Chapter 7

POV Melissa

I really wish I could help Diana more, but Unob doesn’t let me spend more than five minutes in the cafeteria before he starts pushing me toward the mini-module, a small ship that can fly independently of the larger ship. It can hold a maximum of two members, depending on their race and weight.

The giant cockroach must be thinking about his brons for having pointed me out, hence the anxiety. He does everything for money, even buying a human in an auction and ending up tricked, receiving an Earth engineer instead of a ship engineer.

However, the good side is that I was able to pass my mini-hologram to the new member before leaving the cafeteria. It’s about the size of what I imagine a phone would be and is set to Portuguese because I got a client to install that rare translation for me so I could practice the language more.

With my hologram in a language Diana speaks, it will be easier for her to survive here, and I can help her better when she meets my husband. I can use my brons to buy her from Unob and give her a good life in Faleia, which is not Earth, but better than this ship.

"Diana can stay in my room, okay? I mean, Elsa can stay in my room and with everything that’s mine," I say as we walk down a metal corridor with lights of different colors on the floor. They indicate where we should go, since everything here looks the same, and each color represents a different room. "And she said she saw a bunch of problems on the ship," I invent, to spare Diana from having to perform shows.


"I told her about the pipe that burst on my head, and she said if it wasn’t properly fixed, you could end up lost out there. The navigator might stop and… you’d be in the middle of nowhere, unable to refuel and at the mercy of pirates." I try to sound dramatic.

Ships are easy to navigate because everything is voice-controlled, but knowing how to actually operate them, like changing fluids and knowing what updates to make, is not the same as just piloting them.

"Better for her to work only on the ship for a while, then." He agrees right away, and I breathe a little easier.

Diana doesn’t seem like the type who will like working with what I do, especially since she’s already in shock. And I wouldn’t admit this out loud, but I took the job years ago because there’s a part of me that has always liked the idea of showing off.

At first, it was terrifying, but later… I would get wet the more men watched me. If there were a bunch in the same room, jerking off, I loved riding and going down on thick dildos, I loved the compliments. I have a huge collection of different dicks because of that.

The feeling of spreading my legs, showing myself to a bunch of strangers who couldn’t see my face, made my heart race in a different way.

But nowadays, I don’t enjoy it anymore because my anger over never improving my life is much bigger than my arousal.

"Noemia can help Elsa, if she wants a human." Noemia? That woman is a bitch! "But focus on the now, Kitty. The bags you left in your room that I brought here, do they have everything you need? Once you land, I won’t be able to send you anything," he asks while opening the door to the small modules room.

I think I’ve only been here once since I started working for Unob. There are three of them, and they’re very valuable because they don’t return from the destination they land on, and they have vacuum food that lasts for many days. It’s like a bunker, but all metal and floating in space.

"Can’t we wait a bit? I should talk a little more with Diana." I try again to avoid this sudden departure because I don’t feel ready.

My legs are even trembling, and my knees feel weak, like they could give out at any moment.

Technically, I’m going to a better place, a warm and rich place, something I’ve never had in my life, but I still feel sad about leaving. I’ve lived almost 28 years in space, learned to survive, and now I don’t really know what awaits me. I’ve never landed on a planet, never seen a sunrise.

"I’ve scheduled an appointment with Kaleo Kin, and he’s already waiting for you more than eagerly. So get in the module, in a few hours you’ll be there, and don’t forget to change clothes!" Unob, who is much less nervous than I am, points to my current pajamas, and I make a face as he opens the module door, typing something on the door’s keypad.

It opens automatically a few seconds later with a soft sound, and I feel cold inside, especially when I realize how tiny it is and that it doesn’t have a single window.

Shit, I’m scared!

"Of course I’ll change clothes," I grumble as I slowly step into the cabin.

Now it seems like this module is just another little room on the ship, but actually, once Unob programs it, it has to leave to avoid being sucked into space, and then the ship seals the hole where it was attached.

The smell is a bit strange, too clean, and you can tell everything is both new and old at the same time. New because the metal color on the walls too close to me is light, and there’s even a kind of protective plastic on the small row of buttons on one of the walls. And old because this ship is old. Even the ship I was born in was less of a hassle.

"Try to be polite with Kaleo, Kitty, obey him at least in the beginning, they like submission, and don’t talk about the shows," he reveals something I didn’t find in my research on the Faleus, looking at me from the door of the mini-module as his nose slowly rotates in the middle of his face.

Unob definitely forgot to take care of the skin he’s wearing now.

"You didn’t tell me I’m a camgirl?!" My whole face heats up at that moment, and I start to feel even more nervous.

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