The kings land
The kings land
I wanted answers, and Celine was going to give them to me. The problem is, I had been sitting in the Garden of Eve for a while, and she had not shown up. Maybe this was all a dream; I could not be a witch, could I? I had so many questions and no answers to them. I yelled her name several times, but she did not show up. The black wolf had not even shown up tonight. I didn’t mind being here, it was peaceful, and I enjoyed the solitude.
Walking along the river towards the waterfall, I noticed a shimming glow on the rocks at the base of the waterfall. I started walking close as I did not understand what I was seeing. As I got closer, the image got clearer. There was a ground house; it must have been 13 stories high. It had two large pillows that had wolf carved into them at the top of the stairs. I did not know where this place was or why I could see it. I reached out to touch the wall. I fell through the wall and hit a gravel driveway. I could not believe what just happened.
Where had a go, too, and what place is this? Before I could figure out what to do, a man grabbed me. I started screaming and thrashing; his hold just got tighter as he escorted me into the house. The inside was impressive; two grand staircase cases were on either side. The walls were covered in fancy art. There was a table with flowers in the middle of the entry hall. As he was dragging me away, I noticed a sitting room and a hallway.
He escorted me through the entry hall, passed the stairs, and another hallway. We passed into another room. I stopped when he said, “King, I’m trespassing. Did he say, King? As in the King! I noticed we were in a large dining room; so many people were sitting and eating. Well, now all eyes were on me. This grout of a man threw me to the floor. I heard a growl rip through the dining hall; the man who had pushed me was bowing his head. He had buckled to his knee and kept saying I am sorry, Alpha, I did not know. I was so confused when a man reached down and picked me up.
I could look at him all day. He was quickly 6ft 5, with broad shoulders. I could feel his muscles through his shirt. He had jet-black hair and blue eyes. He chuckled, “Are you done ogling me?” My cheeks heated up as I realized I had been checking him out.
He set me down outside and said, “Little wolf, how did you get here?” I put my head down and pointed to the area where I had fallen. He looked at me and chuckled again. I left the portal open to the Garden of Eve.
Did he leave it open?
Was he there, too?
When was he here?
He could tell I had many questions in my head.
He gently grabbed my chin and lifted my head until I looked into his eyes.
As much as I want you to stay with me, angel, you cannot stay here. I had lost track of time. I did not realize you were in the Garden yet or that I had left the portal open. You need to go back to the Garden. He took my hand and led me back to where the portal had been.
But why do I have to go back?
Celine is waiting for you, Angel, and you have much to learn first.
You will be here soon enough, Angel.
Just keep following the path you are on. Tomorrow, you will come to a clearing. There is a portal to my land. Anyone who is supernatural can find it. Tell Jason to use the portal; tell him Jakson said so.
Was he Jackson?
Did Jason know the King?
He slightly pushed me through the portal before I could ask him my questions.
I didn’t end up in the Garden of Eden; instead, I woke up in my sleep bag. The sun was just coming up, and I was so confused about what had just happened. Was it all a dream, or was it real? Did I meet the King and see his home?
He said we would come to a clearing and wind a portal today. If this was not a dream, I needed to prepare everyone. The first thing I needed to do was talk to Azria about this; maybe it was a dream., but I needed to make sure. I did not want to get my hopes up if it was all a dream. I made my way over to the fire and sat down.
Eric and a guy named Dave from Jason’s group were sitting by the fire. They were on the last shift of patrols. Eric said good morning and handed me a cup of water. How I wished it was coffee—it was one of the things I missed from my home.
I could not get the King out of my head, the way my body felt against him. The way his eyes lit up when I blushed. His smell was even coded into my memory. I was so relieved when I finally saw Azria. I need to stop thinking about the King and how hot he was.
Really Zoe! I mentally scrolled myself like the King would ever want you—you’re acting like a schoolgirl with a crush on the football quarterback.
Earth to Zoe, I heard Azira say.
I did not realize I was still daydreaming until Azria said she had said good morning twice to me. She sat beside me and asked me if I had something on my mind. “Bad dream,” she asked.
“A nice dream, actually,” I said. She raised her eyebrow at me and said, “Explain.”
I told her about the Garden and the portal to the King’s land, including what the King said about the portal.
She jumped up all excited and said, “Come on, we have to tell Tyler and Jason.
As she pulled me to my feet, I started getting nervous.
Azria: “What if it was just a dream?” I said
I did not want everyone looking at me like I was insane.
We reached the guys, and Azria immediately told them what I had said.
Jason knew about the Garden of Eve; Tyler asked me why I had not told him before.
How do you know about the Garden? I asked Jason.
He did not answer me and just asked me what the King looked like.
He was tall and had dark hair and blue eyes.
He stared at me, mouth open like a fish and wide eyes.
What else did he say? Jason asked me.
He said to tell you,” Jackson said to take the portal.”
Jason started barking orders at his guys. Tyler and I were confused but understood what was going on.
Jason finally looked at Tyler and me and said, “Break down your camps; we leave quickly.” We would be in the King’s land by nightfall.
He looked at me and said,” We are heading west to a clearing.”
So, it was not just a dream? I asked.
He shook his head and said,” No,” \
I was so excited, not only because I would be on the King’s land but also because I wanted to see the King again.
We all headed west, excited for the future and that we would be safe by nightfall. I was unsure how far the clearing was, but the King said we would reach it today.