I sit straight up and immediately put my hands to my head, I have the worst hangover. WAIT!! Did I kiss Adam? Did Travis tell me to kiss Adam? Or was that all a dream? It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had a dream like that. But, they have never been that realistic.
Also, how did I get home? I don’t even remember riding in the car home? I look over to Travis’ spot in the bed and it is empty. I grab my phone and it’s 10am. I can’t remember the last time I slept this late.
I walk out into the living room and Adam is passed out on our couch in nothing but a pair of boxers. There is no sight of my husband and I don’t know if what I remember was a dream or if it really happened. I can’t help but stare at Adam with his sculpted body as he lays sleeping peacefully on our couch.
No, I shouldn’t be looking at him in this way, he is my husband's best friend, Travis would be pissed. As soon as I look away Travis walks in the door with coffee and doughnuts in hand. “Perfect you are awake, I got us a sugary breakfast to help with that hangover. How are you feeling, baby girl?”
“I have a terrible headache and I NEED that coffee!!”
Travis starts laughing, “Oh I know you do, I don’t think I have ever seen you take as many shots as you did last night.”
“You two kept handing them to me, was I supposed to say no?”
He snickers and says, “I just loved how carefree you were last night it got me thinking about something.”
“And what was that?”
He looks at me with that grin that makes me weak in the knees, “Do you remember what I asked you to do last night?”
I look over at Adam and then back to Travis. I gasp, “That wasn’t a dream?”
He smiles and says, “No baby girl it was not. But, it was the hottest thing I have ever seen and right after it happened you passed out and we had to carry you out and into the uber Adam called. I just hope it didn’t truly scare either one of you.”
I started to think about the kiss and how he asked and I just did it without hesitation. I guess I have always thought about it but never thought it would ever even be a thought in his head.
Travis can tell I am thinking hard, “are you okay baby girl?”
“Yeah yeah yeah I just don’t know what came over me to kiss him. I mean he is your best friend and wait you wanted me too. What was that all about”
He laughs, “Yes, I did want you to kiss him. I was standing there watching you both dance, your hand was on his neck and then his hand was on your waist. It drove me crazy, but not in the way that I wanted to punch him. But, in the way that my dick got so hard I wanted to see more.”
I gasped in shock, “Baby what are you saying? Are you wanting to have a threesome?”
He closes the distance between us and glances over at Adam, still asleep on the couch. “I want to watch him fuck you, would that be a problem for my baby girl?”
“If that is what you want, baby, as long as Adam is okay with it.”
He smiles and kisses me, “Well we can wait until he wakes up and we can talk to him about it. Deal?”
About an hour goes by after mine and Lucy’s conversation about Adam. We are just watching some TV when he finally wakes up. He rolls over and stares at us from the other end of the couch, “Good morning you two! How are you feeling this morning, Lucy?” he laughs.
“Ha ha ha, real funny, I already got the rundown of how drunk I was from Travis. You two had a huge part in how drunk I got, too bad I passed out before anything fun happened” Lucy snickered.
“Hey now, that is not all of our fault, you kept taking them from us. I think you wanted to get drunk and act a fool” Adam says with a grin.
“I wanted to act a fool? Last time I remembered it was also you two getting into trouble and coming home like drunk off your asses. I was always home at night and picking up after you two in the mornings” Lucy says with her sassy ass attitude.
“ Ha ha, she’s got us there Adam. We used to have so much fun at the bars on Friday nights after a long week of work, didn’t we?” Travis says as he looks at Adam.
Adam starts laughing, “Yeah we sure did have some insane fun, but not too much fun, you always had to keep me in line!” He gets up and goes to the kitchen to grab his coffee. I can’t help but stare at him as he does. I catch Travis out of the corner of my eye seeing me do that and he just smiles.
I cleared my throat, “Speaking of, do you remember what I asked you to do last night?”
He coughs “Uhh, yes yes I do. What about it? Did I do something wrong? Are you mad at me? Please tell me you aren’t mad at me!”
I raise my hand, “No no no man, to be honest it turned me on a lot. I didn’t think I would ever feel the way I did last night. But seeing you both put your hands on each other and then the kiss. I never even thought about sharing her, we have both only ever been with each other. But, I guess when it comes to you man, I know I can trust you. To not only never hurt her, but also to not cross any boundaries.”
Adam puts his head in his hands and sighs. “So you're telling me that you want me to kiss your wife again?”
I get up and look at both of them, “Not only that I want you to fuck her while I watch.”
Adam almost chokes on his coffee, “You want to watch me fuck your wife? Are you okay man? Like I don’t know how to feel about that.”
I grabbed his shoulders, “I totally understand, I don’t want to force either one of you to do something you don’t want to do. So if either of you tell me no then that’s it and I will never bring it up again.”
Adam looks at Lucy, “Is this something that you would be okay with? I mean I know he is the only person you have been with. I just don’t want to hurt either one of you.”
Lucy grabs his hand, “Yes, I think I would. Like he said we trust you to not hurt me. Out of anybody I know I can always trust you two.”
Adam sighs, “Okay I think I am going to need a few days to process this. It is not a decision I can make on a whim. I love you both and I don’t want to make the wrong choice when it comes to something like this.”
“That is totally fine, man. I don’t want to make either of you uncomfortable. Just give it some thought, I am actually serious about this, it is not a joke.”
Adam starts putting on his clothes from last night. “Okay, well I am going to get out of here and give you two the rest of your weekend alone. I will call you in a few days with my answer. I love you both!”
Me and Lucy in sync, “We love you too, have a good day!”
He grabs his keys and heads out the door, we are left alone in silence.