Chapter 08: Did he touch me?!
Avery's POV
Was I hallucinating or is this actually real? Dario Moretti caring for me?
I didn't even know why I seemed surprised that he was capable of care, seeing as I didn't know him, so it turned out that I had already judged that he was a bad person based on what others had said and what I had heard about him and I despised myself greatly for that because one thing I had never been a fan of was judging people before actually knowing them–and that's what I just did.
I was really surprised when he came into the room, scolding me for making myself exposed to the cold, and I couldn't help but wonder to myself. Did he care about me?
Well, he said that he didn't want a dead body on him, so maybe that was just it, but I was also not so sure. Besides, he also cooked a delicious meal for me. I couldn't deny that that was one of the best meals I've ever had, and I've not had much in my lifetime, so my taste buds might have just been really bored for a really long time and got excited at the taste of good food.
When I finally thought of it, I began to get scared. What if he was just being nice to me so that I could reveal our family secrets to him and then he uses it against my father and my brothers. Not that I would have not agreed to give him the information though, because I'd have gladly given him any information that was going to take down my father. The only problem was that…I didn't have the information. And I couldn't even think of what he was going to do to me when I refused to give him the information he demanded.
Bitch, calm down. What makes you think that's why he's being nice to you? My subconscious asked, scowling at me.
“Well what other reason can you think of?” I asked, scowling back and rolling my eyes at her.
Maybe he likes you. You can never tell. Besides, even if that's what he wants, you can just tell him you don't have it. What makes you think he'd do anything to harm you? She asked again, glaring at me like I was a total idiot.
I intentionally ignored her first statement and moved to reply to the others because she can be so dumb when it comes to males. “I think so, because my father is also a Mafia boss and I know their ways. They can be really sweet with their captives to get what they want, but if it turns out that the said captive doesn't have what they want or what they're asking for, they could kill the person. And. I don't know about you, but I'm not ready to die yet. I just escaped from my father.”
She sighed. I hate to admit it but….she paused and made a sound like she was about to vomit. But you're right. She said it so fast, I almost didn't hear her.
Damn, when did she become a rapper?!
Also, I don't know if you've forgotten this, but I live in your head so I see all your thoughts. I just choose to ignore them most times, but don't you dare call me dumb. Ever. Again. She growled at me, causing me to shiver slightly.
“Okay. I'm sorry. I won't ever insult you again.” I murmured, raising my hands up in surrender.
Good for you. She replied before putting a sleeping mask over her eyes.
Good night. She muttered, and she was right.
I needed to get some sleep, if I wanted to wake up bright and early, which I planned to do. And according to the digital clock beside the bed, it was currently 11pm.
I was normally the type of person that didn't have any difficulty falling asleep, but right now, I had too much on my mind to go to sleep. I had no option though. I wasn't in my house, so I was going to make sure I rose with the cocks. I didn't want to be taken unawares.
With that as my mantra, I cleared my head of any thoughts and went to sleep.
I was sure this was the best sleep I'd ever had since I was born. It turned out the only reason I was having so many thoughts in my head was because I hadn't laid my head on the pillow. Because immediately my head hit the pillow, I was gone – pulled into another world by no other than the angel of restful sleep.
I felt so good as I stretched my rested limbs. It felt like I had been remodeled overnight. I didn't feel like the same person I was yesterday. Even my skin looked really glowy to me, and my skin was normally dry and crusty.
Good morning, beautiful. My subconscious called out to me in a sing-song voice, as she walked around cleaning her little room with a huge smile on my face.
Now nobody could tell me otherwise. I was so sure I had been remodeled, because when did my subconscious ever compliment me that she was beginning to call me beautiful? She had never even greeted me without a bad or mocking reason, so what the heck was going on?
I was going about my day in a glorious bubble of joy. I redressed the bed with new sheets I found on a shelf, fluffed the pillows and changed the pillowcases, opened the windows to get some fresh air in before I'd shut it back and turn on the heater and I even turned on the TV.
After about 6 minutes, the room was getting cold, and I was sure that I had gotten fresh air, so I got up to go close the windows and that's when my bubble of joy bursted. Right there on the bedside table was a note. One that wasn't there yesterday, meaning that someone came in the room while I was asleep. Also meaning that I was prone to danger in a time when I was completely defenseless.
I picked up the note, and it read:
I've gotten some new clothes for you. They're in the closet for whenever you shower. Burned the old ones you came with too. They're not even worthy of being used as rags anyway.
Dario Moretti.
I couldn't believe Dario walked in here and dropped this message without me even stirring. It was crazy, but it also showed that I had to try to be more alert, which I was going to try to be from now on.
I got up and walked to the closet to check out the clothes he got for me. I opened the door and my jaw dropped.
The closet was filled to the max with different types of clothes in different colors. There were even shoes there. But when I tried on the clothes I became more scared.
Everything fits perfectly. How did he get my perfect size? Could he have touched me while I was asleep?
I looked at my subconscious who was just standing there dumbfounded. For her to lose her tongue,it had to be serious.