

The ship I'm on is very small and windowless, so I didn't see anything when it landed on my new home. I just stayed inside, sitting and praying for the best, wondering if this Kaleo Ni is really everything Unob said and whether I'll be able to adjust to this new life that arrived so abruptly.

But now the ship has landed on the planet, Melissa, so just accept the new life and make it work, like you’ve always done since you were born.

I take a deep breath, so anxious that I feel a strange pain in my chest, and then I press the red button, which makes the metal door slide to the side with a low sound. But since I'm terrified of what awaits me, I close my eyes and wait for the warm breeze that should hit my face at any moment.

It will be fine, Melissa. It has to be.

My two huge suitcases are beside me, one filled with sex toys that I couldn’t bring myself to leave behind, and some outfits I used for my shows with clients. The other contains some clothes and my bedside lamp.

Now you're going to live in a nice house, with servants, and plenty of free time to finally catch up on all the Earth series you want, Mel, be happy!

The website said the planet where I’ll live now is like Hawaii! A country on Earth that’s warm and paradise-like, full of beautiful beaches I never had the chance to visit, even though I'm human.

But the second I hear the ship’s door finish opening, even before that, what blows onto my face is a cold wind. Actually, not cold. FREEZING!

I shrink immediately, only wearing my light, flared dress that I put on to look more "innocent," and my teeth start to chatter. The cold is so intense it pierces through my body almost like fire would. It burns me and forces me to open my eyes to understand what’s happening.

But the second I separate my eyelids, I only see a whitish mist, extremely cold, that sends shivers down every part of my body. It doesn’t let me see anything outside the tiny ship I used to come to the home planet of the man who bought me. Or almost nothing, as little by little, within this thick, freezing fog that has a strange smell, at least five pairs of eyes red as blood start to appear.

Shit, this doesn’t look like Hawaii!

And things only get worse when the mist clears a little, allowing me to understand that these pairs of eyes aren't far off. In fact, one of them is right at the edge of the ship’s door.

I grew up in space, I’ve seen dozens of types of aliens, and they all fit into the same category: they don't look anything like humans, only like things we have on Earth.

I’ve seen aliens that were huge octopuses, ones with horse faces, cat faces, and many others, but these ones are different, because they have all the limbs I have, at least I think so, and I don’t know why, but it’s unsettling.

But you were sold, Mel, so breathe and don’t lose your mind. This could be a servant of your husband or something like that, because the Faleus are not.

The alien closest to me is very tall, he must easily be over two meters, maybe 2.40m or something like that, which makes me feel tiny and subordinate. And he's not just tall, he's wide, with a thick dark blue neck, contrasting with an extremely masculine and untamed face.

Shit, shit, shit! This thing is huge!

Also, in the middle of his long, dark hair, which is very voluminous and wavy, he has sharp horns that are over thirty centimeters long, like a demon. And the most unsettling thing is the expression on his face, so serious and intimidating.

He looks… primitive, with animal skin clothes and a dense beard, which is the complete opposite of what I was expecting, and it makes me begin to fear that I might have ended up on the wrong planet, because the Faleus are technological, they don’t wear animal skin clothes.

Now I just don’t know how I’m going to get to the right planet!

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