Chapter 1



Well, I’m setting in the dark on the steps of The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City crying my eyes out. One of my co-workers couldn’t come to the event so he gave me the tickets he said I was working too hard. I didn’t have anyone to bring with or should I say everyone I asked told me it was going to be too uptight and they weren’t in the mood for something like that. So, I came alone to the event of the year, The Christmas Ball at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. I even went out and bought me a ball gown in deep green, it had a deep green corset top with little diamonds embroide on the top, not real diamonds off course and a fairy like skirt, I loved it and thought I looked good with my auburn hair it brought out all my best features like my auburn hair and my green eyes not that I was looking for attention or a date or anything like that, I don’t have the time for that. But what I didn’t expect was the reason I’m sitting here in the dark crying.

Why? You ask, well it’s a long story let’s start with, I just saw my first love the one that took my virginity the only man I’ve ever slept with and he was on the arm of a very hot and sexy super model. Why I’m surprised? I don’t know I mean I haven’t seen Nicolas in 12 years except if you want to count the times, I have cyber stalk him or looked at the social papers I would see him with some kind of supermodel on his arm.

The next question might be why I haven’t seen him in 12 years. Well, that is a much longer story. See Nicolas and I was in NYU together we met and fell in love almost immediately; it was love at first sight for both of us, he told me all his dreams and what he was working towards, we where both studying business. He was studying business to become the new CEO of his dad’s Tech company, which he was raised to do. Legacy and all that. Although he felt he was raised in the company and don’t need a degree his father insisted. I on the other hand was at NYU to dance although I studied business dance was my passion. I didn’t have a family with a huge business I could take over I wanted to became my own boss one day and I needed to know how to do that, hence the studying business. Nicolas was always so supportive of me if it was with the dancing or the business, he even helped me with some of the subjects we were inseparable, we even talked about the future and getting married someday, we were both fully committed to each other. He suggested I open my own dance studio as a business then I can combine the two worlds he would have given me the money to do all that. To tell you the truth I was very keen on doing exactly that except the part of taking his money, my mom and dad pass away just before I went to NYU, they left me enough to get through Uni as well as a bit extra so I was okay. I would never take such a huge step with someone else’s money it doesn’t even matter that he will be my husband someday.

But the thing is life has a funny way to come and screw everything up. You can make plans as many as you like, dream about a white picket fence house with a dog someday the 2 and a half children and both successful careers and then WAM one misstep and everything falls apart. See Nicolas and I couldn’t get enough of each other especially after the first time we had sex or should I say the first time I had sex. I was addicted to him. I never thought sex could be so wonderful and make you feel so great so I wanted a lot of it, Nicolas didn’t mind at all because a man and what man in his 20s is going to say no to sex. We had sex a lot always very careful and then one night I remember it like yesterday. We were both flying high from an exam that went great, I got my dance results and that was awesome as well, we couldn’t wait until we got home from the bar we were celebrating at, I grabbed his hand and pulled him into an alley I didn’t have to tell him what I wanted because he wanted it to. I had a pink dress on with white sneakers and a pink G-string like I said I remember it like yesterday. Nicolas was wearing kaki shorts and a white t-shirt he pulled his pants down pushed me against the wall pushed my G-String to one side and fuck the living shit out of me. I had marks on my back for days after that encounter that is how hard we went at it. He didn’t stop fucking me hard against the wall and I was on to much of a high to even care I was clawing at him kissing him and him kissing me all over everywhere he could get a spot. That night was hot and a night I would never forget because that was the night we where both to excited to think about a condom and that is the night I got pregnant. That night was also the beginning of the end for us.

Needless to say, when I found out I was pregnant a month later I disappeared from his life. I moved, I changed my cellphone number. I was too afraid that if I see him, I will tell him about the baby and if there was one thing I wasn’t going to do was mess up the plans he had for his life. He worked his whole life to achieve what he had I was not going to be the one that rail road his plans. So needless to say, he has never met his daughter Nikki, I did use his name to get to hers. I had to have just another piece of him.

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