2. Son of a Mother

Julia’s face turned red with anger, but Calvin’s words had rendered her speechless.

“You’re the daughter of a doctor, aren’t you? Do you want to end up in jail? Or perhaps you’re not worried about how your father’s reputation might suffer because of his daughter’s rude behavior?” Calvin said calmly, his expression unwavering.

“You’re insufferable!” Julia spat, her voice shaking with rage.

“Let’s just leave him alone, Julia,” Imelda interjected, her tone bored. “He’s not worth the effort.”

With a dismissive glance, the girls turned and walked away. Calvin remained composed, brushing off the encounter.

Calvin was poor and lived with countless limitations, but he was intelligent and unyielding. His mother, Maria, had instilled confidence in him since he was a child. “Never fear anyone if you’re in the right,” she always said. Maria herself lived by this principle, working hard and honestly, even when it meant losing her job because she refused to engage in corruption at her workplace.

Watching his mother face life’s challenges with strength and dignity, Calvin vowed to become her protector. Besides majoring in business economics, Calvin also studied law. He dreamed of becoming a successful entrepreneur, not just to prove himself, but to give Maria the life she deserved.

As he headed toward the campus exit, Calvin noticed a girl crouched on the ground, frantically gathering scattered belongings. Concerned, he approached her, wondering if she had been bullied like him. Without hesitation, he knelt to help, picking up what appeared to be Lego pieces.

“Thank you so much for helping me,” the girl said with a warm smile.

“It’s nothing. Were you being bullied?” Calvin asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

“Oh, no!” she said, laughing at her own clumsiness. “I was running, and everything just fell out of my bag. There’s no one else here—only you happened to pass by.”

“I see. Be more careful next time,” Calvin replied.

“My name is Amity,” she said, extending her hand.

“Nice to meet you, Amity. I’m Calvin,” he replied, shaking her hand. “Amity—that’s a beautiful name. If I’m not mistaken, it means friendship.”

“That’s right! I’m impressed you knew that,” she said, her smile widening. “What’s your major?”

“Business economics,” Calvin answered.

“I’m studying architecture.”

“That explains the Lego pieces,” Calvin said with a chuckle.

“Yes! I use them to decorate my mock-ups. I’m working on a playful theme, so I included Lego figures,” she explained enthusiastically.

“That sounds creative. Good luck with your project,” Calvin said sincerely.

“Thanks! You too. See you around!” Amity waved as she hurried toward her lecture building.

Calvin watched her go, a small smile playing on his lips. It was the first time someone had spoken to him so kindly on campus without caring about his financial status.

“She’s nice. Her name really suits her,” Calvin murmured before resuming his walk.

Leaving campus, Calvin headed to the bakery to buy bread for his mother. Instead of buying the leftover bread Maria had requested, Calvin decided to splurge on fresh, warm loaves. It was Maria’s birthday, and he wanted to give her something special.

With the bread in hand, he stopped by a supermarket and purchased eggs, chicken, and a few cold drinks. It wasn’t much, but it was all he could afford. Using his part-time job earnings, Calvin was determined to make Maria’s birthday memorable.

At home, Calvin prepared a simple yet heartfelt meal. He seasoned the chicken, cooked it to perfection, and set the table with care. By 8 p.m., Maria still hadn’t returned. When she finally came home, her face looked worn, and she seemed drained. Calvin noticed the faint smell of alcohol—a rare occurrence for his mother.

“Happy birthday, Mom!” Calvin greeted her, presenting a plate of fried chicken with a single candle perched on top.

Maria’s eyes widened in surprise, but her expression quickly turned to concern. “Oh, Calvin! Chicken? Dessert? Where did you get the money for this? Who gave it to you? Tell me the truth—did you take bribes from someone?” she asked, her voice tinged with fear.

“What? No, Mom. Who do you think would—”

“Don’t lie to me, Calvin! I work hard every day to protect us from dishonest people. Are they forcing you to take their dirty money?” Maria interrupted, looking increasingly distressed.

“Calm down, Mom! This is my money—I earned it!” Calvin reassured her.

“You’re working? But you’re supposed to focus on college! I can manage to pay for you,” Maria said, her voice trembling.

“I’m 18 now, Mom. I’m old enough to take responsibility and lighten your burden. I can’t stand watching you eat leftover food just so I can go to college,” Calvin said, his voice firm but kind.

Maria sank to the floor, tears streaming down her face. Calvin knelt beside her, his heart aching.

“Mom, please tell me—what’s troubling you?”

“It’s nothing, my son. I’m sorry. I even forgot it was my birthday,” Maria said between sobs.

“Don’t say that, Mom. You’ve done so much for me. You deserve more than this. I’ll work harder, apply for scholarships, and do whatever it takes to help us get by. From now on, you can rely on me,” Calvin said, wrapping his arms around her.

Maria wiped her tears and smiled through her sadness. “You’re a good son, Calvin. I believe in you. But please remember—seeing you succeed is the only happiness I need.”

Calvin nodded, his resolve strengthening. Maria’s unwavering love and resilience had shaped him into the determined young man he was. As he held her close, he silently vowed to make her proud and give her the life she truly deserved.

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