin to whirl again, and she'd roll her eyes.

Annoyed and frustrated, all she wanted to do was sit with her friends at lunch and get her frustration out by talking to them about what was bothering her. Why did she have to get stuck with him for this project? To top it off, she still had two more classes to go, and was hoping she did not get stuck in another class with him.

She widens her eyes, and the vertigo in her stomach plummets her into a whirl as if she was going down on a roller coaster at full speed. She turns, with eyes wide in shock and he stands behind her; arms crossed over his chest, and his foot tapping away on the floor.

"What, Logan? Bothering me in Mrs. McGee's class and getting stuck with you on an assignment wasn't enough torture for you? What do you want?" She tilts her head to the side, rolling her eyes and crossing her hands.

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