Chapter 6
I am still and numb. Jason had already left but I can't move. My life had taken a very big turn.
Just a month ago I found my ex cheating on me with two big boobed whores. A month ago I decided to go to a club and ended up losing my virginity. A month later I find out Im pregnant. IM PREGNANT. A pregnancy that is unknown to the dad. A pregnancy that I already lost a baby. And now I find out I was kidnapped and my birth mother is unstable?
I decide to look for something to eat before I go to sleep. I make some chicken sandwich and some chocolate milk. I place my food on the island and take out my phone. I need a job now more than ever. I notice the same job that I was interviewed for is still open but I skip it. I cant work for the man responsible for my pregnancy.
I find another vacant place for personal assistant for the CEO of C and S Company. I know being a PA could be tedious but I could still apply. But Im sure the pay is good. I decide to apply for the position before retiring to sleep.
I wake up to find the room is still dark. I reach out for my phone to check the time. 4.20am. Great! I get out of bed and decide to jog for an hour. Jogging won't affect my baby, right?
I get into my jogging gear and take a bottle of water from the fridge. Place my earphone in my ears and leave the apartment after i double check it's secure.
The air is slightly warm when i go to the empty road. I love jogging from time to time and i do it like once to thrice a week depending on my moods. I run mostly as a stress reliever. I run down the familiar road for about twenty minutes when I see a body next to the road. I stop abruptly and contemplate on whether to go to it or head back home but i know i'll only feel guilty afterwards.
I take in a deep breath and jog to the body. The closer I got the more i realised that he body is a man's. I go to him and I see blood covering his face and chest.
I see that he's breathing although he's unconscious. I take my phone out to call for an ambulance.
I take my bottled water and try to wash the blood off his face getting my breath hitched when I see the stupid handsome face of Sydney Kings!
I stand so fast from my crouching position and look at the face with my eyes so wide.
What happened to him? I see purple bruises on his chest and face and a cut on his stomach. His attackers might have left him good for dead.
My heartbeat quickens when I remember he's the father to my unborn baby and I kneel next to him. The ambulance is taking so long and as a minute goes by the more anxious and restless I become.
"Hey. You have to be strong. You hear? I called for an ambulance, it has to be here anytime soon. " As soon as I utter those words I hear a slight sound of the siren. I stand and try to look at the direction where i hear them from.
Two minutes later Sydney is taken into the ambulance and i decide to go with him. The medical people try to clean his wounds as I watch silently not knowing what to do. I have a weird feeling in my heart but I don't want to know what it is.
We arrive at the same hospital that I was in and Sydney is rushed to the operating room to have a bullet removed from his arm. How had I missed the bullet wound? I wait in the waiting room as the medical people do their thing.
Its 7am when the doctor tells me that Sydney has been transferred to a room where he's sleeping and might wake up after six hours or more.
I go to his room and sit next to his bed since it's the only chair available and I watch him sleep.
His face now looks somewhat peaceful compared to how it was before the surgery.
His eyebrows are thick. They look perfect for his face. I look at the closed eyes and remember their stormy gray color. His eye lashes are so long! I scoff and wonder why he would need long lashes. Maybe I could get some scissors and cut them. He won't know I did it. Right?
My eyes lower to his move that loves slightly crooked. Bet he got it broken a couple of times. There is a pale line running from the left side of his nose to his cheeks. I stupidly lift my hand without any thought and bring it to the gash. Immediately my hand touches his face, my heart skips a beat when I hear a voice.
"What are you doing to my fiancè? "I extract my hand so fast with my eyes like a deer caught in the headlights.
The lady is taller than me and looks like a model with a short pink skirt and a matching coat. Her hair is blonde and has green eyes. She looks so beautiful. I bet she's a model.
I remember her sentence and stiffen. "Fiancè? " My heart starts beating so fast and I move away from Sydney. I can't believe I had sex with an engaged man. How dare he?
The woman gave an irritated look that said 'Stop talking to me and get the hell out of here.' I almost laughed and moved further away from the idiot laying on the bed.