One more stop? How could he possibly have any more plans? This day has been more than extraordinary already! But, he always has something up his sleeve. Ever since I met Travis he has continued to surprise me. He has joked around before saying that he wishes somebody else could spoil me because I am expensive. But, he continues to do it because he loves me.
We arrive at a bar that I have never been to. It is called ‘The Hive’, we have talked about it before but just never went. We walk in the door and it is packed full of people dancing and having a great time. He walks me up the stairs and through this long hallway where I see a closed door with ‘PRIVATE’ written on it. He says something to the security guard standing in front and the guard moves to the side and he opens the door. It is very dark inside and the lights turn on.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” everybody screams as they start clapping.
“Oh my goodness! You didn’t!” I say to Travis. “Oh thank you, thank you!”
Everybody starts coming up to me and hugging me and telling me happy birthday. I didn’t think he could pull off throwing me a surprise party. But, everybody is here. My parents, friends, family, and coworkers. It is definitely a great way to end my birthday surrounded by everybody we love.
There is a table full of gifts and a table with a huge cake on it, with my favorite colors pink and purple and flowers all over it.
Travis rented out this entire private room just for my party. He has always known that I wanted a surprise party and he finally pulled it off. I had absolutely no idea.
After about an hour I am burning up and need some fresh air. I walk out on the balcony attached to the private room. A few seconds later, I hear the door open. As I go to turn around to see who walked outside, Adam’s arm wraps around me. (Adam is Travis' best friend. Let me also add, we haven't seen him in almost 4 years because he decided to chase after some girl and move all the way to North Carolina. Got married and forgot all about us.)
He hugs me for what seems like forever and he smells extremely good. He goes to walk away and stops right before the door. Turns around and says in a low, soft voice, “Happy Birthday Lucy. I hope you had the day that you deserve.”
It's 66 degrees outside yet I'm burning up at the way he just said that to me. I smile at him and say “ Thank you Adam, I had no idea I would be seeing you here.” He looks off into the distance, without even looking at me and says, “Yeah well, I couldn't miss my favorite person's birthday. Now could I?”
“Are you back for good?” I ask.
“Yeah, things just didn’t work out, I moved back last week.”
“Well I sure am glad you are back, Adam.”
I am sitting at the bar as I watch Adam walk back in from the balcony. I see the grin he has on his face and I feel like that hug lasted longer than it should have. Me and Adam have been best friends for about 8 years now but I have never seen them hug like that. Especially since we haven't seen him in a few years. Lucy was definitely pissed when he left without even saying goodbye. Adam sees me at the bar, approaches me and brings me in for a hug.
“Hey man, long time no see!” Adam states.
“Hey Adam, that’s what happens when you leave town and don’t tell a soul!”
“Yeah, sorry about that I didn’t mean to hurt you or Lucy. I just went on a whim, they say if you know you know, but I guess I was wrong” Adam explains.
“Lucy was pissed man, I have never seen her hurt like that before.”
“I definitely didn't want to hurt her or you even. Definitely not my intention” Adam says with a sad look on his face.
“Well you are here now, so does that mean you are back for good?”
“Yes! I am not going anywhere, I learned that the hard way” Adam says in excitement.
“Good! That will sure make Lucy happy! We have a lot of time to make up for! We should get Lucy in here to do some shots with us!”
“Hell yeah, she is the birthday girl after all” Adam shouts!
We have been drinking for the past two hours and it is almost 1am, we have had so many shots I have lost count. I have never seen Lucy this drunk, this is a side of her I have never seen before. She has tripped a few times and even got up on the bar to dance. The only time I have ever seen her dance is when she had a few drinks at our wedding.
Me, Adam and Lucy are the last people here and this is the most fun I have had in awhile. Couldn’t be better than having my best friend and my wife drunk off our asses dancing and acting a fool.
I look over and Adam and Lucy are dancing very closely and her hand is on his neck and my cock twitches. What is that feeling? Does that actually turn me on? No, that’s fucked, what is wrong with me? She is mine all mine.
He leans in and grabs her by the waist and my cock twitches even harder. What is wrong with me? Has it always been there, I’ve just never noticed it? They did have a deep hug earlier, I don’t know I might just be thinking too much because I am drunk. Fuck it, I walk over to them and look at both of them as they start to stare back at me.
“What’s wrong baby?” Lucy asks.
“I have an idea and if you guys aren't down then I won’t bring it up again.” They look at me so confused. “I want you to kiss him baby girl”.
Adam looks dead at me and says, “What the hell, man? She is your wife!”
Without even giving it a thought Lucy grabs him and kisses him and not a peck kiss either. It is a deep passionate kiss and I know those kisses and how good she can kiss. Is that the alcohol talking? Is that the ‘she wouldn’t disobey me’ attitude? Whatever it is has me hard as fuck. Who would have thought I would be turned on by my wife kissing somebody else?
Adam pulls away panting and looks at me scared like I am about to hit him. “Uh sorry man I didn’t know what to do she pulled me in.”
“Don’t act like you didn’t love that! Because I know I sure did! Don’t be scared man, I'm not mad at you.”
Within the next second Lucy passes out and we both catch her, “I guess the night is over now. Why don’t you call us an uber and you can crash at our place.”
Adam looks at me confused, “Are you sure? I don’t want to be a bother!”
“Of course, our place is closer!”